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Unprecedented Labor Exodus: Thailand Set to Export 100,000 Skilled Workers Overseas – Will The World Rise to Welcome Them?

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Workers diligently busy themselves on a bustling worksite situated along Charansanitwong Road, one of the busiest thoroughfares in the heart of Bangkok. It’s a testament to Thailand’s relentless workforce, hovering tools, and churning cinders serve as a vivid snapshot of the ambitious goals that come with it. This image bears the indomitable spirit of Pairoj Chotikasatien, the Department of Employment’s high-ranking director-general, who has recently unveiled a plucky initiative for the workers of Thailand.

Amidst the exhaust and clamor of Bangkok’s busy streets, Mr. Chotikasatien confirmed a boisterous mission of the Labour Ministry led by the new Labour Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn. The stirringly ambitious goal? Deploying an army of 100,000 skilled Thai workers to various overseas countries by next year.

This high-reaching mission is more than a mere ambition to ratchet up numbers, it is a reflection of the Labour Ministry’s robust efforts to open legal employment pathways for Thais in foreign shores. The Department has charted a course towards expanding these opportunities, favoring countries that display a growing appetite for labor.

Among the destinations awaiting the Thai labor force are a selection of top-tier markets that straddle the globe. No less than Sweden, Finland, Israel, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are on the docket. With an unflinching eye set on the horizon, exploratory initiatives are underway to scout potential opportunities in other countries, further widening the spectrum of opportunities for Thai workers.

The Department, under Mr. Chotikasatien’s lead, is planning not just to send laborers, but to predominantly export skilled Thai workforces to these booming markets. Recent negotiations have revealed a variety of sectors hungry for Thai skilled labour. From wellness workers and nurses being sought by Saudi Arabia, service providers for airports and construction workers wanted by train stations, to Thai farmers being courted by Jordan and Portugal.

New Zealand, in particular, has shown significant interest. With diverse roles awaiting Thai architects, dentists, nurses, and service industry workers in sectors as varied as agriculture, the Kiwi nation is eagerly anticipating quality Thai workforce. Not to be left behind, Australia has expressed its desire to employ Thai chefs. Department of Skill Development certified chefs are in particular demand Down Under.

Mr. Chotikasatien promises that this ambitious plan doesn’t stop here. The following steps involve in-depth negotiation rounds with various countries, plotting a course to secure the employment of Thai workers. Talks are also underway with the Thai private sector to clarify legalities, from contracts to the process of exporting labor, ensuring this endeavor moves smoothly.

Do you see yourself as part of this ambitious workforce? The Department encourages those with adventurous spirits and unyielding work ethics to stride forth. Assistance is readily available at all provincial department offices and at the Bangkok Employment Office. The 1506 hotline and the website proffer further information about this new, exciting chapter for Thai employment overseas. Embrace the opportunity. Forge your pathway.

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