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EVA Air Adopts AeroSHARK Technology to Reduce Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions

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Lufthansa Technik AG is thrilled to announce that EVA Air has become the first Asian airline to embrace its groundbreaking AeroSHARK surface technology, a joint innovation with BASF that promises to cut down fuel consumption by reducing drag. The Taipei-based carrier has committed to outfitting its entire cargo fleet of nine Boeing 777F long-range freighters with these state-of-the-art riblet films, which will envelop the fuselage and engine nacelles. The first EVA Air freighter, B-16786, has already undergone this revolutionary modification at its home base, Taipei Taoyuan International Airport. Under the expert guidance of Lufthansa Technik, the transformation was masterfully executed by Evergreen Aviation Technologies Corp. (EGAT), an affiliate of EVA Air. The newly modified aircraft is set to return to commercial service in early September.

AeroSHARK is inspired by the natural drag-reducing properties of sharkskin. The technology features riblets—tiny ribs about 50 micrometres in size—that, when applied to several hundred square metres of the fuselage and engine nacelles, significantly cut down on frictional resistance. This results in about a one-percent reduction in both fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. For EVA Air’s fleet of nine 777F aircraft, this translates to annual savings of over 2,500 metric tonnes of kerosene and a whopping 7,800 metric tonnes of CO2 emissions.

“EVA Air is steadfast in its commitment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, and we are continuously on the lookout for cutting-edge technologies to help minimize our carbon footprint,” noted Albert Liao, Executive Vice President of the Corporate Planning Division at EVA Air. “We are thrilled to partner with Lufthansa Technik to implement the innovative AeroSHARK surface technology on our 777F freighters. Beyond the fuel savings, this technology significantly reduces CO2 emissions. EVA Air will closely monitor the actual fuel-saving benefits and consider extending this technology to additional aircraft in our fleet.”

Dr. Wassef Ayadi, Senior Director of Customer Relations OEM & Special Engineering Services at Lufthansa Technik, expressed his elation: “EVA Air is globally recognized for its pioneering spirit and technical acumen, making it incredibly rewarding to see them convinced of AeroSHARK’s benefits. This is the world’s most advanced sharkskin technology for commercial aviation, and we are proud to offer international trailblazers like EVA Air a swift and effective solution to lessen their environmental footprint.”

Lufthansa Technik holds Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs) for AeroSHARK modifications on two types of Boeing 777 aircraft, and this cutting-edge technology is swiftly being adopted by airlines worldwide. Beyond EVA Air’s first sharkskin-equipped freighter, numerous aircraft are already soaring the skies with AeroSHARK, and the fleet continues to expand. EVA Air aims to complete the outfitting of its entire 777 fleet by 2027.

Looking ahead, Lufthansa Technik and BASF are committed to the ongoing evolution of AeroSHARK, with the aim of helping more airlines worldwide meet their sustainability targets. Future development efforts will focus on obtaining approvals for additional aircraft types and enlarging the surface areas that can be treated. According to initial model calculations, the sharkskin technology holds the potential to curtail CO2 emissions by up to three percent at its peak implementation.


  1. eco_enthusiast12 August 26, 2024

    This is a significant step forward! Any reduction in CO2 emissions is a win for the planet.

    • cynical_pilot August 26, 2024

      One percent reduction? That’s barely a dent! Airlines need to do way more than this to make a real impact.

      • green_novice August 26, 2024

        But every little bit helps, right? It all adds up in the end.

      • eco_enthusiast12 August 26, 2024

        Exactly! It’s not just about one change; it’s about accumulating multiple small changes for a bigger result.

      • aviation_expert_Sam August 26, 2024

        For an industry as large as aviation, even a one percent reduction can translate to massive fuel savings and lower emissions over time.

  2. KimLovesNature August 26, 2024

    This AeroSHARK technology sounds cool. I’m all for bio-inspired innovations!

    • tech_critic99 August 26, 2024

      It’s just a fancy gimmick. Airlines should invest in more efficient engines instead.

      • science_nerd August 26, 2024

        Bio-inspired tech has proven benefits in many fields. This isn’t just a gimmick, it’s science in action!

      • KimLovesNature August 26, 2024

        Agreed! Nature has been refining these designs for millions of years. There’s wisdom in it.

  3. SkyTraveler August 26, 2024

    If only more airlines would follow EVA Air’s example, we might actually see some progress in reducing aviation’s carbon footprint.

  4. Grace H. August 26, 2024

    Why is no one talking about the cost? How much does this AeroSHARK modification even cost?

    • economics_guru August 26, 2024

      That’s a good point. If the cost outweighs the savings, airlines might not see it as a good investment.

      • EcoWarrior21 August 26, 2024

        Sometimes you can’t only think in terms of immediate costs. The long-term environmental benefits are priceless.

      • aviation_biz August 26, 2024

        From a business perspective, initial costs matter a lot. But if fuel prices continue to rise, this could pay off sooner rather than later.

  5. Liam J. August 26, 2024

    What happens when an aircraft with this technology needs maintenance? Does it become more complicated?

    • maintenance_pro August 26, 2024

      Good question. Maintenance procedures might need to be updated, but the core systems remain the same. It’s just the surface treatment that’s different.

    • SkyWatcher August 26, 2024

      And let’s hope airlines don’t skimp on maintenance due to the added complexity.

      • Liam J. August 26, 2024

        For sure. Safety can’t be compromised.

  6. sky_dreamer August 26, 2024

    I think it’s fantastic to see technological innovations aimed at sustainability in aviation.

  7. Mark T. August 26, 2024

    This is cool and all, but let’s not forget that air travel is still one of the biggest polluters. Is this really enough?

    • enviro_optimist August 26, 2024

      It’s a start! Many technologies together can pave the way for a cleaner future.

    • SkyWatcher August 26, 2024

      True, but it’s not a silver bullet. We need systemic change across the industry.

  8. avid_flyer August 26, 2024

    It’s great to see airlines taking responsibility. Can’t wait to fly on one of these modified planes!

    • grounded_pilot August 26, 2024

      Unfortunately, passenger planes might still be a long way from adopting this technology.

    • avgeek August 26, 2024

      But if cargo planes prove successful, it won’t be long before passenger flights get their sharkskin upgrade too.

  9. Tamara August 26, 2024

    Love seeing innovation that aims to reduce environmental impact. How soon can other airlines adopt this?

  10. Old_Timer August 26, 2024

    Back in my day, airlines wouldn’t dream of spending money on something like this!

    • Jared August 26, 2024

      Times have changed, and so must our technologies and priorities.

    • Old_Timer August 26, 2024

      Fair point. I guess progress has its perks.

  11. eco_innovator August 26, 2024

    AeroSHARK is just scratching the surface. Imagine if we could fully mimic nature’s efficiency!

  12. TechSavvy August 26, 2024

    Super interesting! I’d love to know more about other potential applications of this sharkskin technology outside aviation.

  13. airline_insider August 26, 2024

    EVA Air always seems to be ahead of the curve. This move reaffirms their commitment to sustainability and innovation.

    • frequent_flyer987 August 26, 2024

      Absolutely! It’s one of the reasons I prefer flying with them.

  14. aviation_fanatic August 26, 2024

    Just wait till other airlines follow suit. This could become an industry standard!

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