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Terror Lurks in Unexpected Corners: France and Morocco on High Alert as Thai Citizens Battle Fear and Uncertainty Amid Nation-Striking Chaos!

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Caution has been raised to a high level in both France and Morocco due to the suspected potential of terrorism fueled by the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. Thai embassies located in these countries are diligently alerting Thai citizens currently residing or traveling in these regions to steer clear from heavily crowded public spaces and to diminish unnecessary visits to popular tourist locations which are presumed to be targets for such attacks.

The Royal Thai Embassy in Rabat, Morocco, has stepped up the security measures by issuing a warning on an immediate Saturday. The alert urges Thais present in the African nation to exercise added caution and avoid venturing into densely populated areas. The embassy has widened the purview of its warning, establishing its pertinence for the week ahead and extending it to Tunisia and Mauritania, as detailed on the embassy’s Facebook page.

The basis for this cautionary statement stems from various media coverage forecasting potential assemblies relating to the Israel-Hamas conflict rising in these three geographical locations. Such congregations could inadvertently escalate the chances of subsequent terrorist incidents.

This advice was mirrored the following day by the Royal Thai Embassy based in Paris, specifically warning Thais on French soil. This was a reactionary measure to the French government’s decision to increase the national threat level to its peak in the face of counter-terrorism, precipitating the warning.

This decisive change in the security level came in the aftermath of a brutal incident on Friday – a fatal attack on a school teacher and two severe injuries in Arras, a city located in northern France. French authorities are delving into potential links between this horrifying attack and the Israel-Hamas clash.

In response to the attack, a sudden evacuation of the famed Louvre museum in Paris was carried out on an immediate Saturday, following the clamor of thousands of tourists. This pre-emptive reaction followed the receipt of a terror threat letter by the museum authorities. Parallelly, a brigade of 7,000 soldiers was assembled and mobilized for intensified patrols around the city. For security reasons, the renowned Louvre Museum was temporarily sealed off to the public as reported by Bangkok Post.

The Israel-Palestine discord has witnessed several casualties. A survivor hailing from Thailand, on surviving a terror attack, managed to reach back to their homeland, intending to seek comfort and recover from the haunting incident. For more such stories, click HERE. Follow us for our latest news on our new Facebook page HERE.

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