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Unraveling the Chains of the Past: Saritpong Kiewkong Leads Charge to Repeal NCPO’s Legacy in Thailand

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General Prayut Chan-o-cha, surrounded by military and police leadership, announcing the 2014 coup in a televised national broadcast.

In an electrifying broadcast that seized the airwaves and etched itself into the annals of Thailand’s political history, General Prayut Chan-o-cha, then the formidable army chief, orchestrated a moment that would pivot the country’s trajectory. Surrounded by the stoic faces of the armed forces leaders and the national police chief, he declared, in a scene straight out of a movie, the coup that would dislodge the Pheu Thai Party-led government on the unforgettable day of May 22, 2014. The room, heavy with the weight of destiny, was awash with the solemnity of the occasion—a nation paused, a new chapter commenced.

Fast forward to the present, the political stage buzzes with a new act as the Bhumjaithai Party stirs the pot with a proposal laden with potential seismic shifts. In a daring move, they’ve unfurled a bill targeted at undoing the lingering remnants of the epoch marked by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)—the architects behind the curtain of the 2014 political shake-up. Championing the clarion call for human rights, the party charges that certain orders and announcements left by the NCPO are not just relics of a bygone era, but violative chains hindering the people’s freedoms.

Amidst the hallowed halls of parliament, Saritpong Kiewkong, a visionary representing Krabi under the Bhumjaithai banner, steps forth with the bill. He hands it to Areepen Utarasint, a beacon of adviceship to the parliament president, who accepts it, symbolically carrying the hopes of many on her shoulders. Saritpong divulges that the indomitable Anutin Charnvirakul spurred the legal eagles of the party into action, responding to the chorus of grievances from across spheres about the draconian shackles put in place by the NCPO that still loom large over the land.

The squad delved into the dense jungle of 240 orders and announcements, unearthing that a striking total of 71 has metamorphosed into the binding chains of law, with another 37 teetering on the brink of such transformation. These proclamations, crafted in the crucible of a coup, stand on legal grounds parallel to laws, Saritpong expounds, necessitating a legislative odyssey to revoke them. Yet, another ensemble of 55 plays a different tune, resembling cabinet resolutions that can be dissolved with a flick of the cabinet’s pen.

But the beat goes on, as Saritpong voices a plot twist—Bhumjaithai sees merit in preserving some of the NCPO’s edicts, dressed in their necessity for the state’s machinations. “Imagine them as rough diamonds,” he muses, “once cut and polished from coup-makers’ orders into the refined sparkle of normal laws, they’ll dazzle the eyes of foreign investors.”

The heart of the bill throbs with the intent to dismantle the chains bound by Section 44 of the interim constitution, born from the coup’s aftermath. This section bestowed upon General Prayut, in his garb as the NCPO chieftain, powers reminiscent of an emperor’s, eclipsing all other laws. Its legacy endures in the fabric of the current constitution, with Section 279 endorsing the decrees of yesteryears.

Thus unfolds the saga, a tale of a nation’s relentless quest for liberty’s light, navigating through the shadows of orders and announcements left in the wake of a coup. It’s a narrative of hope and resilience, of a country’s journey toward unshackling itself and rewriting its future. The bill stands as a testament to the undying spirit of Thailand, sparking debates, shaping opinions, and steering the nation towards a new dawn where freedom isn’t just a word, but a lived reality.


  1. ThailandLover February 5, 2024

    Finally, someone stepping up to challenge the remnants of the NCPO. It’s about time Thailand moved forward from those dark times.

    • SkepticalSimon February 5, 2024

      While the effort is commendable, undoing the NCPO’s legacy won’t be as simple. There’s a lot of bureaucratic and legal entanglement that will make this an uphill battle.

      • OptimisticOllie February 5, 2024

        Every journey begins with a single step. It’s the courage to take that step that matters. Saritpong Kiewkong and his party are showing that courage.

    • ThailandLover February 5, 2024

      Agreed, it’s a complex issue. But staying silent and doing nothing is no longer an option. This move sends a strong message, not just locally but also to the international community.

  2. TomYumKung February 5, 2024

    I’m all for human rights, but we also need some of those NCPO orders for stability. It’s not all black and white.

    • FreedomFries February 5, 2024

      Stability at the cost of freedom isn’t stability, it’s oppression. We’ve lived under the shadow of those orders long enough.

  3. HistorianHarold February 5, 2024

    Interesting how the article points out the transformation of certain orders into laws. Reminiscent of how authoritarian measures often become normalized over time.

    • RealistRaj February 5, 2024

      Normalization of authoritarian methods is a slippery slope. It slowly erodes democratic values until it’s too late to notice what we’ve lost.

      • PatriotPete February 5, 2024

        Not everything done during the NCPO was bad. Some measures did bring about order and stability during chaotic times. It’s about finding the right balance.

  4. BangkokBarry February 5, 2024

    Skeptical about the real motives here. Is this truly for the people, or just another political move to gain favor? Time will tell.

    • CynicalCindy February 5, 2024

      Exactly my thoughts. In politics, nothing is done without self-interest. But if it benefits the people in the process, maybe it’s a win-win.

  5. LegalEagle101 February 5, 2024

    The revocation of Section 44’s powers is a crucial first step. That section has been a dark cloud hanging over Thai law, giving unchecked power reminiscent of dictatorial regimes.

    • PowerPlayer February 5, 2024

      Unchecked power can be dangerous, but in times of crisis, it can also be necessary. The key is ensuring it doesn’t become the status quo.

      • JusticeJane February 5, 2024

        A society that gives up freedom for security will lose both and deserves neither. Section 44 goes against the core principles of democracy and human rights.

  6. BangkokBarry February 5, 2024

    While we debate the politics, let’s not forget the people whose lives have been directly affected by these orders. Their stories are the ones that truly matter in this discussion.

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