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Here’s Why Hydrogen Might Not Be Your Next Car Fuel: Iberdrola CEO Shatters Green Energy Myths!

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Sprouting from the fertile ground of future energy solutions, hydrogen stands tall as a quintessential beacon of green abundance. Its hopeful hue speaks of untold possibilities, yet translating it into a commercial reality plays its own tune of challenge – so asserts Iberdrola, one of the world’s leading private renewable electric utility providers, and ranked third globally. The company presents a nuanced perspective – hydrogen, rather than revving up passenger cars, could better power the giants of heavy logistics and industry.

At the helm of the company, Iberdrola’s CEO, Armando Martinez, brings a measured view on this hydrogen hype. Nudging the rose-tinted glasses off, he explains that hydrogen has been a backstage player in industry circles for many a decade. Yet, its moment in the consumer market’s limelight, especially as far as private cars are concerned, has remained elusive.

Peeling back the curtain on the backstage, Martinez discloses that a significant 90% of the hydrogen meeting customer needs rises from the ashes of conventional, non-renewable methods. The economical aspect is what tips the scale towards this choice, with our green hero often left sidelined due to price concerns.

The narrative continues on the international stage, where Martinez met with high-ranking executives from PTT Plc, the energy titan reigning over Thailand’s national energy landscape. These power-wielders convened in Madrid, the capital city that artfully expresses an echo of past eras interwoven with modern dynamism. It was a fitting stage for a dialogue revolving around a future-forward theme – the complexities of hydrogen commercialisation.

Throughout this discussion, the pressing issue of cost emerged again, tugging at the green seams of the hydrogen dream. Martinez underscored the struggle of customers torn between their eco-responsibility and the extra drain on their pocketbooks that green hydrogen would pose. His proposed resolution echoed the need for a financial bridge in the form of government subsidies. The US shone amongst his cited examples, leading the way through incentivizing hydrogen production and greasing the wheels of corporations eager to transition towards sustainable practices.

Martinez also shed light upon another roadblock clogging the march of hydrogen commercialisation – efficient transportation. Despite hydrogen’s longstanding industry history, a one-size-fits-all method of transporting it to consumers has not yet made its mark. The current practice – relying on bottles and high-pressure cylinders – presents its own set of challenges.

Moving further into this conversation, Martinez unravelled the impracticality of hydrogen as fuel for private vehicles. Disparities between charging infrastructures and established vehicle-user habits loomed large against the backdrop of hydrogen’s potential. Painting an alternate picture, he pointed towards larger, heavy-duty vehicles and transport services with gargantuan energy appetites where hydrogen as a fuel might find a cozier fit.

Underlining all these insights, Martinez left no doubt about the importance of government subsidies in realizing the economic viability of hydrogen energy. Striving towards this vision also entails confronting and overcoming the prevalent transport hurdles – a sentiment echoed by Bangkok Post’s report.

Matching step with these strides towards renewable energy solutions, Thai national energy leader PTT Plc accelerates its own commitment. The company waters its growing efforts in exploring alternative renewable power sources and enlarging its hydrogen fuel footprint. This green-energy-driven endeavor forms a cornerstone of PTT Plc’s blueprint for sustainable growth.

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