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BIG and RATCH Group Team Up for Thailand’s Green Hydrogen Revolution

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BIG, a trailblazer in climate technology innovation, is leading the charge for energy transition in Thailand’s industrial sector. The company has teamed up with RATCH Group Public Company Limited—a heavyweight in the energy and infrastructure space throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Their collaboration has taken a significant step forward with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to delve into the feasibility of generating green hydrogen from renewable energy sources, both domestically and globally. This joint venture aspires to meet the impending clean energy demands of various sectors including industrial, transportation, and power generation.

This partnership with RATCH Group accentuates the commitment of both companies to spearhead the energy transition through cutting-edge innovation and technology, with the ultimate goal of achieving carbon neutrality and net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Their collective aim is to nurture a low-carbon society, ensuring sustainability for future generations.

Mr. Nitus Voraphonpiput, Chief Executive Officer of RATCH Group Public Company Limited, conveyed that the MoU represents a strategic collaboration that taps into the strengths of both RATCH Group and BIG. The focus is on harnessing renewable energy to produce green hydrogen and to explore further business opportunities in this burgeoning field. As a leader in power generation, RATCH Group is well-positioned to leverage its expertise in developing methods and models for renewable energy application in green hydrogen production. The company’s extensive network of domestic and international renewable power plants will bolster this initiative. This venture signifies RATCH Group’s inaugural foray into the hydrogen fuel sector, expanding on its robust power generation business and diversifying its renewable power production base, especially in Australia.

Green hydrogen holds enormous potential for long-term value creation for the company, with demand poised for exponential growth. Crucially, this venture aligns with RATCH Group’s decarbonisation objectives and its ambitious goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

Mr. Piyabut Charuphen, Managing Director of BIG, highlighted that the company is advancing hydrogen innovation by leveraging the expertise of BIG and its parent company, Air Products from the USA—the world’s largest investor in green hydrogen projects. This includes groundbreaking projects like the Neom project in Saudi Arabia, which produces over 600 tons of green hydrogen daily, and substantial investments in low-carbon hydrogen production as part of the US’s seven regional clean hydrogen hubs project.

BIG is unwavering in its commitment to global sustainability, encapsulated in its strategic vision of “Generating A Cleaner Future” in collaboration with various sectors. The company acknowledges the crucial role of clean energy in propelling the energy transition in Thailand. They are pursuing the production and utilization of hydrogen energy, a pivotal climate technology, to significantly curb carbon dioxide emissions.

The joint effort involves probing business opportunities and fostering the development of green hydrogen production from renewable energy sources such as hydropower, wind, and solar energy harvested from Laos, in addition to wind and solar energy from solar panels in Australia. The resultant green hydrogen will serve as a vital fuel for the energy transition, enabling industries and the nation to meet the NDC Plan 2030 targets.

Furthermore, the adoption of green hydrogen lends a competitive edge to the industrial sector on the global stage by ensuring compliance with the European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). This strategic pivot towards green hydrogen not only underpins Thailand’s energy transition but also positions it at the forefront of the global movement towards sustainability.


  1. EcoWarrior June 6, 2024

    It’s great to see companies like BIG and RATCH investing in green hydrogen, but I’m skeptical about how much this will actually impact global carbon emissions. Is this just another PR stunt?

    • Amanda Stevens June 6, 2024

      PR stunt or not, any movement towards renewable energy is a step in the right direction. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

      • EcoWarrior June 6, 2024

        True, but small steps won’t be enough to tackle the climate crisis. We need sweeping changes and fast!

      • Lucas Green June 6, 2024

        Sweeping changes require massive investments and policy shifts. These are complex issues, and gradual changes are inevitable.

    • GreenDreamer June 6, 2024

      Can’t disagree more! Even small initiatives bring awareness and push bigger giants to act.

    • Tom June 6, 2024

      It’s all about sustainable growth. These efforts can stimulate the market for green tech solutions.

  2. PeteGreen June 6, 2024

    Why isn’t the government involved in these projects? They should be spearheading these initiatives, not private companies.

    • Natasha P. June 6, 2024

      Governments are often slow and bogged down by bureaucracy. Private companies can be more agile and innovative.

    • changemaker92 June 6, 2024

      Private companies often have more resources and expertise, but government backing would definitely help scale these projects faster.

    • PeteGreen June 6, 2024

      Agreed. I just worry about who controls the future of our energy. It should be in the hands of the people, not profit-driven companies.

  3. elgreen June 6, 2024

    This collaboration is exciting! Green hydrogen could revolutionize how we power everything from cars to factories.

  4. ClimateRealist June 6, 2024

    Green hydrogen is not a silver bullet. It still has efficiency and cost issues. Let’s not forget that.

    • Laura Banks June 6, 2024

      No energy solution is perfect, but green hydrogen addresses some key issues related to renewable energy storage and transport.

    • ClimateRealist June 6, 2024

      True, but the cost and efficiency need to be tackled before it can be a viable mainstream solution.

  5. Rick Sanchez June 6, 2024

    Amazing how optimistic we can be with new technology, but let’s not lose sight of the fact that fossil fuels still dominate global energy.

  6. Ella June 6, 2024

    Can Thailand’s infrastructure even support green hydrogen on a large scale?

    • EngineerJoe June 6, 2024

      Good point. The development of infrastructure will be a significant challenge that needs thorough planning and investment.

    • Ella June 6, 2024

      I wonder if they’ve considered the logistics and supply chain issues too. It’s one thing to produce green hydrogen, another to distribute it effectively.

  7. DevelopmentDan June 6, 2024

    Let’s not forget the potential for job creation in the green energy sector. This could be huge for Thailand’s economy.

  8. SkepticSue June 6, 2024

    Job creation is nice, but what about the local environmental impacts of all this development?

  9. John Doe June 6, 2024

    This is really cool news! Hope they can pull it off and set an example for the rest of the world.

  10. InnovatorX June 6, 2024

    The collaboration between BIG and RATCH makes me hopeful for a future where green hydrogen is more accessible and widely used.

  11. Sarah June 6, 2024

    How long before we can see tangible results from this partnership?

    • TechSavvySam June 6, 2024

      Big projects like this usually take years before significant progress is visible, especially when dealing with new technology.

  12. GreenGiant June 6, 2024

    I think this initiative is a clear sign that green energy is becoming more mainstream. Can’t wait to see the results!

    • EcoWarrior June 6, 2024

      More mainstream, sure, but let’s ensure it’s actually effective and not just a fad.

  13. ClimateNerd June 6, 2024

    BIG’s involvement is crucial here, given their track record in green hydrogen. This might actually work.

    • David June 6, 2024

      Hesitant to place my faith in corporations, but BIG does have an impressive portfolio.

  14. TechieJess June 6, 2024

    This is an amazing step toward sustainability. More countries should follow Thailand’s lead.

  15. Bobby June 6, 2024

    Green hydrogen sounds great, but how realistic is its widespread adoption?

    • ScienceGeek June 6, 2024

      It’s realistic, but like any new tech, it will face numerous hurdles, from cost to infrastructure.

  16. PeterPiper June 6, 2024

    With green hydrogen, will we finally see a drop in global warming?

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