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Thamanat Prompow Announces Demolition of Illegal Resorts in Khao Yai: A Bold Step for Land Reform and Conservation

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In a twist that feels like it’s straight out of a dramatic rendezvous between environmental conservation and agricultural development, the scene unfolds with Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Thamanat Prompow stepping into the spotlight, his arrival at Government House for a crucial cabinet meeting captured amidst the bustling, anticipative air of December. The minister, known for his decisive approach, brought with him a declaration that could well be a game-changer in the serene yet contested landscapes around Khao Yai National Park.

The essence of his message? A firm, unyielding announcement that hotels and resorts dotting the edges of Khao Yai National Park—establishments that rose from the ground on parcels of land once dedicated entirely to agriculture—would face demolition. This isn’t just any land, however, but ‘Sor Por Kor’ territory, designated under the stewardship of the Agricultural Land Reform Office (Alro) for aiding landless farmers by granting them agricultural plots. Thamanat’s determination resonated through the air as he proclaimed a crackdown on unlawful possession of these lands, setting the tone for what’s to come.

In an audacious move, Thamanat revealed his order for a fresh round of inspections across the Alro lands that fringe the national park, hinting at a narrative that extends beyond mere preservation, diving deep into integrity and rectitude. But this story isn’t confined to Khao Yai. No, Capt Thamanat has his sights set on the horizon, envisioning a nationwide inspection spree to scour every inch of Alro land across the kingdom.

His message to those skirting the fringes of legality wasn’t veiled in complexity. “Turn yourselves in,” he declared, a proclamation that echoed with a sense of finality, “Every plot conquered under the shadow will be reclaimed; every Sor Por Kor document annulled.” His words carved out a clear path: compliance or confrontation.

Underlying this unfolding drama was a recently penned resolution between the Alro and the Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP), sketching out a delicate peace between the guardians of Thailand’s natural heritage and its agricultural custodians. The accord? To demarcate the realms of forest reserves from those destined for the plow and the hoe, in hopes of quelling the simmering land disputes ignited by encroachment claims.

Moving up the echelons of power, the narrative found resonance with Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, who, with an air of optimism that seemed to cut through the impending bureaucratic undertakings, spoke of a unified land map—a beacon of clarity in the murky waters of territorial claims between the Alro and the DNP.

Engaged in this ambitious endeavor are not just these organizations, but the Royal Thai Survey Department (RTSD), tasked with the monumental surveying efforts required to chart out a new demarcation of disputed and undisputed lands. Praised by the Prime Minister himself, the RTSD’s diligence has placed them weeks ahead of schedule—a testament to the unwavering dedication that marks Thailand’s stride towards resolution and reconciliation.

As the narrative inches towards a climax, with the impending release of a new land map on the horizon, the promise of re-surveyed plots around Khao Yai beckons a future where cooperation flourishes over contestation. The memorandum of understanding looming in the near future isn’t just a document; it’s a vow to tread gently and respectfully on the terrain that sustains, nourishes, and beautifies the nation. It is, in every essence, a commitment to harmony between humans and the habitat that hosts them— a storyline where, hopefully, every stakeholder emerges a guardian of Thailand’s verdant legacy.

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