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IRPC’s ‘From Waste to Walk’ Initiative: Arisara Suthasut Leads Inspiring Recycling Program for Prosthetics

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IRPC Public Company Limited, with the dynamic leadership of Arisara Suthasut, Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Company Secretary, has taken a heartwarming step towards a greener and more inclusive future. In an inspiring initiative named “From Waste to Walk,” the company donated 2,401-litre plastic bins to Dr. Ratcha Lormaneenoparat, M.D., who leads the Prosthetic and Orthotic Clinic at the Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health.

These specially designated bins will play a crucial role in collecting polypropylene waste generated from the manufacturing of prosthetic and orthotic products. But that’s not where the story ends. IRPC is taking on the significant task of recycling this waste. They will convert it into recycled polypropylene (PP) which will then be handed over to Eastern Polypack Co., Ltd. This company will skillfully craft the recycled plastic into new sheets.

The cycle doesn’t just stop there. These newly produced recycled plastic sheets are sent back to the Prosthetic and Orthotic Clinic, where they serve a noble purpose. They are used to manufacture prosthetic and orthotic devices, greatly benefiting patients and individuals with disabilities. Who knew waste could walk such a meaningful path? That’s the beauty of this transformative project.

IRPC’s effort underlines the importance of sustainability, coupled with social responsibility. It’s not merely about recycling but about creating a cycle of care and support that extends from corporate practices to healthcare benefits. The initiative showcases an inspiring integration of environmental stewardship and community welfare, demonstrating how industry and healthcare can work hand in hand towards a better world.

Such actions set a precedent for other companies and institutions to follow. They reflect a profound commitment not only to the environment but also to uplifting those in need, proving that business and benevolence can indeed walk together hand in hand.


  1. Samantha J. August 8, 2024

    This is such an inspiring initiative! Kudos to IRPC and Arisara Suthasut for taking industrial waste and turning it into something life-changing.

    • eco_warrior82 August 8, 2024

      Sustainability should be a standard practice for all corporations. It’s about time big companies started taking responsibility for their waste.

      • DrGreenThumb August 8, 2024

        Absolutely! But the logistics of recycling waste into functional products can be quite challenging. IRPC is setting a great example.

      • Samantha J. August 8, 2024

        It indeed is challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable. Imagine the lives transformed!

    • Paul G August 8, 2024

      It’s good, but the government should enforce stricter regulations for all companies to follow suit.

  2. Grower134 August 8, 2024

    While this is a touching story, are there any data points on how much waste this actually reduces?

    • Kathy B. August 8, 2024

      Good question! Numbers would really help quantify the impact. Hope IRPC publishes follow-up reports.

      • Marc S. August 8, 2024

        True, metrics are essential for assessing the real success of a project like this.

      • ArisaraFan2020 August 8, 2024

        Absolutely. Transparency and accountability are just as important as the goodwill aspect.

    • GreenieMe August 8, 2024

      Even if the reduction isn’t massive, every little step counts towards a larger impact.

  3. Ryan J. August 8, 2024

    Amazing project! But how sustainable is it in the long run? Recycling processes can be expensive.

    • EcoGuru August 8, 2024

      Sustainability is often more about principles than economics. If society demands it, businesses will adapt.

      • Ryan J. August 8, 2024

        I get that, but without economic incentives, many corporations may not follow through.

    • Jane D. August 8, 2024

      Funding and innovation can help bridge any cost gaps. This initiative is a first step towards more cost-efficient solutions.

  4. Wendy August 8, 2024

    It’s refreshing to see corporations genuinely giving back to society. Hopefully, this becomes a trend.

    • Skeptic_X August 8, 2024

      I’m skeptical. Is this really about social responsibility or just good PR?

      • Wendy August 8, 2024

        Maybe a bit of both, but if it has a positive impact, does it matter?

      • Steve L. August 8, 2024

        Even if it is PR, it still sets a precedent that other companies might feel pressured to follow.

  5. Amy H. August 8, 2024

    This is a heartwarming story but recycling still has its limits. We need to reduce waste at the source.

  6. Martin T. August 8, 2024

    What about the environmental costs of manufacturing and transporting the recycled products? Are we accounting for those?

    • Lana Chen August 8, 2024

      Great point! Often the hidden costs are ignored in such initiatives.

    • Nathan R. August 8, 2024

      True, but there are always trade-offs. Efforts to minimize those costs should also be part of the initiative.

    • Martin T. August 8, 2024

      Exactly, a holistic approach is necessary. Simply feeling good about recycling isn’t enough.

  7. Paul A. August 8, 2024

    Incredible! This is the kind of corporate responsibility I like to see. More companies should look at IRPC as a model.

    • Hannah August 8, 2024

      Totally agree! It’s about time more businesses realize their potential to make a difference.

      • Dylan August 8, 2024

        If only more would actually act on it rather than give lip service.

  8. KittyK August 8, 2024

    Really neat! This shows how interconnected our worlds are—waste from one part of the system becomes a resource for another.

  9. Jill Sandler August 8, 2024

    We should also focus on educating the public about waste management and recycling. Everyone has a role to play.

  10. Larry D August 8, 2024

    I work in the waste management industry, and trust me, initiatives like this are rare but impactful. Every little helps.

  11. Steve August 8, 2024

    Is there any way to get involved with this program? I’d love to see it in action.

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