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Khun Yaya Urassaya and Tor Thanapob Debut in Krungthai-AXA Life’s New Insurance Campaign

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Krungthai-AXA Life Insurance Public Company Limited, a front-runner in life and health insurance, has just launched its latest advertising campaign titled “Enjoy Life, worry free” for its LifeReady insurance plan. This innovative plan extends life coverage until the age of 99 and provides a variety of premium payment options, enabling people to secure their futures with ease. To bring this plan to life, the company has enlisted two new presenters: Khun Yaya Urassaya Sperbund and Khun Tor Thanapob Leeratanakajorn, who epitomize the values of the new generation, focusing on the significance of effective life planning and leading a fulfilling lifestyle.

Khun Bubphawadee Owararinth, Chief People and Brand & Communications Officer of Krungthai-AXA Life Insurance, commented, “In light of the volatile domestic and global economic conditions affecting interest rates, savings, investments, and spending, an increasing number of Thais are prioritizing financial planning. Krungthai-AXA Life believes that establishing a solid foundation through effective planning is essential for long-term financial stability. Among the various financial planning strategies, whole life insurance has become a preferred choice, with a 5.12% growth in whole life insurance products in 2023, as reported by the Thai Life Assurance Association.”

Aligning with the company’s ‘Customer First’ policy, Krungthai-AXA Life has created the ‘LifeReady’ insurance plan to accommodate the needs of working adults, families with children, and individuals seeking long-term coverage. The standout features of this plan include:

  • Lifetime coverage until age 99
  • Flexible premium payment options: 6 years, 12 years, 18 years, or until age 99
  • Tax-deductible premiums

Just recently, the company debuted the “LifeReady: Enjoy Life, worry free” commercial, featuring Khun Yaya Urassaya Sperbund and Khun Tor Thanapob Leeratanakajorn. These two personalities personify the new generation’s emphasis on effective life planning and leading an enriching lifestyle. The commercial narrates the tale of two characters who meticulously plan their lives in distinct manners. With the LifeReady whole life insurance plan, which offers long-term coverage and flexible premium payment options, they can live freely without worry. The message is clear: No matter what life throws their way, they can feel assured with robust protection for their loved ones. The campaign underscores Krungthai-AXA’s commitment to ‘acting for human progress by protecting what matters.’

This ad campaign targets viewers aged between 25-45 and will be broadcast across various media channels including television, cinema advertisements, out-of-home media nationwide, radio, print media, and online media, starting from June 13.

Furthermore, to add an element of fun and engagement, the company has organised activities on TikTok through the handle @krungthaiaxalife. Everyone is invited to participate in a Dance Challenge by following the moves of Yaya and Tor or by improvising creatively for a chance to win special prizes. Interested participants can join the activity from June 27 to July 11.

You can watch this commercial through various Krungthai-AXA Life Insurance channels by searching for Krungthai-AXA Life or scanning the QR Code below. For more details on the “LifeReady: Enjoy Life, worry free” campaign or information about the company’s life and health insurance products and services, contact the Customer Service Centre at 1159, available round the clock, or visit


  1. JoeSmith June 14, 2024

    Yaya and Tor are great choices for this campaign! They really connect with the younger audience.

    • Sarah L. June 14, 2024

      I agree! Their presence definitely makes the ad more engaging for millennials and Gen Z.

      • financialguru789 June 14, 2024

        But do those generations even care about life insurance? I doubt it.

      • JoeSmith June 14, 2024

        They might not, but their parents definitely do. And they want their kids to be prepared!

    • OldManJoe June 14, 2024

      These young bucks may get their attention, but I miss the days when insurance ads had real substance.

      • Emily B. June 14, 2024

        Times are changing! Traditional ads just don’t cut it anymore.

  2. Priya K. June 14, 2024

    I think promoting insurance products is important, but it’s disappointing that we need celebrities to sell them.

    • mark_theSpark June 14, 2024

      Celebrities are just another way to engage people. If it works, why not use it?

    • Scholar_Mind June 14, 2024

      The reliance on celebrities for credibility is indeed worrying. What happened to trusting professionals?

    • DonnaB June 14, 2024

      At the end of the day, what’s important is the message and the coverage. Using celebrities helps to reach more people.

  3. thaitastic23 June 14, 2024

    Really appreciate the effort to make financial planning accessible to everyone. This is much needed in today’s economy.

    • Karen T. June 14, 2024

      Absolutely, especially with the way things are fluctuating economically. We need more security like this.

  4. Thomas W. June 14, 2024

    It’s good to see companies offering flexible premium options. Not everyone can commit to long-term payment plans.

    • savvysaver_mike June 14, 2024

      Flexibility is indeed key. More options mean more people can find a plan that suits their needs.

    • Sandra G. June 14, 2024

      Still, insurance is a scam. They just want your money and give you nothing in return.

      • Thomas W. June 14, 2024

        I disagree. Insurance can be a lifesaver in tough times. It’s all about understanding what you’re paying for.

  5. Juana M. June 14, 2024

    Yaya and Tor are amazing in this ad! Their chemistry is undeniable.

    • David J. June 14, 2024

      That might be true, but do their fans understand the insurance they’re promoting?

      • Juana M. June 14, 2024

        It’s a start. At least it gets people thinking about it!

    • Mel K. June 14, 2024

      Their charm can definitely draw attention. The details can follow later.

  6. BinHyo June 14, 2024

    I love the idea of promoting life insurance through a dance challenge on TikTok! So creative!

    • Liza_M June 14, 2024

      It’s fun but does it really convey the seriousness of life insurance?

    • Henry R. June 14, 2024

      Sometimes you need a hook to draw people in. Once they’re engaged, they can learn more.

  7. Rick D. June 14, 2024

    I think it’s just a ploy to sell more policies. Nothing new here.

    • Lily June 14, 2024

      Well, it’s business. They need to sell to stay afloat. At least the product is something useful.

  8. Adele J. June 14, 2024

    Why do we even need life insurance until the age of 99? It’s a bit excessive.

    • Pedro87 June 14, 2024

      People are living longer. It’s smart to be covered for as long as possible.

      • Adele J. June 14, 2024

        True, but how many people actually make it to 99?

      • Longevity_Larry June 14, 2024

        It’s about peace of mind. You never know what might happen.

  9. Chiara June 14, 2024

    Finally, an insurance plan that offers something for everyone. Kudos to Krungthai-AXA!

  10. geeky_guy June 14, 2024

    Isn’t this just another marketing gimmick? How effective will the plan really be?

    • April June 14, 2024

      Only time will tell. But at least they’re trying to adapt and innovate.

  11. JohnDoe June 14, 2024

    Life insurance is essential in today’s unpredictable world. Glad to see this campaign gaining traction.

    • Isabella Hope June 14, 2024

      It’s a step in the right direction, let’s hope it makes a positive impact.

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