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Unleashed Revolution: How AI Disrupts Thai Markets by Breeding Innovation & Productivity! This Might Just Be the Beginning of a New Digital Era!

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Business ecosystems are witnessing a substantial paradigm shift as artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a principal player. AI technology, renowned for enhancing creativity and boosting productivity, has now been adopted by millions who are witnessing its far-reaching benefits. A prominent example in this domain is the visual communication tool Canva. Employed extensively in Thailand, Canva has made use of Google Cloud’s AI capabilities for translating written content into myriad languages, thereby reaching out to non-English speaking users.

Canva is also integrating and testing Google’s groundbreaking PaLM (Pathways Language Model) technology in an attempt to convert brief video clips into longer, more engaging narratives. This revolutionary approach has breathed new life into the design sphere, offering a panorama of resources for creating appealing, eye-catching content.

AI technology has specifically sparked excitement among marketers and business strategists. According to a study titled ‘The State of AI’ by global management consulting firm McKinsey, marketing is potentially the most significant domain where AI could bring noticeable benefits to businesses, irrespective of their scale or geographic location. Digital technologies have revolutionized the marketing landscape, transforming consumer behavior and brand engagement patterns.

In 2020, strikingly, 76% of shoppers in Southeast Asia used a minimum of five platforms to shop during sale bonanzas, reflecting the growing complexities in consumer buying decisions. Consequently, marketers now need to rapidly interpret data and transform it into actionable strategies that resonate with customers.

Luckily, AI advancements have eased this burden significantly. AI-powered tools are now more than 50% more proficient at understanding human language, particularly those from Google. As a direct result, potential customers are guided towards the most relevant information based on their precise search queries.

Thai automobile manufacturer Isuzu provides a shining example of how AI can lead to tangible business results. By leveraging AI-powered marketing solutions supplied by Google, Isuzu Thailand has expanded its market share even in challenging post-pandemic times. Today, it enjoys leadership status in the pickup truck market segment.

However, despite such promising benefits, reservations regarding the implications of AI technology across industries still exist. Tech firms need to address these concerns and underscore that AI isn’t here to replace the human workforce, but to supplement it and even create new employment opportunities. According to a report in the Bangkok Post, AI is projected as a tool that can take over routine tasks, allowing professionals to dedicate their attention to more strategic, creative, and complex projects.

As we move forward, marketers will retain their pivotal role in the ecosystem, providing critical insights and expertise. Their task will be to steer AI effectively towards delivering optimum results. This trend is clearly reflected in more stories appearing on Thaiger’s new Facebook page.

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