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Rachada Apiromdej Spearheads Global Trend Summit Bangkok 2024: Shaping the Future of Consumer Insights

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THINK NEXT ASIA is a dynamic company dedicated to empowering leaders with the cutting-edge forward-thinking they need. As the exclusive partner of TrendWatching in Thailand and the broader APAC region, THINK NEXT ASIA unequivocally taps into the vast reservoir of global consumer trends knowledge that TrendWatching provides. Renowned for their perceptive and predictive insights, TrendWatching stands tall as a global leader in understanding and forecasting consumer behavior.

August 27, 2024, marked a significant event in the bustling city of Bangkok. The Global Trend Summit 2024 – Bangkok was hosted at the InterContinental Bangkok Hotel, drawing over 350 business leaders from across Asia. This gathering wasn’t just another business summit; it was an exhilarating convergence of minds eager to dissect and digest the trends poised to shape 2025. Organized by THINK NEXT ASIA and TrendWatching, the summit offered participants a privileged preview into the future, supported by the narratives of leading Thai visionary organizational leaders.

Rachada Apiromdej, the Founder and CEO of THINK NEXT ASIA, passionately endorsed the summit’s significance. “The Global Trend Summit Bangkok 2024 is where diverse experts in consumer trends congregate, offering a unique glimpse into the forthcoming trends of 2025. TrendWatching, with its unparalleled authority on trends, is poised to unveil how consumer expectations are metamorphosing through pivotal influences such as AI x Humanity, Asia x Soft Power, Gen Z x NOW Expectations, and Purpose x Impact. This conference, crafted for forward-thinking executives, includes stimulating workshops designed to spark creativity and provide practical applications of trends. Every participant is granted complimentary 3-month access to the TrendWatching Intelligence Platform, presenting an exclusive gateway to global trends,” she shared.

The summit was a joint effort with collaboration from Jimi The Coach Group and sponsorships from prestigious organizations such as PTT Exploration and Production PLC, The Siam Cement PLC, The Stock Exchange of Thailand, Winnergy Medical PCL, Central Pattana PCL, and Betagro PCL. Ms. Rachada highlighted, “Featuring esteemed global and national speakers, the event dispensed actionable foresight and intelligence. As NEXT thinkers keen on predicting ‘what consumers want next,’ we deliver trend intelligence through a robust framework designed to ignite strategic and innovative thinking, paving the way for constructing a new S-curve conducive to purposeful business growth.”

Topics broached by consumer trends experts at the summit were diverse, reflecting on the multifaceted nature of upcoming trends expected to impact the next year. The theme, ‘From Asia To Global Impact,’ underscored Asia’s transformative journey from being a trend follower to a formidable global leader in technology, culture, and soft power. Another standout session, “Business of Purpose,” delved into how enterprises can translate their core values and purposes into tangible, impactful outcomes, featuring a distinguished panel of speakers and dynamic discussions.

Ms. Rachada remarked on the importance of staying abreast of evolving trends in today’s ever-changing world. “In our fast-paced society, it’s imperative for executives, entrepreneurs, and the general public to keep up with new trends. Understanding why these trends emerge is crucial in analyzing their implications and nurturing innovative ideas rooted in consumer expectations,” she pointed out. “Now more than ever, aligning your business with its purpose is vital; it’s the trend of all trends. A purpose-driven business will not only positively impact the public but will also ensure consistent growth.”

To stay updated on the latest activities and initiatives from THINK NEXT ASIA, visit their website:


  1. business_guru August 28, 2024

    The importance of consumer insights cannot be overstated. This summit sounds like a game-changer. Can’t wait to see the impacts!

    • SarahJ August 28, 2024

      Absolutely! But don’t you think it’s just another corporate buzzword fest? These summits often overpromise and underdeliver.

      • business_guru August 28, 2024

        I get where you’re coming from, Sarah. But with speakers like Rachada Apiromdej, I’m hopeful this one will be different.

      • John D August 28, 2024

        Agreed. Too many times these events are just PR stunts. Will they really provide actionable insights?

  2. tech_nerd89 August 28, 2024

    AI x Humanity and Asia x Soft Power are fascinating topics. Do you think Asia will really surpass the West in tech leadership?

    • Eleanor Smith August 28, 2024

      Considering the rapid advancements in countries like China and South Korea, it’s a distinct possibility. The West is becoming complacent.

    • tech_nerd89 August 28, 2024

      Exactly, Eleanor. The West needs to wake up or risk falling behind significantly.

    • FutureSeer August 28, 2024

      I think it’s inevitable. Asia’s got the momentum, innovation, and a younger workforce driving this shift.

