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Tragic Domestic Dispute in Chiang Mai: Suhuay Jibuay’s Fatal Rage Leaves Family and Community in Mourning

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In a tranquil village in Chiang Mai’s Om Koi district, a tragic event shattered the peace on a Sunday morning. Amidst the picturesque setting of Ban Huai Bong in tambon Na Kian, a horrifying discovery was made. Suhuay Jibuay, in a fit of rage, took the lives of his wife, Ungpung Kupuay, and one of their daughters before ending his own life. The chilling scene unfolded just as the day was beginning to warm up, around 11 a.m., when a bloodied and terrified six-year-old girl ran to a neighbor for help.

The young girl, injured but determined, managed to escape the house where the horror took place. Her desperate run for aid alerted the neighbors, who quickly contacted the police. When officers arrived, they found themselves in a somber scene where the small, normally vibrant house had become a site of sorrow.

As police pieced together the sequence of events, it became apparent that a heated argument had broken out between Suhuay and Ungpung. What led to such a fierce dispute remains uncertain, but it escalated quickly and violently. Suhuay, in a moment of terrifying fury, grabbed a knife and inflicted fatal wounds on his wife and their daughter. Tragically, the argument reached its most devastating conclusion when he took his own life using a rope.

The surviving six-year-old girl, showing incredible bravery and presence of mind despite her injuries, found her way to a neighbor’s house. She was immediately taken to a nearby hospital where she received urgent treatment for her cuts. While the physical wounds may heal, the emotional scars of that dreadful morning will linger much longer.

This heartbreaking incident left a shadow over the tight-knit community. The house, once a family home filled with everyday life, was quickly sealed off by the police as they began their meticulous search for evidence. Deputy Commissioner Pol Maj Gen Weerachon Boonthawee of the Provincial Police Region 5 led the investigation, ensuring that all possible clues were gathered to understand this tragic event.

Meanwhile, special arrangements were made for the surviving daughter. Recognizing her vulnerable state, the authorities involved child welfare officers in the process of gathering her testimony. Their priority was to ensure that the young girl was as comfortable as possible during such a distressing time.

As investigators sifted through the evidence and community members comforted each other, questions lingered. The heart-wrenching loss of life and the mysteries surrounding the argument that precipitated the tragedy left everyone searching for answers. It was a grim reminder of how quickly domestic situations can spiral out of control, leaving families and communities to pick up the pieces.

This sorrowful story from Ban Huai Bong serves as a poignant call to be vigilant and supportive of those around us, recognizing that behind closed doors, complex and intense emotions can sometimes lead to unforeseen and tragic outcomes.


  1. Sally T. July 29, 2024

    This is such a heartbreaking story. I can’t imagine what the surviving daughter must be going through.

    • Mike99 July 29, 2024

      Heartbreaking indeed, but it sounds like more could have been done to prevent it. Domestic violence signs can’t be ignored.

      • Ella R. July 29, 2024

        We don’t know what led to this; maybe there were no signs! Sometimes, people just snap.

      • Sally T. July 29, 2024

        Regardless, it’s a tragedy. And I think we all need to be more aware and proactive in our communities.

  2. John D. July 29, 2024

    Why do the authorities only step in after such tragedies? There should be more preventative measures.

    • Aggie July 29, 2024

      That’s easy to say, but what kind of measures can actually prevent spur-of-the-moment violence like this?

      • John D. July 29, 2024

        Education and awareness can go a long way. Neighbors should know the warning signs and feel empowered to act.

  3. Lt. Dan July 29, 2024

    This incident highlights why mental health support is so crucial. People don’t just do this out of nowhere.

    • Kendra July 29, 2024

      I agree, Lt. Dan. There must have been underlying issues that exploded in this horrible way.

      • Bella July 30, 2024

        Mental health services are often inaccessible or stigmatized. We need to normalize seeking help.

      • Lt. Dan July 30, 2024

        Absolutely. More funding and resources should go towards making mental health care accessible to everyone.

  4. Mark Fisher July 30, 2024

    It baffles me how such violence can occur in what we think of as ‘safe’ places. There must be more to the story.

    • CuriousCat July 30, 2024

      Safe places don’t mean people are free of issues. Could be mental illness, financial stress, who knows?

      • Mark Fisher July 30, 2024

        True. The real question is what causes a person to reach such a breaking point.

      • Jasmine L. July 30, 2024

        Society imposes so much pressure. We shouldn’t judge without knowing all the facts.

  5. Bethany July 30, 2024

    I feel so sad for the remaining girl. The trauma she’s gone through is unimaginable.

  6. George July 30, 2024

    What a sick world we live in where parents harm their own children. More education on conflict resolution is needed.

    • Helen P. July 30, 2024

      It’s not just about education. It’s about emotional support systems too.

    • George July 30, 2024

      True, but without education, people might not know how to seek those support systems.

  7. Eli123 July 30, 2024

    This is a wake-up call! Domestic violence is often hushed up. We need to bring it out into the open.

    • Dr. Lena July 30, 2024

      Agreed. Silence only exacerbates the problem. Community support is essential.

  8. Sarah K. July 30, 2024

    Such incidents make me question the efficacy of our law enforcement. Why always reactive, never proactive?

  9. Paul July 30, 2024

    Why didn’t the neighbors intervene? Surely there were signs or noises!

  10. Debbie M. July 30, 2024

    I can’t imagine the kind of fear and pain the surviving daughter must have endured.

    • Jordan July 30, 2024

      Exactly. Let’s hope she gets proper psychological care and support.

  11. Oliver99 July 30, 2024

    There has to be more to monitor and prevent domestic disputes from exploding into violence.

  12. Snake July 30, 2024

    Unfortunately, these incidents are more common than we think. Most just don’t make it to the news.

  13. Chris G. July 30, 2024

    The mental health angle is important, but let’s not ignore societal pressures too. Something was obviously very wrong in that household.

    • Nancy July 30, 2024

      Societal pressures create a powder keg. Without proper outlets, it eventually explodes.

    • Chris G. July 30, 2024

      Absolutely. From financial stress to societal expectations, there are multiple factors that can drive a person over the edge.

  14. Tommy July 30, 2024

    How come so many people ignore domestic violence until it’s too late? We need real action.

  15. Mary T. July 30, 2024

    That poor child must be so traumatized. I hope she gets all the help she needs.

    • Lucy July 30, 2024

      Trauma of this nature will scar her for life. The community’s support is crucial now.

  16. Erickson July 30, 2024

    We need a better system to flag and respond to domestic tensions before they reach such tragic outcomes.

  17. Lara J. July 30, 2024

    It’s shocking how quickly a normal day can turn into a nightmare.

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