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Bangkok floods from plastic bags, old pumps

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To find out what caused the flood on August 21, police from the Nonthaburi Highway District looked inside the Pakkret Intersection Tunnel yesterday. Sophon Paensang, the Deputy Director of the Nonthaburi Highway District, suggested replacing the water pumps to improve performance. Five hours later, police reported that three water pumps’ propellers were clogged with trash and plastic bags, obstructing the waterway’s flow. According to Sophon, the automatic mechanism regulating the water pumps has broken down and the water pumps have been in service since 2007.
The propellers were taken out, cleaned, and replaced by officers, and the system is now back in service. When rain is predicted, highway personnel must remain overnight to turn on and off the water pumps. He anticipates replacing all of the water pumps the following year. More often scheduled visits by officials will be made to the tunnel to remove trash, inspect water pumps, and keep an eye on water levels via security cameras. Before the water pumps are changed, Sophon claims the agency has a temporary plan in place to handle any upcoming flooding. Highway officials discovered that a flood within the Pakkret Intersection Tunnel in Nonthaburi province near Bangkok was caused by plastic bags lodged in water pumps.

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