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Etix Everywhere Advances Sustainability with Major Solar Initiative in Thailand

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In a groundbreaking move towards sustainability, Etix Everywhere proudly showcases its unwavering commitment to green energy solutions for its data centers in Thailand. Etix Everywhere has already installed over 6,000 square meters of solar panels on its data center, ETIX Bangkok#1, situated in Bang Chalong. This impressive solar power deployment currently accounts for a remarkable 11% of the total energy consumption of the facility.

The photovoltaic panels installed atop the ETIX Bangkok#1 data center alone save the emission of 480 tons of CO2 annually. To give you a perspective, this reduction is akin to removing 580 cars from the road each year or planting about 23,000 trees.

However, this is just the beginning of ETIX Everywhere’s journey toward sustainability. By 2025, they aim to have 100% of the electricity consumed at the ETIX Bangkok#1 data center generated from renewable energy sources, whether through hydroelectric power or solar electricity. With a complete shift to electricity consumed under Renewable Energy Certificates, ETIX Everywhere’s customers will have access to a low-carbon data center solution.

But wait, there’s more! The data center’s electricity production is set to escalate continuously through 2026 and 2027, thanks to the addition of new solar PV panel capacities, which will amplify the solar electricity generated at the facility by a factor of five.

Key Highlights:

  • Solar Panel Deployment: The installation of over 6,000 square meters of photovoltaic panels will be expanded fivefold within the next three years.
  • 100% Powered by Green Energy: By 2025, the data center aims to be completely powered by renewable energy sources in Thailand.
  • Land Use Optimization: By placing solar PV panels on the data center’s rooftop and adjacent warehouses, land artificialization is effectively avoided.

Etix Everywhere’s data centers in Thailand are hailed for their optimal energy efficiency, boasting some of the finest Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) ratios in the region. This not only ensures the efficient use of energy but also significantly minimizes the carbon footprint. Their dedication to sustainability is intricately woven into every phase of data center construction and operation, consistently adopting environmentally sensitive approaches to alleviate carbon impact.

Besides energy consumption, it’s crucial to consider water usage (Water Usage Effectiveness, WUE) in cooling systems, especially in light of global water shortages intensifying due to droughts. Reducing water consumption in cooling systems is therefore paramount. Etix Everywhere chooses technologies that meticulously minimize water waste, achieving the lowest WUE ratio in the market.

Undoubtedly, Etix Everywhere is determined to lead the data center industry in sustainability and environmental stewardship. Their relentless pursuit of innovation underpins their drive to reduce ecological footprints, continually setting new benchmarks for sustainable practices.


  1. Jeff B June 26, 2024

    This is amazing! Finally, a company that takes real steps towards sustainability.

    • GreenWarrior June 26, 2024

      I agree! It’s about time companies in every sector start taking this seriously.

      • Linda June 26, 2024

        Absolutely, this could set a precedent for other companies to follow.

    • Skeptic22 June 26, 2024

      I don’t know. Companies always say they’ll go green, but how often do they actually follow through?

      • Jeff B June 26, 2024

        Well, the facts are there. They’ve already installed the solar panels. That’s a big step.

      • GreenWarrior June 26, 2024

        True, but we do need to keep the pressure on to ensure they keep their promises.

  2. growthHacker June 26, 2024

    I’m curious about the economic impact this will have on their operational costs. Will they pass those savings onto customers?

    • TechCEO June 26, 2024

      Good question. Usually, renewable energy investments pay off in the long-term and can reduce costs.

    • energyGuru June 26, 2024

      Actually, many companies tend to reinvest those savings back into further sustainability projects or technology upgrades.

  3. Sam June 26, 2024

    Does anyone know if solar panels perform well in the climate of Thailand? Is there enough sunlight year-round?

    • solarExpert June 26, 2024

      Yes, Thailand has a tropical climate with ample sunlight, making it ideal for solar power generation.

  4. Marta R. June 26, 2024

    It’s great to see companies thinking about both energy and water usage. Water scarcity is the real deal.

    • HydroGeek June 26, 2024

      Absolutely, water-efficient cooling systems are a big deal. Many companies overlook this aspect.

    • Jeff B June 26, 2024

      It’s definitely a comprehensive approach. We need more of this thinking in all industries.

  5. Tom June 26, 2024

    How are they planning to expand their solar capacity fivefold? That sounds both ambitious and expensive.

  6. BiomassLover June 26, 2024

    I wonder if they’ve considered combining solar with other renewable sources like biomass. Diversification could help reliability.

  7. Jane D. June 26, 2024

    The CO2 reduction sounds impressive, but how does this compare to overall emissions in Thailand?

    • ClimateAnalyst June 26, 2024

      In the grand scale of things, it’s a drop in the ocean. However, every bit helps and can encourage wider adoption.

    • Jane D. June 26, 2024

      Fair point. Hopefully, it inspires broader changes.

  8. Axton_YT June 26, 2024

    My school just installed solar panels too! It’s cool to see big companies doing the same.

    • Linda June 26, 2024

      That’s awesome! Schools should definitely be a part of the green revolution too.

  9. ClimateDoc June 26, 2024

    It’s critical that companies like Etix Everywhere lead the way. The data center industry has a significant impact on global emissions.

    • Techie89 June 26, 2024

      I work in a data center and can confirm. Our energy consumption is through the roof.

    • EcoGeek June 26, 2024

      That’s why innovations like this are essential. Efficiency improvements can make a massive difference!

  10. grower134 June 26, 2024

    But are these solar panels recyclable at the end of their lifecycle? Otherwise, we’re just creating another environmental problem.

    • SolarPanelFan June 26, 2024

      Good point. Some companies are working on recycling solutions but it’s true we need more sustainable options.

  11. EconStudent June 26, 2024

    How will this affect the job market in Thailand? Are there any new opportunities arising from this transition?

    • localEngineer June 26, 2024

      Renewable energy projects often bring new jobs, especially in the installation and maintenance sectors.

    • Jane D. June 26, 2024

      Yes, but there’s also the need for upskilling the existing workforce to handle new technologies.

  12. Luis Fernandez June 26, 2024

    Impressive initiative. Now what about other regions? Why limit it to Thailand?

    • Kathy June 26, 2024

      True, they should expand this globally. Every region could benefit.

    • TO_Green June 26, 2024

      Scaling up internationally would take time and investment, but it’s definitely worth considering.

  13. Pyro June 26, 2024

    I’m always skeptical of these big promises. Let’s wait and see if they actually meet those 2025 goals.

  14. environmentalist1978 June 26, 2024

    How are they planning to verify their Renewable Energy Certificates? There should be full transparency.

    • EcoGeek June 26, 2024

      Certification processes are getting more rigorous. Hopefully, they’ll share details on their site.

  15. Eve June 26, 2024

    Every company should have a mandate to go green. The planet can’t wait for voluntary actions.

  16. Tom June 26, 2024

    Public pressure will be key in ensuring they keep their promises. We need to keep talking about this.

    • Linda June 26, 2024

      Yes, keeping the dialogue open and constant is essential.

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