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This year, PayPal Thailand is available to users with Thai ID cards

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On March 7 of last year, PayPal suspended its service in accordance with Thai banking regulations. This happened after Thai authorities asked PayPal users to verify their identities to curb money laundering. Users of PayPal Thailand would be able to buy goods and services, but they currently aren’t able to withdraw money from their PayPal wallets or transfer funds to a bank account. However, PayPal made a commitment to introducing more functionality in the future.

The Blognone website claims that they emailed PayPal to ask about the changes. The US multinational corporation responded by stating that while PayPal will now be operated through its Thailand-registered company, it was previously managed by its Singaporean agency. PayPal Thailand, the corporation’s registered business name, said that its service would be fully operational in Thailand this year. To access the service, current users must use their Thai national ID cards to prove their identification to the Thai National Digital ID. It is obvious that this bothers foreigners. The company added that it was moving current customers’ accounts over to the brand-new PayPal Thailand. With Thai-registered business accounts and 13-digit taxpayer identification numbers, businesses and foreign individuals could make purchases, accept payments, withdraw money from PayPal wallets, and transfer funds to bank accounts. Foreigners with a valid Tax ID could register for the new Thai PayPal services as well. In order to establish their identities, the users would first need to use NDID. The use of the digital user identity authentication platform known as NDID requires Thai national ID cards.

The company announced in a public relations email that accounts created by customers, independent contractors, general sellers, entrepreneurs, or business owners prior to March 7 of last year would be migrated to the new service. Users of Thai mobile banking applications have the option of processing their registration at their branches or utilizing their Thai ID cards. The company would start asking current users for their consent to make a transfer in August, and the transfer process would start in October.

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