    • CuriousK August 28, 2024

      But doesn’t quality still matter? Tech coming from the West still has a reputation for quality over quantity.

  3. Monica L August 28, 2024

    What can a conference really offer that we can’t get from online resources nowadays? Seems like a waste of money.

    • Nate August 28, 2024

      Nothing beats face-to-face networking and the energy of live workshops. You can’t replicate that online.

    • Mike_the_Skeptic August 28, 2024

      But isn’t it just a fancy way to get people to pay for those networking opportunities? Feels like a cash grab.

    • Monica L August 28, 2024

      Good point, Nate. But Mike’s right too. Seems like the cost-benefit ratio is skewed.

  4. EcoEnthusiast August 28, 2024

    Interesting that businesses are finally focusing on purpose and impact. It’s high time corporate greed takes a backseat.

    • Andrew K. August 28, 2024

      Call me cynical, but do you really believe these companies care more than they care about profits?

    • EcoEnthusiast August 28, 2024

      Profit and purpose don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Companies can do well and do good.

    • Steve87 August 28, 2024

      It’s PR. Plain and simple. They just want to appear socially responsible to attract more customers.

    • EcoEnthusiast August 28, 2024

      Steve, even if it’s PR, if it leads to positive change, isn’t that a win?

  5. EntrepMan August 28, 2024

    These workshops on practical applications of trends sound exciting. Might actually be worthwhile for startups.

    • Alicia S August 28, 2024

      For sure! Startups need all the insights they can get to stay competitive.

    • Sam W August 28, 2024

      But can a 3-month access pass to a trends platform really make a difference for a startup with limited resources?

    • EntrepMan August 28, 2024

      Alicia is right. Sometimes, a little knowledge can go a long way, especially in the early stages.

    • growth_hacker August 28, 2024

      Also, networking at such events can open doors and connections that money can’t buy.

  6. PhD_in_Sociology August 28, 2024

    The shift from ‘trend follower to leader’ for Asia is noteworthy. This summit seems like it’s recognizing that transformation.

    • Jess H August 28, 2024

      Totally! Asia’s cultural soft power is stronger than ever. K-pop, anime, and even cuisine trends are shaping global tastes.

    • PhD_in_Sociology August 28, 2024

      Precisely, Jess. It’s about time people acknowledge that trends are no longer solely dictated by the West.

  7. TrendWatcherFan August 28, 2024

    I’ve followed TrendWatching for years. They never disappoint with their insights!

    • Ricky23 August 28, 2024

      Really? I’ve found some of their predictions hit or miss. Sometimes seems like common sense dressed up in fancy jargon.

    • TrendWatcherFan August 28, 2024

      Fair point, Ricky. But overall, their track record is solid. You just have to sift through the noise.

  8. Michelle August 28, 2024

    Does anyone think that focusing on Gen Z expectations is overhyped? They seem too fickle to be reliable trend-setters.

    • Jonas K August 28, 2024

      Gen Z is shaping tomorrow’s market. Underestimating their influence can be a huge mistake.

    • Emma B August 28, 2024

      But Jonas, the trends change faster than the weather. It’s challenging for businesses to keep up.

    • Michelle August 28, 2024

      Exactly, Emma. Stability is key for business. Chasing every new Gen Z trend isn’t sustainable.

  9. VisionaryTed August 28, 2024

    Purpose x Impact is basically the future. Businesses need to align with this or risk becoming obsolete.

    • Katya August 28, 2024

      True, but it’s easier said than done. Not every company can integrate purpose-driven strategies smoothly.

    • VisionaryTed August 28, 2024

      Change is always hard, Katya. But those who don’t adapt will be left behind.

  10. Susan P. August 28, 2024

    Why isn’t there more representation from grassroots organizations at these summits? They’re the real trendsetters.

    • Tom_T August 28, 2024

      Grassroots often lack the resources to participate. It’s unfortunate but true.

    • EcoSis August 28, 2024

      Tom’s right, but conferences should make an effort to include and highlight these voices.

  11. Raj August 28, 2024

    The session on ‘Business of Purpose’ sounds intriguing. Companies need to find their core value propositions.

  12. Zara M. August 28, 2024

    Isn’t it ironic that corporate giants sponsor these summits preaching ethics and purpose?

  13. Arthur C August 28, 2024

    I think the key takeaway is not just about trends but understanding the ‘why’ behind them. That’s what drives real innovation.

  14. Jen_Loves_Trends August 28, 2024

    The collaboration between THINK NEXT ASIA and TrendWatching is such a powerhouse alliance. Expecting great outcomes!

  15. OldTimer August 28, 2024

    Been to too many of these ‘innovative’ summits. They all seem to regurgitate the same stuff. Prove me wrong, Apiromdej.

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