A startling incident has surfaced from the quaint district of Selaphum in the Roi Et province. A local educator stands accused of a shocking incident involving a toddler in her charge. The teacher is alleged to have physically abused a two-year-old boy with a metal food tray, leaving him with conspicuous bruises all over his diminutive frame. The news broke out when a concerned parent took it upon himself to share the concerning details on the Facebook page, Pen Neung.
Images of the apparent weapon of assault—a substantial, deep-dish metal tray—graced the Facebook page along with distressing photos of the child bearing distinct marks of the alleged mistreatment. Further, the boy’s devastated father reported that the incident was not a mere accident but involved brutal physical punishment by the child’s very own teacher at the local school.
Stirred by the severity of the allegations, the Pen Neung team promptly confirmed that they were delving into the matter, planning an urgent visit to the school. Along with their announcement, they shared the child’s fellow students’ accounts claiming that the teacher allegedly struck the boy with a metal food tray. “The local term for ‘hit’ isn’t a gentle tap, it suggests a hard strike,” they warned.
Adding to the chilling narrative, Pen Neung later shared a concerning video from the school’s surveillance cameras. The footage exposed a female teacher in an act of blatant aggression over the child’s innocent neglect to place his tray correctly—an act that should’ve been met with stern words at the most, not violence.
Furthermore, the silence and apparent indifference shown by other teachers at the scene pointed towards a deeply ingrained problem—an acceptance of such unacceptable behaviour as a norm, according to local news outlet, Sanook.
In a heart-wrenching video that followed, the child’s parents can be seen viewing the footage, grief-stricken, before moving to comfort their visibly shaken child. Pen Neung posted more damning evidence showing the child enduring repeated assaults on different occasions. As well as being hit with the tray, he’s also shown being kicked and assaulted with a broom—an image that paints a horrific picture of the trauma suffered by the child.
The last update on the growing scandal reported that the accused teacher has since vanished from the area. Local police are now on high alert, preparing to issue an official summons for her to appear at the station on November 13. Across online platforms, outraged netizens echo Pen Neung’s fierce call for justice. “Such individuals, who’ve inflicted not just physical but emotional wounds on a child and his family, have no place in the teaching profession,” the page stated.
The disturbing incident has sent waves of outrage across the province and beyond, raising pressing questions about the safety and wellbeing of children in institutions entrusted with their care. As the investigation unfolds, families, communities, and indeed the nation will look ahead with bated breath—hoping for justice and a future where no child is subjected to such deplorable treatment.
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