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Thai Embassy Issues Urgent UK Travel Advisory Amid Anti-Racism Rallies

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A counter-demonstrator holds a sign ahead of an anti-immigration protest in Derby, England on Wednesday. (Photo: Reuters)

The Royal Thai Embassy in London has issued a cautionary advisory to Thais planning to travel to the United Kingdom or currently residing there. The advisory urges them to avoid anti-racism rallies across England and Northern Ireland. This warning comes in light of a tumultuous week marked by near-nightly riots, where mosques and migrant-related facilities became targets of anti-immigrant mobs.

The embassy specifically addressed anti-racism counter-demonstrations scheduled for Wednesday, amid British authorities’ concerns that such events could spark violent reactions from far-right groups. However, thanks to a robust police presence in various English towns and cities, these rallies transpired almost entirely peacefully. The police made it emphatically clear that any violence instigated by suspected far-right agitators would not be tolerated.

Earlier incidents of violence were reportedly triggered by misinformation circulating on social media about a knife attack on July 29 in Southport, which tragically resulted in the deaths of three children. Such false information ignited tensions and incited violence, necessitating a proactive response from law enforcement.

The Thai embassy advised its nationals to avoid travelling to certain cities, including Liverpool, Bristol, Manchester, Stoke-on-Trent, Blackpool, Belfast, and Hull. For any concerns or emergencies, Thai nationals can reach the embassy through the dedicated hotline at +44 (0) 791 8651720 or via email.


  1. John Doe August 8, 2024

    I don’t get it. Why avoid anti-racism rallies? Aren’t they supposed to be peaceful?

    • EmmaS August 8, 2024

      The issue is not the rallies themselves but the potential for violence from counter-demonstrators.

      • Alex August 8, 2024

        Why can’t people just protest peacefully and respect each other’s views?

      • John Doe August 8, 2024

        I get that, but if we avoid standing up to racism, aren’t we letting the racists win?

    • Sarah K August 8, 2024

      It’s about safety. No demonstration is worth risking your life over.

  2. libertarian42 August 8, 2024

    Classic embassy overreaction. People should have the right to protest without fear of violence.

  3. Tommy August 8, 2024

    Honestly, the situation in the UK is just chaotic now. I wouldn’t want to travel there at all.

    • Allison P. August 8, 2024

      It’s not chaotic everywhere, just a few places experiencing tension. Don’t generalize.

    • Roberto G August 8, 2024

      Agreed. I was in London recently, and outside these hot spots, life is pretty normal.

  4. Samantha W August 8, 2024

    Why do these things always seem to escalate, even with a strong police presence?

    • Rick August 8, 2024

      Misinformation and social media play a huge role in escalating tensions. People get riled up over false news.

    • Samantha W August 8, 2024

      That makes sense. I wish there were ways to verify news before it spreads.

  5. Tasha Y August 8, 2024

    I think the advisory is just being cautious. Better safe than sorry.

  6. KevinM August 8, 2024

    What’s with all these anti-immigrant mobs? Are people in the UK really this against immigrants?

    • Heather_J August 8, 2024

      Sadly, xenophobia isn’t confined to just the US. It’s everywhere.

    • KevinM August 8, 2024

      That’s really depressing. I thought the UK was more open-minded.

  7. Peter Tan August 8, 2024

    As a Thai national living in the UK, I’m glad the embassy is looking out for us. It’s a real concern.

  8. Mike August 8, 2024

    Violence should never be condoned, but people still need to stand up for what’s right. A fine line to balance.

  9. Catherine August 8, 2024

    I think peaceful protests can still be effective without the need for counter-demonstrations. Just do your own thing separately.

  10. Rachel B. August 8, 2024

    This situation isn’t just about the UK. Racism is an issue that needs addressing globally.

    • Simon L. August 8, 2024

      Agree 100%. Until we eliminate racism worldwide, these problems will persist.

    • Catherine August 8, 2024

      While I get your point, focusing on global issues can divert attention from local solutions.

  11. Joey August 8, 2024

    What are the chances this advisory will actually deter anyone from traveling?

    • Leslie M August 8, 2024

      Probably low, but at least the embassy can say they warned us.

    • Joey August 8, 2024

      True. Better to be warned than caught unaware.

  12. Manisha August 8, 2024

    Violence is never the answer. Peaceful discourse should be the way to resolve differences.

  13. David L August 8, 2024

    It’s great to see the embassy actively looking out for their citizens. It shows they really care.

  14. WeiW August 8, 2024

    People need to realize that spreading false information can have serious real-world consequences.

  15. LuluToken August 8, 2024

    I totally oppose any form of violence, but we can’t just stay silent in the face of racism either.

  16. Nathan C August 8, 2024

    Avoiding rallies seems like a temporary solution. Address the root causes of racism instead.

  17. Shawn B August 8, 2024

    With all these tensions, should Thai nationals just avoid visiting the UK altogether for now?

    • Eli Z August 8, 2024

      That might be the most prudent choice until things settle down.

  18. Jasmine August 8, 2024

    The world is scary right now. I just hope everyone stays safe, no matter where they are.

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