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Mobile School Project in Klong Toey: Reigniting Dreams for Bangkok’s School Dropouts

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Children participating in the Mobile School project in Klong Toey slum, Bangkok. (Photo: Apichart Jinakul)

Imagine a sunny Saturday in the heart of Bangkok’s bustling Klong Toey slum community, where a unique initiative is sparking hope and dreams among children who had once drifted away from the conventional school system. This isn’t just any open house—it marks the official kick-off of the “Mobile School” project, a groundbreaking effort driven by the Equitable Education Fund (EEF) to reintegrate over a million school dropouts into the magic of learning.

Patanapong Sukmadan, an assistant manager at EEF, passionately explains how the Mobile School project is meticulously designed to bridge educational gaps. With a focus on flexibility and accessibility, the project aims to ensure that even the most vulnerable children have the means to complete their education up to Matthayom 3 (Grade 9) in compliance with Thai educational law.

The initiative is a testament to the power of collaboration, bringing together the private sector and various educational networks to create a safety net for more than 1.02 million children who left traditional schools. Whether they choose on-site classes or online learning modules, these young minds are being offered a second chance to chart their career paths.

Patanapong notes that graduates of this program will receive certificates equivalent to Matthayom 3 levels, opening doors to further education and better job prospects. Behind the scenes, the EEF is working closely with the Ministry of Education and other partners to reach out to as many young people as possible, ensuring that no aspiring student is left behind.

Aside from providing educational opportunities, the Mobile School project stands as a beacon of inclusivity. By delivering flexible learning methods, it knocks down the barriers that typically hinder children from continuing their education. This sentiment is echoed by the children themselves, who are eager to re-embrace learning. Take 17-year-old Nong Nine, for example. Having dropped out after Grade 6, he now aspires to become an engineer. “I didn’t want to go to school back then,” he admits, his eyes gleaming with newfound ambition. “But now, I am ready to pursue my dream. I hope to get my Grade 9 certificate and continue my studies in engineering.”

Wittith Ternpholboon, the secretary-general of the Children and Youth Development Foundation, lends further support to the project. He underscores the importance of Article 12 of the National Education Law, which mandates that education for vulnerable groups should be tailored to their unique needs while still aligning with the main curriculum. In his view, no child should be denied the opportunity to learn, and each community should have the right to adapt educational approaches that fit their specific lifestyle and requirements.

The statistics paint a sobering picture. According to EEF data, the highest concentration of out-of-school children is in Bangkok, with 137,704 kids left behind, followed by Tak with 65,371, Chiang Mai with 36,888, and Chon Buri, home to 35,081 out-of-school children. The reasons for dropout are diverse, ranging from poverty (46.1%) and family issues (16.1%) to a sheer reluctance to attend school (12%).

Yet, amidst these daunting numbers, the Mobile School project shines brightly as a symbol of hope and possibility. By bringing education to the doorsteps of those who need it most, it is not just teaching lessons but transforming lives, one child at a time.


  1. Lily D July 6, 2024

    This Mobile School project is incredible! It’s about time we see initiatives focused on the most vulnerable children.

    • Jimbo July 6, 2024

      Totally agree, but I worry about the quality of education they’ll receive compared to traditional schools.

      • Marie Connors July 6, 2024

        It’s a valid concern, but considering the alternative is no education at all, isn’t this a massive step forward?

      • Lily D July 6, 2024

        Exactly, it’s about giving these kids a fighting chance. Any education is better than none.

  2. Skeptic23 July 6, 2024

    This sounds like it could be a waste of resources. How many of these kids will actually go on to finish their education?

    • SC July 6, 2024

      Every child deserves a chance, regardless of the outcome. Better to try and fail than not to try at all.

      • HopefulHarriet July 6, 2024

        Agreed. Even if a fraction finish, it’s worth it. One educated child can uplift an entire community.

    • TeacherTon July 6, 2024

      It’s about creating pathways and opportunities. Even one success story can inspire others.

  3. Nina78 July 6, 2024

    I wish programs like this were around when I was young. Dropping out of school was one of my biggest regrets.

  4. Phil Stevenson July 6, 2024

    I’m skeptical. Will these certificates be recognized by employers and further education institutions?

    • Educared July 6, 2024

      The article mentioned collaboration with the Ministry of Education. That should help with recognition.

  5. Anonymous July 6, 2024

    Why does Bangkok have such a high dropout rate? Aren’t there enough schools?

    • LocalResident July 6, 2024

      It’s more about economic issues and family problems than the number of schools. Many kids have to work to support their families.

    • WorriedMom July 6, 2024

      Exactly, poverty plays a huge role. Education isn’t always the priority when there’s no food on the table.

  6. EngineerRick July 6, 2024

    Nong Nine’s story is truly inspiring. Imagine the potential if more kids like him got a chance.

  7. Sandy Torres July 6, 2024

    The private sector should be more involved in such initiatives. They have the resources and can make a huge impact.

    • CorporateCritic July 6, 2024

      They should, but they are often more interested in profits than social responsibility.

      • Sandy Torres July 6, 2024

        True, but some companies are starting to see the value in giving back to the community.

  8. Chang K July 6, 2024

    Article 12 of the National Education Law is great in theory, but how well is it actually being implemented?

    • PolicyWatch July 6, 2024

      Implementation is always the challenge. Laws need proper monitoring and enforcement.

  9. Eduardo July 6, 2024

    What about the future of online learning? Can it be as effective as traditional classrooms?

    • E-LearnAdvocate July 6, 2024

      With the right resources and support, online learning can be just as effective, especially for self-motivated students.

  10. Jess July 6, 2024

    This project is revolutionary! Flexibility in education is key to adapting to individual needs.

    • Dave G July 6, 2024

      Flexibility is important, but consistency and discipline shouldn’t be sacrificed.

    • Jess July 6, 2024

      Of course, balance is crucial. The flexibility is meant to ensure no one is left out because of their circumstances.

  11. ProudThai July 6, 2024

    EEF and the Ministry are doing commendable work. This is a model other countries can follow.

  12. GlobalCitizen July 6, 2024

    Education should be a global priority. Every child deserves a chance to succeed.

  13. Patricia Y July 6, 2024

    It’s heartwarming to see Nong Nine’s enthusiasm for learning. He embodies the spirit of the Mobile School project.

    • RealistRyan July 6, 2024

      It’s great, but we need to see how many actually succeed long-term.

  14. TeacherJane July 6, 2024

    I’ve seen firsthand how flexible learning environments can benefit students. Kudos to EEF for this initiative!

  15. ScienceGuy July 6, 2024

    Great initiative, but what about integrating STEM subjects more heavily? Future jobs will depend on this.

  16. Sara K July 6, 2024

    The collaboration between different sectors is key. Projects like this succeed because everyone pitches in.

    • TO July 6, 2024

      Agreed. It’s a collective effort. We need more of this kind of unity.

  17. ConcernedParent July 6, 2024

    How can parents support this initiative? It’s great, but we need to be involved as well.

  18. Langdon July 6, 2024

    How sustainable is this project? What happens when the initial funding runs out?

    • OptimistPaul July 6, 2024

      If it shows success, I’m sure more funders will come on board. Success breeds support.

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