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Sustainability Expo 2024: Explore Innovation and Collaboration in Bangkok

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The Sustainability Expo (SX) 2024 makes a triumphant return to Thailand, marking its fifth year as ASEAN’s largest platform for sustainability, innovation, and collaboration. Running from September 27 to October 6 at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC) in Bangkok, this year’s event promises to be grander and more engaging than ever. Anchored by the theme ‘Sufficiency for Sustainability,’ SX 2024 draws inspiration from King Rama IX’s Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) and King Rama X’s determination to uphold his father’s sustainable legacy.

Supported by a coalition of five leading corporations—Frasers Property (Thailand) Public Co., Ltd., PTT Public Co., Ltd., SCG, ThaiBev, and Thai Union Group Public Co., Ltd.—the event is poised to galvanize businesses, governments, and individuals to forge a greener future together. This year, the Expo aims to merge tradition with modernity, bridling the SEP and harnessing contemporary innovations for sustainable development under the overarching theme, ‘Good Balance, Better World.’

Get ready to be blown away by over 270 exhibitors from Thailand and beyond, showcasing the industry’s cutting-edge sustainable innovations. The Expo also boasts a star-studded lineup of more than 600 expert speakers hailing from every corner of the globe, ready to share their knowledge on sustainable development, emerging technologies, and groundbreaking solutions to combat climate change.

SX 2024 isn’t just about listening; it’s about doing. Visitors can engage in a plethora of workshops, seminars, and hands-on activities designed to arm them with the tools and knowledge necessary to make a tangible impact. It’s a melting pot of ideas and a launchpad for collaboration and action, tailored to both the novice eco-warrior and the seasoned sustainability advocate.

Tongjai Thanachanan, the director of SX, emphasized the unique business-to-consumer-to-business (B2C2B) model that roots the Expo’s dynamics. “The Expo serves as a regional platform for sustainability, connecting various sectors and showcasing knowledge, innovations, and technologies that inspire action and change,” she noted. Over the past four events, SX has successfully drawn over 800,000 attendees and generated more than 60 million baht in revenue for local communities and vendors.

Attendees, prepare yourselves for an array of diverse zones, each designed to offer a unique lens into the world of sustainability. Here are five standout zones:

1) SEP Inspiration Zone: The Heart of Sustainability

Located on the ground floor, this zone vividly raises awareness of natural crises using the SEP as a guiding principle. Under the poignant theme “The World Has Changed,” the zone features three captivating areas:

  • Zone A: Mirror Walkway – “Reflection of Impact”: A striking tunnel that visualizes the stark realities of climate change through reflective imagery.
  • Zone B: Immersive Theatre – “Point of No Return!”: A powerful theatre experience that portrays the irreversible changes caused by human actions.
  • Zone C: Hope & Helps – “Adaptation”: This area explores strategies for adapting to the inevitable changes brought about by a shifting world.

2) Better Me Zone: Health and Well-being

Focusing on sustainable living from the inside out, this zone offers invaluable tips on maintaining both physical and mental health. Highlights include:

  • Healthy & Happy Living: Expert advice on nutrition and balanced living from renowned institutions such as the Food Institute, the Heart Association of Thailand, Bhumirajanagarindra Kidney Institute Hospital, and Nestle.
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s Prevention: Cutting-edge innovations like the i-Exc Game Interaction Exercise and Cognition from Chulalongkorn Hospital that aim to slow cognitive decline.

3) Better Living Zone: Environmental Innovations

This zone tackles climate change head-on, focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Featured exhibits and activities include:

  • Thai Beverage Public Co., Ltd’s “Water of Life”: A compelling exhibit emphasizing the importance of water conservation from source to sea.
  • Thai Union Group’s SeaChange® 2030 strategy: Demonstrating sustainable seafood practices throughout the supply chain.
  • HINO DUTRO Z EV: A look at a fully electric truck, representing the future of sustainable transportation.

