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Unleashed Travel Freedom: Thailand and Kosovo Tear Down Visa Walls – Unprecedented Opportunities Ahead!

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In commemoration of a decade of thriving mutual associations, Kosovo and Thailand look to the introduction of a visa-exempt regulation, unlocking unrestricted travel opportunities for their respective citizens. The exciting announcement was made by Ulpiana Lama, the esteemed Kosovar Charge d’affaires, at the “Thailand-Kosovo Business Collaboration Dialogue and Networking Lunch” held on the premises of the Kosovo Embassy in Bangkok.

This plan, according to Ms. Lama, serves as an embodiment of the celebration of the 10-year anniversary of their cordial bilateral ties. The proposed the idea of this regulatory change serves as a catalyst to take the relationship between the two countries to newer and greater heights. The roots of the diplomatic relationship between Thailand and Kosovo, a charming country located in the southern parts of Europe, were firmly established on Nov 22, 2013.

To elaborate on the deep bond that Kosovo and Thailand share, Ms. Lama stated, “Distinctly excellent and robust as the existing bilateral relations are, the ultimate intent is to foster an even stronger bond and a sense of community between the people of our countries.” In light of a commitment to this bond, Thailand and Kosovo had previously inked a Memorandum of Understanding in 2018, introducing a visa waiver for the holders of official and diplomatic passports.

A glimpse at the progression of this bond showcases the intent to take this visa exemption a leap ahead to cover all passport holders, thereby working towards the aim of freeing everyone from visa constraints. The agenda, she mentioned, is well on its way to fruition, all while respecting essential procedures and codes.

Drawing attention to the growth of tourism from Kosovo to Thailand, it is noteworthy that the number increased a whopping 30-fold in 2019, just on the cusp of the global turmoil caused by Covid-19. As Ms. Lama highlights, “Kosovo people have increasingly been finding Thailand, currently the third-most preferred travel destination, mesmerizing with its top-class wellness sector, magnificent culture, unmatched hospitality, and breathtaking beauty.”

Keeping one eye on the timeline of this significant regulatory change, she clarified that the gears for clearing the hurdles had been set in motion, optimistically adding that the fruition might happen within a year. The benefits are twofold – a visa exemption would not only ease the process for Kosovars traveling to Thailand but also unburden Thai travelers making their way to Kosovo.

Ms. Lama concluded the discussion emphasizing that Kosovo, pegged as a gateway to Europe, is a fantastic destination for tourists desiring a cost-effective holiday, especially in the winter period. Not to mention, travelers can easily add a trip to Albania, which is just a three-hour journey from Kosovo, just as Bangkok is from Hua Hin. As Ms. Lama proudly stated, “Kosovo is a fascinating country with a unique and riveting history.”

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