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Terrifying Village Mystery: Woman’s Body Discovered After Eerie Silence – Who’s Behind this Disturbing Disappearance?

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As reported by local news outlet KhaoSod, a woman’s body was mysteriously discovered in a nearby pond after having been missing for two days. The community reeled in shock as they had believed that the woman, a 61-year old native of Buriram province called Sompien, had safely returned home. Their belief was strengthened by whispers and murmurs they had overheard, a notion that was utterly shattered with this gruesome discovery.

The horrifying revelation happened in the tranquility of a public pond located just a kilometre away from the village in Buriram province. The dreadful discovery was made by Chid, a 49-year-old fellow villager who was originally intending to dispose of some waste. He was greeted by an unusually disturbing odour and upon investigation noticed the lifeless body of a human laying still in the water surface.

Chid rushed to inform the village headman, sharing news of his grim find. The scene held no indications of hostile encounters – there were no visible signs of injury or evidence of physical struggle on the body, leading to the belief that no foul play was involved. It was reasoned that Sompien had likely been dead for approximately three days.

Rescuers reported a complete absence of trauma signs on Sompien’s body, further underlining the notion that she hadn’t been met with any violent incidents. Chid expressed his shock and alarm at the finding, clarifying that he’d never before visited that area, yet he managed to remain composed despite the horrifying circumstances.

Prayuth, the 58-year-old village leader and a relative to the deceased, shared insights about Sompien’s solitary lifestyle. She was a known alcohol enthusiast who would wander the village in search of places offering drinks. Villagers were familiar with her habits and sometimes gifted her a few drinks out of compassion, leading her to spend much of her day in a state of intoxication.

Prayuth shared the villagers’ collective unease after not seeing Sompien for three days, which incited a search that initially resulted in no leads. Village shopkeepers echoed his observations, confirming they hadn’t experienced Sompien’s regular visits for two to three days as well.

The unsettling circumstances only multiplied following these revelations. Prayuth recounted hearing muffled noises outside his house two days prior thinking it was Sompien returning home after her daily rounds. The chilling reality of her death, however, sparked chilling queries about the true source of the eerie sounds he heard.

Tags: body found, Buriram, missing woman

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