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Thai Rice Revolution: Meet the New Breeds Poised to Take Over Global Markets

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Let’s embark on a culinary adventure into the realm of Thai rice, a staple poised to transform from humble grain to a global sensation, with new contenders stepping into the spotlight. Envision a verdant field, swaying with grains that outmaneuver the fiercest of natural foes, from the voracious brown plant hopper to the sudden, unforgiving flash flood. And nestled within this green battlefield are the soon-to-be stars: the hard round rice and its fleet-footed relative, the shorter-lifespan variation, both eagerly vying for a spot among the department’s elite list of 172 certified breeds.

Hard rice, the burly member of the family, is a marvel of starch—boasting over 20% amylose, it demands more water to soften its muscular grains, only to generously expand post-cooking, offering a banquet-sized bounty from a modest portion. If rice were an athlete, this would be the long-distance runner, unfazed by marathons or the kitchen pot.

The enigmatic Chai, a connoisseur of cultivation, weaves tales of these titans of the paddy field, citing their impressive yields: 1,300kg per rai harvested over a steady 110-115 days, and a slightly more modest 1,200kg for those quicker 95-105 day sprints. Not just prolific, these grains come laced with their own aromatic bouquet, thanks to an amylose content that soars past 26%. And when blended with the more demure white rice, they create a concoction of olfactory delight—a 1st grade 100% rice wizardry.

Imagine this 100% rice, a symphony of 60% fragrant rice and 40% pure white rice, marrying in a harmony of textures and aromas that will dance across your palate in a duet of softness and scent upon every sumptuous bite.

But the craft of rice mastery doesn’t end at breeding. Chai unfolds the vision of the department and ministry—a tableau of farmers, each wielding newfound knowledge of the land beneath their boots, each turn of the seasons ingrained in their hands as they orchestrate the symphony of the fields. It is a future where rice production becomes an elegant ballet, graceful yet powerful, driving toward a crescendo of increased yields and reduced costs. This tapestry of agriculture is being meticulously woven to ensure that within the next 3 to 4 years, Thailand’s rice exports shine as the undisputed titans of taste and quality on the world stage.

So, as we stand on the brink of this grainy revolution, let’s raise our forks in anticipation, for the landscape of our meals may soon be graced with the fruits of these tenacious breeds, each kernel a testament to the ingenuity and dedication of a nation poised to elevate its rice to legendary status. As the rest of the world awaits, Thailand’s rice is ready to rise.

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