4) Better Community Zone: Building Social Resilience

This zone showcases successful social, environmental, and economic projects that have significantly improved communities. Engage in:

  • Learning Society: Promoting lifelong learning and youth development through various community initiatives.
  • Caring City: Innovative designs for inclusive and safe urban spaces aimed at enhancing the quality of life for all residents.
  • Art-Driven City: How art and culture can bolster economic growth and community development.

5) Better World Zone: Art and Environmental Awareness

This zone celebrates the synergy between art and sustainability, featuring:

  • ASEAN SX Photo Contest 2024: Spotlighting photographers from ten ASEAN countries who explore themes of biodiversity and environmental conservation.
  • TRASH to TREASURE Art & Design Contest: Showcasing art created from recycled materials that underscores sustainable practices.

SX 2024 is not just an event; it’s a movement. A call to arms to engage, innovate, and collaborate for a sustainable future. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and equipped to make a lasting impact on our planet.


  1. John Doe September 24, 2024

    This expo sounds like a huge step forward for sustainability! Finally, more events pushing for a greener world!

    • ecoWarrior September 24, 2024

      Absolutely! It’s about time we see these initiatives on a larger scale.

      • Karen X September 24, 2024

        Yeah, but are these corporations really practicing what they preach or just greenwashing?

      • John Doe September 24, 2024

        That’s a valid concern, Karen. I believe some do genuinely try, but skepticism is healthy.

  2. greenMachine September 24, 2024

    Why do we rely on big corporations for sustainability efforts? The government should be leading this charge.

    • Lisa M September 24, 2024

      Governments are often too slow and bogged down by bureaucracy. Corporations can be more agile.

    • Samantha J. September 25, 2024

      Also, public-private partnerships can accelerate progress. We need everyone on board.

    • greenMachine September 25, 2024

      True, but they also need better regulation to ensure they don’t exploit these initiatives for profit.

  3. Alex September 24, 2024

    Engaging the youth in workshops is a great idea. They are the future, after all.

    • TeacherTom September 25, 2024

      Absolutely, experiential learning can have a profound impact on kids!

      • Alex September 25, 2024

        Plus, involving them early fosters a lifelong commitment to sustainability.

    • Sarah Lee September 25, 2024

      Too bad the majority focus might still be on adults. Youth voices need more amplification.

  4. thinker54 September 24, 2024

    SEP Inspiration Zone sounds mesmerizing. Can’t wait to experience those immersive environments.

  5. Grower134 September 25, 2024

    I’m more interested in the Better Me Zone. Mental health is often overlooked in sustainability talks.

    • MindfulLily September 25, 2024

      Completely agree! Sustainable living is as much about mental health as it is about the environment.

  6. CriticJoe September 25, 2024

    More of these events are needed in other parts of the world, not just ASEAN.

    • GlobalGabe September 25, 2024

      True, but it’s a start. ASEAN can set an example for other regions to follow.

      • CriticJoe September 25, 2024

        Agreed, but equitable access to knowledge and resources is crucial worldwide.

  7. Ellie T. September 25, 2024

    The Better Living Zone seems like a great initiative for addressing climate change.

  8. Ben Ross September 25, 2024

    HINO DUTRO Z EV is fascinating. An electric truck could really reduce emissions substantially.

  9. LilyP September 25, 2024

    I hope the Better Community Zone really makes a difference. Social resilience is so important.

  10. ecoFan September 25, 2024

    TRASH to TREASURE Art & Design Contest sounds inspiring. Turning waste into art is brilliant.

    • ArtLover88 September 25, 2024

      It’s a great way to show that art and sustainability can go hand in hand.

  11. SkepticSam September 25, 2024

    These events are all well and good, but without real action, they’re just fluff.

    • HopefulHannah September 25, 2024

      I think events like these can inspire real action. They educate and empower people.

    • SkepticSam September 25, 2024

      I hope you’re right. It’s easy to get cynical with all the talk and not enough doing.

  12. ClimateChris September 25, 2024

    How can I participate in the ASEAN SX Photo Contest? Sounds like a great opportunity!

  13. OutdoorJen September 25, 2024

    Excited to see all these innovations in one place. It’s like a one-stop shop for sustainability!

    • TechieTim September 25, 2024

      Totally. The future tech showcased will be worth the trip.

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