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Backlash after eating a protected reptile by a Thai singer

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A well-known Thai country singer has drawn criticism for her adventurous gastronomic preferences. The couple is captured afterwards devouring the, well, “strange” lunch in a photograph. The hunting, gathering, or possession of monitor lizards is now prohibited by law. A fine of up to 500,000 baht or up to five years in prison are the possible penalties for keeping a monitor lizard. The number of monitor lizards has greatly increased as a result of these movements.

Even if posting the video wasn’t Kratai’s best move, her supporters have pointed out that eating it is extremely common in the countryside. The monitor lizard is listed as country’s No. 40 protected species, according to one irate tweeter who went viral for their response to Kratai’s supper choice. The Thai singer Kratai Phannipha recorded her husband preparing a fiery feast that used a unique form of meat: a monitor lizard, a species that is protected in Thailand. Some social media users have also criticized Phaiboon, Kratai’s spouse, saying that as a teacher, he ought to know better.

Many people are horrified to find monitors in their homes, despite the fact that some people think the creatures bring luck.

Of course, in Thailand, monitoring may frequently be a pain. A monitor lizard got entangled in a water pump last month, causing a flood in Bangkok.

Therefore, it’s possible that some individuals are pleased to see Kratai and her spouse munching on the reptile. In the past, monitor lizards were intensively hunted and raised for their skins, which were exported. However, multiple conservation initiatives succeeded in adding monitor lizards to Thailand’s list of protected species in the 1990s.

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