In a horrifying turn of events, a mother and her daughter fell into a coma and later succumbed to their injuries following a minibus’s calamitous crash into an electricity pole. In the same incident, two others suffered minor injuries and are currently recuperating. The local authorities are diligently scrutinizing the details leading to the unfortunate accident, which occurred around 6.40pm yesterday.
The fatal accident, as reported by the concerned officers from Mae Mo Police Station of Lampang province, struck during the journey to Thung Bua Tong, on a treacherous route running between Mae Mo and Ban Dong in the Mae Mo district of Lampang, and resulted in grievous tragedies.
Promptly post the incident, the local Disaster Prevention and Relief Officers were aligned to survey the accident site. As per the account tendered to KhaoSod, the scene was gut-wrenchingly horrifying.
Picture a blue minibus, its registration number flashing as 10-2950 Lampang, which usually operates on the Lampang-Ban Tan route. One moment it was cruising down the road, and the next, it was horrendously smashed into an electricity pole standing by the roadside. The front of the vehicle bore the brunt of the impact and was wrecked beyond recognition.
Among the accident victims, two women were discovered in grave condition while the other two, a gentleman, and a young woman of 27 years, were somewhat fortunate with minor injuries. Emergency responders acted swiftly, administering first aid at the location before shifting them to the Mae Mo Hospital. To our distress, the hospital later confirmed the tragic demise of the two initially unconscious women.
The deceased were identified as Amphai Kaewkham, 55, and her daughter, Orathai Kaewkham, 33. Initial findings indicated that the deceased were residents of Na Chae, Chang Nuea, and Mae Mo. In response, the police pledged to unearth the real cause behind this tragic accident to ensure adequate future preventive measures, ensuring traffic regulations are effectively enforced.
Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. Back in July, we saw a school minibus crash into the rear of a pickup truck, resulting in the vehicle capsizing and several male and female students getting injured.
The school minibus mishap occurred on the Jarod Withi Thong Road, along the National Highway 12, specifically between the Tak-Sukhothai markers 102 and 101 lying in the Num Reum sub-district of the Tak province. For more details on this particular incident, click HERE
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