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Tragic Double Suicide in Nakhon Ratchasima: Electrician Yotthawat Khasabai and Sister Found Lifeless in Car

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In a heart-wrenching scene at Wat Nong Phai in Nakhon Ratchasima’s Muang district, the quiet serenity of a temple was shattered as police and forensic officers inspected a somber sight – two bodies inside a car with a warm charcoal stove. It was a Friday night when monks, who made the grim discovery, reached out for help. The tragic incident involved an electrician and his elder sister, who lived with autism.

Around 9 pm, police and rescue workers responded promptly to the monks’ alert at Wat Nong Phai in tambon Phor Klang. Their attention was drawn to a black Toyota Vios, its engine lingering with a low hum. The vehicle, with Nakhon Ratchasima license plates, was eerily parked near a pavilion within the sacred grounds.

Inside, Yotthawat Khasabai, a dedicated 40-year-old electrician from the Provincial Electricity Authority’s Nakhon Ratchasima office, was found lifeless in the driver’s seat. His beloved sister, 42-year-old Yuwanida Khasabai, sat motionless beside him in the passenger seat.

The backseat revealed a melancholic setup: a warm stove with lingering ashes, a bag of charcoal, a bottle of cooking oil, and a roll of tissue paper, which hinted at a planned but deeply tragic end. Investigators concluded that the siblings likely succumbed to suffocation hours before their bodies were discovered.

Jiradet Phudtalae, the head of Nong Phai Moo 2 village, recounted to the police a sequence of poignant moments. Monks had observed the sedan’s arrival at around 1:42 pm. Yotthawat stepped out briefly to make a phone call and use the restroom, leaving the engine idling – a haunting prelude to the foreboding silence that would follow when he returned to the car.

As dusk turned to night, the temple grounds began to quiet, save for the persistent hum of the car’s engine. A concerned monk, ready to close the temple’s gates, approached the vehicle. He knocked several times on the car door but received no response. Worry creased his brows as he shone his flashlight inside, only to find a startling stillness. The monk promptly alerted the village head, along with police and rescue workers.

The revelations that followed unraveled a tapestry of sorrow. Yotthawat’s wife, engulfed in grief, shared with the police that her husband had been a man tormented by depression. The shadows of despair deepened after he received a court summons in relation to a fatal road crash that claimed a life. He was embroiled in a legal battle, contesting the charges, a struggle that had weighed heavily on his spirit. Meanwhile, his sister Yuwanida, who lived with autism, was under his care.

On that fateful day, Yotthawat had picked Yuwanida from her home for what seemed to be a simple family meal. He even extended an invitation to their mother to join them, but she had politely declined due to prior commitments. Little did anyone know that this would be the last time they would be seen alive.

Through the meticulous police investigation, it was discovered that Yotthawat had purchased the charcoal stove and other items before arriving at the temple. The series of events suggested a devastating plan of suicide by igniting the charcoal inside the closed car. His actions inadvertently caused his sister to suffocate alongside him.

The mounting tension from his legal disputes, compounded by his ongoing struggle with depression, might have driven him to such depths of despair. The police report noted that Yotthawat had a history of medical treatment at the Nakhon Ratchasima Rajanagarindra Psychiatric Hospital.

As the night wore on, the heartbreaking scene left loved ones and officials alike grappling with a profound sense of loss. Yotthawat’s wife was inconsolable, her distress mirrored in the tear-streaked faces of family members. The accidental tragedy claimed two lives, casting a long shadow over the peaceful temple grounds that night.


  1. Sarah July 27, 2024

    This is beyond tragic. I can’t imagine the despair he must have felt.

    • Tom H July 27, 2024

      But how can someone take another life, even if it’s accidental? Especially his own sister’s.

      • Liam G July 27, 2024

        Depression can push people to do unthinkable things. It’s not about rationality at that point.

      • Sarah July 27, 2024

        Exactly. It’s a mental health issue. We need more support for people in such situations.

    • Sunny_dayz July 27, 2024

      Still, he should have thought about his sister. It’s just so selfish and sad.

  2. ReflectivePoet July 27, 2024

    Mental health struggles are often invisible until they manifest in such tragic ways. My heart goes out to the family.

    • Maggie Thomas July 27, 2024

      It’s true. There’s so much stigma around mental health, especially for men.

    • ReflectivePoet July 27, 2024

      Absolutely. The societal pressure to ‘be strong’ and not seek help can be deadly.

  3. Kris P. July 27, 2024

    How could the monks not intervene if they saw the car parked for so long? Seems suspicious to me.

    • John_Doe July 27, 2024

      The monks did try to check on them. They just didn’t realize the gravity of the situation until it was too late.

  4. AnnaM July 27, 2024

    I hope this tragedy brings more awareness to the importance of mental health care. RIP.

  5. scienceguy89 July 27, 2024

    Carbon monoxide poisoning from a charcoal stove in a car? That’s not a common method. He must have been really desperate.

    • Tina July 27, 2024

      It’s a quiet and ‘painless’ way, I heard. Which is why some people might choose it.

  6. PragMatic July 27, 2024

    I feel bad, but what about the legal system that drove him to this point? Could it have been handled differently?

    • JusticePrevails July 27, 2024

      The law is the law. He was involved in a fatal accident – there have to be consequences.

  7. Maria L July 27, 2024

    Such a sad story. But we should also think of how the legal issues and lack of mental health support intersected here.

    • PassiveReader July 27, 2024

      True, society needs to have better support systems in place.

    • Maria L July 27, 2024

      Indeed, it’s complex and there’s no single cause or solution.

  8. GreenThumb July 27, 2024

    This is so heart-wrenching. I hope they find peace in the afterlife.

  9. Champ9 July 27, 2024

    Honestly, I’m angry. How could he do this to his family? They must be devastated.

  10. Jane_Doe July 27, 2024

    Desperation makes people do things they normally wouldn’t. We can’t judge them harshly without knowing the full picture.

    • Champ9 July 27, 2024

      Maybe you’re right, but it doesn’t change what happened.

    • Jane_Doe July 27, 2024

      I know. It’s just a reminder of how dire the need for mental health support is.

  11. Firebird July 27, 2024

    Poor woman, living with autism and now this… It’s just so sad all around.

  12. LogicalThinker July 27, 2024

    This never would have happened if mental healthcare was more accessible and stigma-free.

    • Jim K July 27, 2024

      Theoretically yes, but it’s not always that simple. Cultural factors play a role too.

    • LogicalThinker July 27, 2024

      True, but a start would be to make help more available and educate people.

  13. app_dev123 July 27, 2024

    Tragic. I wonder if there were any signs that friends or family noticed but didn’t act on.

  14. Peter July 27, 2024

    This story just shows how hidden and dangerous depression can be. It’s scary.

  15. Layla89 July 27, 2024

    Stories like these make me so sad. Mental health issues are real and need attention.

  16. Sam R July 27, 2024

    The system failed him. Period. We need reform.

  17. Ella July 27, 2024

    What a heavy story. I feel for both of them and their family. Such a huge loss.

    • Nick July 27, 2024

      Yes, and it’s a reminder that we need to check on our loved ones regularly.

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