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Thailand Advances Towards Net Zero: ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week & Electric Vehicle Asia 2024

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In an ambitious leap towards sustainability, the Ministry of Energy, in partnership with Informa Markets and key energy network allies, has orchestrated the grand launching of the “ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week & Electric Vehicle Asia 2024”. This landmark event is set to bolster the Power Development Plan (PDP) 2024, aiming to transition Thailand’s industries to embrace clean energy. A kaleidoscope of cutting-edge technologies and innovations from leading energy players globally will be showcased, positioning this event as the premier regional platform uniting the massive energy supply chain and network. The ultimate vision? To steer Thai industries towards achieving “Net Zero” energy.

Thailand, at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), boldly declared its ambitions: carbon neutrality by 2050 and net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2065. With this transformative shift from conventional to stable clean energy, the Ministry of Energy, alongside Informa Markets—a titan in organizing trade shows and regional business negotiation events—and various energy network partners, has thrust the spotlight on the “ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week & Electric Vehicle Asia 2024.” Over the past three decades, this event has become a beacon for guiding Thailand’s industry across the complete supply chain towards clean energy and zero carbon emissions.

Dr. Sompop Pattanariyankool, the Deputy Permanent Secretary at Thailand’s Ministry of Energy, emphasized that the Ministry has meticulously mapped a route to net zero greenhouse gas emissions, spanning the entire production chain from upstream to downstream. This initiative is particularly pivotal for the industrial sector, especially with the anticipated disclosure of the Power Development Plan (PDP) 2024 this year. Aimed at reconfiguring electricity generation structures, the plan seeks to ensure that renewable energy constitutes approximately 50% by 2037. This strategic transition is designed to arm the industrial sector with the tools to navigate energy dimensions efficiently, ensuring economic sustainability, and fostering social and environmental stewardship.

The ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week and Electric Vehicle Asia 2024 are envisioned as convergence points for discourse, experience sharing, and opportunity creation among all sectors, collectively transitioning from traditional energy paradigms to sustainable clean energy. The Ministry of Energy’s vision is crystal clear: to shepherd Thailand towards energy security with a clean energy focus, seamlessly dovetailing with sustainable economic growth across all sectors.

Mr. Krisda Utamote, President of the Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT), revealed astonishing progress in 2023, with global electric vehicle (EV) sales skyrocketing to nearly 14 million units, comprising 18% of total automotive sales—up over 35% from 2022. While a significant chunk of these sales were anchored in China, Europe, and the United States, Thailand witnessed EVs comprising about 12% of total vehicle sales, a jaw-dropping 690% surge compared to 2022. This phenomenal growth can be credited to strategic policy measures designed to entice car manufacturers to invest in EV production plants within the country. The burgeoning EV market in Southeast Asia is undoubtedly on a promising trajectory.

Reflecting on these developments, it’s clear why the association consistently champions the exchange of knowledge on EV tech and innovation. Organizing the Electric Vehicle Asia (EVA) event annually, now in its ninth consecutive year, EVA 2024 shines a spotlight on the theme “EV Ecosystem Transformation Towards Net Zero.” The event promises a rich display of the latest EV technologies and innovations, alongside the comprehensive iEVTech international conference. Cropping up various EV trends, it stands as a nexus for global experts to share insights and foster a robust EV ecosystem, reinforcing Thai entrepreneurs and pivoting towards leadership in the modern automotive industry.

Mr. Manu Leopairote, Chairman of Informa Markets – Thailand, laid out a long-term vision anchored in cross-sector collaboration to spearhead Thailand’s transition to clean energy. With over three decades of organizing the ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week (ASEW) and Electric Vehicle Asia (EVA), these events are a testament to the burgeoning regional recognition they’ve garnered. This platform gathers energy industry titans and stakeholders across the entire supply chain, united under the theme “Empowering the Transition to Clean Energy Towards Net Zero Emissions.”

ASEW 2024 will feature groundbreaking technologies from over 1,500 premier energy brands worldwide and international pavilions like ATESS, DELTA, ABB, AIKO SOLAR, BCPG, HITACHI ENERGY, SCG, SMA, SOLAREDGE, SOLIS, and TESLA ENERGY. Paving the way for Thai and ASEAN entrepreneurs to forge networks with energy leaders, the event’s extension to include Energy Storage Asia accentuates cutting-edge energy storage innovations and technologies. Packed with in-depth seminars helmed by experts, including standout sessions like the REA Conference, Asia Urban Energy Assembly, and Energy Storage Forum, this year’s event anticipates over 33,000 attendees. This platform is poised to propel Thailand to the forefront of seamless energy transitions, propelling the nation towards net zero carbon emissions within the regional industrial sector.

A monumental stride in Thailand’s energy transition beckons everyone to be part of the ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week 2024 (ASEW), the largest exhibition and international conference in ASEAN on renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy storage technologies. Held in tandem with Electric Vehicle Asia 2024 (EVA), Thailand’s leading international electric vehicle technology exhibition and conference, this event is happening now until July 5th, 2024, at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in Bangkok. For more details, visit and


  1. Anna Smith July 4, 2024

    This initiative sounds promising, but I’m skeptical about Thailand actually meeting these ambitious goals. Words are easy, actions are what matter.

    • Tommy77 July 4, 2024

      I agree, Anna. Plus, transitioning an entire nation’s industry to clean energy isn’t cheap or quick. Where’s the funding coming from?

