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Revolutionary Trio Shaping Thailand’s Future: Kao, SCG, and Dow’s Pact to Forge an Eco-Friendly Packaging Empire!

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Welcome to the epoch of eco-friendly innovation, where Kao Industrial (Thailand) Co., Ltd., known affectionately as Kao, joins forces with the packaging virtuosos at SCG Chemicals Co., Ltd. (SCGC) and Dow Thailand Group (Dow). This triumvirate of industrial ingenuity is on a mission to revolutionize the packaging landscape, making it friendlier for our dear planet. Imagine a world where your favorite household brands, such as Attack, Biore, Haiter, Laurier, and Magiclean, are wrapped in high-quality, sustainable armor without the added carbon guilt. Yes, that’s the future these titans are forging, right here in the heart of Thailand!

An auspicious Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been penned — not in ordinary ink, but with a shared vision for a greener tomorrow — at Dow Thailand’s eco-savvy headquarters nestled within True Digital Park West. A forward-thinking trinity gathered as Kao Thailand’s virtuoso of eco-change, President Yuji Shimizu; SCGC’s maestro of molecules, Executive Director Pisan Uawithya; and Dow Thailand’s captain of circular solutions, President Chatchai Luanpolcharoenchai, clasped hands and embarked on this sustainability odyssey.

“The beatific vision of our ‘Kirei Lifestyle Plan’ is now joined in harmony with the 4Rs of eco-consciousness: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Replace,” proclaimed an elated Yuji Shimizu. “Kao hums with a zest to touch zero carbon emissions come 2040, harmonizing our tune with the earth’s rhythm to combat climate change. We’re crafting an operatic score of conservation across our production plants, and curating product designs that dance lightly on the earth. With grand goals of waving goodbye to waste plastic packaging by the same year, we’ve found our perfect chorus in Dow and SCGC. Together, we shall compose a symphony of sustainable packaging that serenades consumers with environmental kindness.”

SCGC’s Pisan Uawithya chimed in with melodious intent, “Under the broad umbrella of the circular economy, SCGC orchestrates a green concerto of solutions attuned to the pulse of sustainability. Our alliance with Kao is fuelled by the avant-garde spirit of SCGC GREEN POLYMER™, a suite of eco-resplendent compositions including bottles and bags that stand as testaments to our dedication. We’re crafting a future where product packaging doesn’t just exist, but thrives in a dance of resource efficiency and circular elegance in Thailand.”

Chiming with innovation, Dow Thailand’s President Chatchai Luanpolcharoenchai added, “At Dow, we’re gardeners nurturing a greener marketing landscape, where our blooms of innovation help customers cultivate their carbon footprint making a compost of plastic waste. With joy, we lend our expertise to Kao, sprinkling our seeds of sustainability onto a fertile field of flexible packaging. Through the Dow Pack Studio’s alchemy in Singapore and our innovative plastics like INNATE, ELITE, DOWLEX, and Dow PCR (REVOLOOP), we’re anticipating a harvest of recyclable packages that gently nestle the environment and embrace consumer desires.”

With this MoU, a new chapter unfolds, graced with the promise of inventive materials and trailblazing technologies that weave together rigid (bottle) and flexible (bag) packaging solutions. These aren’t just parcels; they’re guardians of the goods, designed to preserve both product sanctity and consumer convenience while sporting a minuscule carbon footprint. Such collaboration paints a lustrous stroke on Kao’s canvas of sustainability ambitions, seeking not just carbon neutrality, but a symbiosis with Earth by 2050, and aligns with SCGC and Dow’s pledges to craft a greener chapter for Thai consumers.

So, let’s raise our glasses (eco-friendly, of course) to this alliance, where innovation blooms, sustainability resonates, and hope for a cleaner, greener world is not just imagined, but meticulously designed and realized.


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