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Thailand’s Senate Poll Results: What to Expect and the Key Players Involved

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The Election Commission (EC) is gearing up to announce the official Senate poll results next week, following a wave of calls to delay the announcement due to reports of election process irregularities. Initially, the EC intended to release the results yesterday, but minor concerns such as certain candidates’ background checks necessitated a brief postponement.

A grand venue to welcome the newly-elected 200 senators, alongside another 100 reserve candidates from 20 professions, was set up by the Senate Secretariat Office on the ground floor of the Parliament Complex in Bangkok’s Dusit district. According to an inside source, this preparation underscores the importance of the occasion.

The names of the new senators will be made public in the Royal Gazette. Once officially announced, the first Senate meeting will ensue, during which the senators will take their oaths of office, marking the commencement of their duties. This event will also feature an election for the positions of Senate speaker and deputy speaker. Mongkol Surasajja, a candidate from the public administration and security professional group, is expected to be a front-runner for the Senate speaker role. Mongkol has strong ties to a political dynasty in Buri Ram, heightening intrigue around his nomination. Additionally, Gen Kriangkrai Srisak, closely associated with Bhumjaithai Party leader Anutin Charnvirakul, is another prominent name mentioned for the position.

The new Senate’s tenure will span five years. However, unlike their predecessors, the current senators are not empowered to join MPs in electing a prime minister. Instead, their responsibilities will include participating in the passage of legislation, amendments to laws, and endorsing appointments of members to independent organizations, Constitutional Court judges, and the Attorney-General. A vital part of their role also involves keeping the executive branch under vigilant scrutiny.

Adding to the drama, a group of former candidates, led by Pol Lt Gen Kamrob Panyakaew, visited the EC office to check on the progress made after filing a complaint alleging voting irregularities. This group is pushing for a recount of the votes, claiming they have solid evidence showing some candidates conducted questionable polls to garner votes for specific candidates. Kamrob displayed a printed set of numbers, suggesting a coordinated effort among certain candidates in various professional groups to skew the results.

In another twist, Senate chairman Pornpetch Wichitcholchai has convened a meeting with Senate whips. Scheduled for Monday, this meeting aims to review a proposal by caretaker Senator Somchai Swangkarn. The proposal suggests forming a committee to study the voting process under Section 107 of the charter, with the goal of preventing vote-rigging in future elections.

The intrigue surrounding the upcoming announcement has captivated the nation, as the Senate gears up to undertake its critical role in Thailand’s legislative framework. Amidst the calls for transparency and integrity, the EC’s handling of this situation will undoubtedly set a precedent for how electoral controversies are managed in the future.


  1. Anna July 6, 2024

    Why is there always so much drama around elections in Thailand? Can’t we just have a clean process for once?

    • Mike D. July 6, 2024

      Good point, Anna. Seems like every election has some form of controversy.

      • Pat R. July 6, 2024

        It’s because the system is deeply flawed and nobody wants to fix it. Transparency is a myth in Thai politics.

      • Anna July 6, 2024

        You’re probably right, Pat. But that doesn’t mean we should stop demanding better.

    • Yai Sr. July 6, 2024

      Anna, there will always be drama if powerful interests are at stake. This is no different.

  2. grower134 July 6, 2024

    Mongkol Surasajja as Senate speaker? His ties to Buri Ram political dynasties make this a power play. Not cool.

    • L. Nguyen July 6, 2024

      Corruption runs deep. What else is new? Glad the military isn’t influencing this time though.

    • Anna July 6, 2024

      Exactly. At what point does this become just plain nepotism?

    • Danny July 6, 2024

      It’s always been like this. Don’t expect it to change soon.

    • grower134 July 6, 2024

      Nepotism, corruption, all in one package. Sad reality.

  3. Pooh Bear July 6, 2024

    Why do we even need a Senate if they can’t help elect the PM? Seems pointless now.

    • Jamie Leigh July 6, 2024

      They still play a big role in passing laws and scrutinizing the executive. Important checks and balances.

    • L. Nguyen July 6, 2024

      Agreed! Not pointless at all. But still, the process could be much cleaner.

    • Pooh Bear July 6, 2024

      I guess you’re right, but feels like they don’t have as much power now.

  4. Teetotaler July 6, 2024

    It’s insane to think we’re still dealing with complaints of vote rigging. How hard is it to have a transparent election?

    • Joe July 6, 2024

      It’s not that simple. Powerful players have too much to lose if elections are transparent.

    • Teetotaler July 6, 2024

      Still, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t push for it. We’re stuck in a cycle of scandals.

  5. Liberty222 July 6, 2024

    Gen Kriangkrai Srisak’s connection with Anutin Charnvirakul feels like a conflict of interest. Thoughts?

    • Mike D. July 6, 2024

      Definitely a conflict of interest. Can’t trust these alliances.

    • Sally B. July 6, 2024

      Yeah, how can they claim to be independent with such clear associations?

    • Liberty222 July 6, 2024

      Exactly. It’s all a bunch of smoke and mirrors.

  6. Sunflower July 6, 2024

    Do you think the EC will actually look into the voting irregularities? Seems like they just want to sweep it under the rug.

    • Leslie July 6, 2024

      I hope so, but honestly, I’m skeptical. They’ve done it before, they might do it again.

    • grower134 July 6, 2024

      They better look into it, or we’ll just have another corrupted election.

    • Sunflower July 6, 2024

      Exactly, especially with the evidence presented by Kamrob. They can’t ignore that.

  7. 101Dalmatian July 6, 2024

    Interesting that Pornpetch is pushing for a study on the voting process. Maybe they’re finally taking these complaints seriously.

  8. Patty C. July 6, 2024

    This whole scene is like a soap opera. Who’s pulling the strings this time?

    • Jamie Leigh July 6, 2024

      Probably the same old political powers behind the scenes. Nothing new under the sun.

    • Patty C. July 6, 2024

      True. Maybe we need a complete overhaul of the system to get some real change.

  9. Tom July 6, 2024

    Five-year tenure but limited power sounds like they’re just going through the motions. Any chance of meaningful reforms?

  10. Elaine July 6, 2024

    I question the reliability of Mongkol’s nomination. Too many political ties playing a role here.

  11. King Cobra July 6, 2024

    I actually think the new Senate could bring some balance. Not every change is bad.

  12. Henrik July 6, 2024

    Anyone else think it’s ironic they set up a grand venue while former candidates are questioning the vote’s legitimacy?

    • Sunflower July 6, 2024

      Totally ironic. It’s like they want to distract us from the real issues.

    • Joe July 6, 2024

      Yeah, great theater but poor governance.

  13. Samantha July 6, 2024

    I’m just happy there’s less military interference this time around. Maybe this is a step forward?

  14. Larry Davis July 6, 2024

    Who even believes the EC’s initial delays were for minor concerns? Sounds like they’re hiding something bigger.

    • Leslie July 6, 2024

      You’re right. Always some fishy reason behind these delays.

    • Larry Davis July 6, 2024

      Exactly. Transparency my foot.

  15. Mike D. July 6, 2024

    Let’s see if Mongkol Surasajja lives up to the hype or if he’s just another puppet.

  16. GonzoTheGreat July 6, 2024

    The first Senate meeting is going to reveal a lot. Bets on who gets the speaker role?

  17. Poornima July 6, 2024

    How much influence do you think the Royal Gazette announcement will have on public opinion?

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