      • Anna Smith July 4, 2024

        Exactly, Tommy. Not to mention the potential for corruption and mismanagement. I’d love to see transparency in these processes.

      • TechieGuru July 4, 2024

        They could be leveraging international grants or private investments. But I still agree that transparency is crucial.

    • GreenFuture July 4, 2024

      It may be difficult, but not impossible. If countries like Sweden can do it, why can’t Thailand? They just need robust policies and international cooperation.

  2. James July 4, 2024

    The surge in EV sales in Thailand is an encouraging sign. But what about the charging infrastructure? Is it keeping pace?

    • CyclingFan July 4, 2024

      Good point! If there’s no infrastructure, the EV push is pointless.

      • Tony H. July 4, 2024

        Many countries face this issue initially. Infrastructure usually catches up once there’s a critical mass of EV users.

    • EcoWarrior July 4, 2024

      There are significant investments being made in charging infrastructure globally. Thailand will need to follow suit to make this viable.

  3. Sarah J. July 4, 2024

    This event seems like a great networking opportunity for entrepreneurs in the green energy sector. I’m hopeful this could accelerate innovation.

    • Richard July 4, 2024

      Absolutely. Collaboration is key to technological advancement. Plus, it’ll attract investors and bring more focus to green projects.

      • Sarah J. July 4, 2024

        Exactly, Richard. The more minds working together towards a common goal, the better the outcomes.

    • Laura Davis July 4, 2024

      Such events are also a fantastic opportunity for startups to pitch their ideas and gain visibility.

  4. Mike B. July 4, 2024

    While focusing on EVs is good, I think more attention needs to be given to renewable energy sources like solar and wind. EVs alone won’t solve our environmental problems.

    • Grower134 July 4, 2024

      True. Solar energy has massive untapped potential in Thailand. Integrating it with EV infrastructure could make a huge difference.

      • SolarExpert July 4, 2024

        In fact, combining renewable energy sources with EVs could create a more self-sustaining ecosystem. The two should evolve together.

    • GreenEnthusiast July 4, 2024

      The article mentioned energy storage too, which is crucial for balancing supply and demand when you’re using intermittent sources like solar and wind.

  5. Priya K. July 4, 2024

    I read that over 1,500 energy brands will be showcased. As exciting as it sounds, isn’t there a risk of information overload?

    • Mark T. July 4, 2024

      It could definitely be overwhelming. They should prioritize user-friendly formats and curated tours for visitors to get the most out of it.

    • Sam R. July 4, 2024

      True, but it also means there’s something for everyone, from hobbyists to industry professionals. It’s a double-edged sword.

    • Priya K. July 4, 2024

      Fair point, Mark and Sam. I suppose it’s all about making the most of the opportunity and focusing on what interests you the most.

  6. John D. July 4, 2024

    It’s great to see Thailand taking significant steps towards clean energy. But I worry about the economic impact on smaller businesses during this transition. Can they keep up?

    • EcoOptimist July 4, 2024

      While there can be short-term disruptions, in the long run, sustainable practices could open new business avenues for SMEs. Grants and subsidies could help ease the transition.

  7. Carla M. July 4, 2024

    Anyone attending the event? I’d love to get some insider insights!

    • J.Doe July 4, 2024

      Planning to be there! Will post updates on my social media. Can’t wait to check out Tesla Energy’s innovations!

      • Carla M. July 4, 2024

        Great, J.Doe! Looking forward to your updates. Tesla’s always full of surprises.

  8. EcoWarrior July 4, 2024

    Discussing clean energy without talking about political will is just half the story. How committed is the Thai government to making this happen?

    • PoliticalAnalyst July 4, 2024

      The admin has shown interest, but political dynamics can always shift. Public pressure and international commitments will likely play a huge role.

      • EcoWarrior July 4, 2024

        Absolutely, PoliticalAnalyst. Sustained public and global scrutiny can ensure that promises turn into action.

  9. Nina L. July 4, 2024

    This could really provide a blueprint for other ASEAN nations. If Thailand can pull this off, who says other ASEAN countries can’t follow suit?

    • ASEAN Advocate July 4, 2024

      Agreed, Nina. ASEAN countries should collaborate more, sharing knowledge and technology to make the entire region more sustainable.

  10. TechieGuru July 4, 2024

    This event highlights the convergence of multiple cutting-edge technologies. I’m particularly interested in how AI and big data can help optimize clean energy usage.

  11. Grower134 July 4, 2024

    The focus on EVs is exciting. Imagine the reduced pollution levels if a significant portion of vehicles switched to electric!

  12. Michael T. July 4, 2024

    I have mixed feelings about this. While clean energy is essential, we need to be mindful of the economic disparities it can create.

    • Sadie W. July 4, 2024

      True, Michael. Economic inequalities can worsen if only the wealthy benefit from such advancements. Policymakers need to ensure inclusivity.

      • Michael T. July 4, 2024

        Spot on, Sadie. Equitable access to technology and support for disadvantaged communities should be a focus.

  13. Larry D. July 4, 2024

    The event sounds like it will be transformative. I’m particularly intrigued by the potential economic growth through new green jobs.

  14. Anna Smith July 4, 2024

    Returned to say, despite my earlier skepticism, if this event can push for real change and transparency, it has my full support.

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