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Condominium Fraud in Chiang Mai: Ronnarong Kaewpet Leads Justice Campaign

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Imagine buying your dream condominium, only to later find out that dreams can sometimes morph into nightmares. For over a hundred distraught individuals, this nightmarish scenario is their reality. These victims, seeking justice, have turned to the Foundation Campaigning to Reclaim Social Justice, valiantly led by the dedicated lawyer, Ronnarong Kaewpet. This passionate group has been tirelessly pursuing a condominium fraud case lingering in limbo since 2022.

In the bustling city of Chiang Mai, nestled in the alluring Hang Dong District, the luxury condominium project with units starting at a hefty 2.9 million baht promised buyers a piece of paradise. But as time unfolded, it appears this paradise had a devilish twist. The project kicked off with great fanfare in January 2019, attracting a crowd of glittering celebrities, including Kan Kantathavorn, known for his controversial involvement in the iCon Group pyramid scheme scandal—hardly the resume you want for a project ambassador.

Among the hopeful buyers was Ms. Narumon Simons. Enticed by the offered promise that her unit could generate a steady rental income, she took the leap, allowing the developer to manage her property. For a fleeting few years, she saw returns of approximately 100,000 baht annually between 2019 and 2022. Alas, the well of wealth soon dried up, and her dream investment spiraled into disrepair. Upon reclaiming her unit, she was greeted by Chinese tenants—and a condo in heartbreaking disrepair, much like a faded memory.

This harrowing tale is echoed by many others. Some investors dove deeper, buying as many as seven units, only to be left without the promised returns. Unsurprisingly, frustration boiled over, leading over 100 victims, collectively shouldering damages surpassing a staggering 300 million baht, to bring their plight to the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) back in 2022. Yet, their calls for action have been met solely with silence, their cries for justice seemingly lost in bureaucratic oblivion.

But Ms. Narumon and her fellow victims are not deterred. Inspired by the judiciary’s swift dealings with the infamous iCon Group scam, they are demanding their issue receive equally urgent attention. Fervor renewed, they have enlisted the help of their determined champion, lawyer Ronnarong, who has vowed not to let this grave injustice gather dust. “A man on a mission” is what some might say, as he sets plans in motion to rally the group and take their case directly to the doorsteps of the DSI, seeking answers and action.

As the chapter of 2024 unfolds, these victims stand resilient, unified in purpose, driven by the underlying hope that justice, although delayed, will not be denied. In the thrilling saga of redemption and resolution, it remains to be seen whether the weight of their evidence will finally tilt the scales of justice in their favor. The world watches with bated breath, for if there’s one thing we love, it’s cheering for the valiant underdog fighting for what’s right in the face of overwhelming odds.


  1. Alice W October 23, 2024

    It’s outrageous how these scams keep happening. Why isn’t the government doing more to prevent these frauds?

    • optimist67 October 23, 2024

      Unfortunately, it seems like the officials are just dragging their feet. It’s up to the victims to make noise.

      • Alice W October 23, 2024

        You’re right, but it shouldn’t be their burden. Officials need to step up.

    • Pete Davidson October 23, 2024

      The government? Ha! They’re probably too busy lining their pockets.

  2. Ben Johnson October 23, 2024

    Kan Kantathavorn involved? No surprises there. Anyone could see his involvement as a red flag after the iCon Group mess.

    • kdeepthought October 23, 2024

      People trust celebrities too much. Just because they’re famous doesn’t mean they’re trustworthy.

      • Ben Johnson October 23, 2024

        Exactly, some of them are just tools for marketing. Buyer beware!

  3. Susan 95 October 23, 2024

    I feel terrible for Ms. Narumon. The emotional toll must be as heavy as the financial one.

  4. Patel R October 23, 2024

    Buying a dream condo should never end up like this. It’s a systemic issue with little accountability in the real estate sector.

    • grower134 October 23, 2024

      It’s not just Thailand, real estate scams are a global issue. More regulation is needed everywhere.

      • Patel R October 23, 2024

        Very true. Transparency is crucial, but it’s almost non-existent.

  5. Joanne L October 23, 2024

    Does anyone know if Ronnarong has a history of winning these types of cases? They need a strong lawyer.

  6. honesty_first October 23, 2024

    To those blaming the victims: considering these people greedy is cold-hearted. They were promised something totally different.

    • Samantha Clark October 23, 2024

      Everyone wants a piece of paradise. That’s not greed; it’s normal hope.

    • RichieRich October 23, 2024

      It’s also about due diligence. People should research more, especially when spending so much.

  7. Larry D October 23, 2024

    I wonder if other victims have had similar scams. This could be bigger than just one project.

    • MarcusUnderstood October 23, 2024

      If patterns are emerging, surely there should be some form of investigative journalism diving into this?

  8. Megan H October 23, 2024

    sounds so much like a movie. I hope these people get their justice.

    • Alice W October 23, 2024

      Let’s hope for a Hollywood ending then—where the good guys finally win!

  9. Brian October 23, 2024

    Will these condo owners ever see their money again? So discouraging.

    • frustration_simon October 23, 2024

      Sadly, few ever do in such scams. It’s mostly about getting justice at this point.

    • Joanne L October 23, 2024

      They might not get everything back, but something is better than nothing.

  10. Aisha K October 23, 2024

    People should stop blaming the victims. They’ve suffered enough already.

    • Dave_101 October 23, 2024

      True. It’s the perpetrators who need to face justice, not the ones who believed in a genuine opportunity.

  11. Tracy Miles October 23, 2024

    Does anyone know if the units are still being rented out by the fraudsters? Hard to believe the impacts at every level.

  12. frankie22 October 23, 2024

    Another scandal, another example of the rich getting richer at the expense of hard-working people.

  13. Leah T October 23, 2024

    Honestly, this is making me think twice about real estate investments. Too risky.

    • realty_check October 23, 2024

      Not all real estate is like this. Good, transparent projects exist; they just aren’t as newsworthy!

  14. Jeff_42 October 23, 2024

    Ronnarong Kaewpet seems to be doing great work. Wishing him success. These people need some hope.

    • Alice W October 23, 2024

      He’s really taking on a giant task, but kudos to his spirit.

  15. Gayathri Raman October 23, 2024

    I utterly respect those still fighting. Giving up is easy, but not these people!

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