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Sun-Powered Savings Symphony: Thai Cooperatives Spark a Green Energy Revolution!

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Imagine a world where the sun does more than just provide natural light and warmth; it powers our businesses, our communities, and leads us toward a greener, more cost-effective future. That’s exactly the future Oam Suk Social Enterprise envisions—a subsidiary of the Bangchak Group that’s making waves in the renewable energy space. They’ve embarked on a visionary project that involves a harmonious collaboration with a network of cooperative service stations, aimed at steering them towards sustainability and financial savings by harnessing solar energy.

The narrative began with a signing ceremony that was nothing short of a milestone in environmental stewardship. The “Cooperative Network to Combat Global Warming” project was born out of a coalition of five trailblazing cooperatives, and the scene was set with influential leaders in sustainability. Picture Gloyta Nathalang and Charnvit Trangadisaikul, stalwarts from Bangchak Corporation, joining hands with cooperative presidents from across the country, all eager to ink their commitment to the environment.

Representatives like Thani Chanaklang and Chen Nilamoon, seasoned agriculturists, alongside visionaries like Prathuan Kanta, Kamol Lertprasertvej, and Samai Boonsan, made their mark as the vanguard of this eco-friendly movement. These cooperatives, now not just energy consumers but producers, are stepping into the limelight as guardians of the environment, proving that commitment and collective action can indeed lead to monumental changes.

The event even glittered with the presence of high-profile environmental advocates like Kiatchai Maitriwong of TGO, and Vattana Pornpatkul, lending their support and celebrating this green initiative. The project is a testimony to cooperation, with the aim of creating a ripple effect across the country, inspiring other cooperatives to join this solar revolution.

Under the dazzling Thai sun, these cooperatives are not only slashing operational costs but also becoming stewrads of the Earth. Each newly installed rooftop solar array whispers a story of innovation and change — a tale that resonates with the core mission of Oam Suk Social Enterprise — to empower and uplift agricultural collectives with renewable solutions.

Moreover, as these cooperatives enjoy the bounty of the sun, Bangchak stands ready to assist in channeling the financial fruit borne of carbon credits through the esteemed T-VER program by TGO. This collaboration isn’t just about energy; it’s a partnership that sows seeds of education and growth. The cooperatives involved are transforming into beacon centers of knowledge, where others can come to learn, and be inspired to join the green movement.

Imagine the opportunities as more cooperatives embark on this journey. Each solar panel becomes a symbol of responsibility and a beacon of change, creating a domino effect across the land. Every kilowatt generated is not just power – it’s a statement that in Thailand, the future is bright, green, and infinitely sustainable. So, let’s raise a glass (a reusable one, of course) to this solar-powered symphony that is playing a harmonious tune for our wallets and our planet. Cheers to Oam Suk Social Enterprise and every cooperative under the sun who’s daring to dream, and doing their part for a “lighter” future.


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