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Monsoon Madness Unleashes in Thailand: Fearsome Floods and Chaotic Climate Expected!

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In the coming days, weather reports indicate that the Southwest Monsoon will notably strengthen, impacting the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. This surge is expected to occur from Saturday through Thursday, as per the seven-day weather forecast issued this Friday.

With these conditions, an augmented amount of rainfall across the overall nation is foreseen. Particular areas of concern include the Northeast and Central regions comprising Bangkok and the South’s eastern coastline where isolated heavy downpours are predicted to take place. Regions such as the North, East, and the South’s West Coast might face isolated instances of extreme heavy precipitation.

The authorities also expect an increase in the size of the waves in the upper reaches of the Andaman Sea and the Gulf, where the wave height could reach two to three meters. Furthermore, waters could surge to over three meters during thunderstorms presenting potential risks for navigational activities.

The weather agency is alerting residents about potential flash floods and rivers overflowing, primarily in low-lying regions. It is advising that small watercraft remain onshore, especially in the upper regions of both Andaman and the Gulf, until at least Thursday next week as a precautionary measure against the high tides and possible thunderstorms.

In other news, according to the agency, tropical typhoon “Doksuri”, presently stirring up the upper South China Sea, is expected to make landfall at Fujian by upcoming Saturday. The typhoon will gradually lose its potency, downscaling to a tropical storm, then to a tropical depression, and eventually to a low-pressure area. Despite its perceived intensity, Doksuri will not have a direct effect on Thailand’s weather situation.

Simultaneously, a new tropical storm “Khanun” is prematurely forming to the East of the Philippines and is slowly drifting Northwest towards China. The progress of this system is closely being monitored and might cause additional weather disturbances in the area in the coming days, the department has indicated.

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