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NewLeaf’s Ethical Entrepreneurship: Harmonizing Thai Coffee Soaps and Social Impact

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Amidst the backdrop of Northern Thailand’s rolling hills and expansive plateaus, a tale of innovation and social responsibility begins with a determined young student named Rawit Thamparanon, also known to his friends as Beam. As a senior at the prestigious Ruamrudee International School, Beam embarked on a journey that would not only capture his imagination but also steer him towards a path of altruistic entrepreneurship.

As he traversed the verdant landscapes of the north, a striking contrast presented itself before his eyes: the rustic simplicity of the coffee plantations starkly juxtaposed against the polished, urban café scenes of Bangkok. This realisation ignited within Beam the resolve to forge a connection between the disparate worlds. Vowing to uplift and enhance the livelihoods of the coffee farmers, Beam set out to create a venture that would channel additional income into their deserving hands.

The eureka moment came from an unlikely source—a fusion of family heritage and agricultural by-products. Growing up around the family’s soap production business, Beam developed a curiosity for crafting the perfect bar of soap. When he learnt about the lesser-known virtues of coffee beyond its robust flavors and caffeine-kick—its potent properties as a natural ingredient for skincare—his two worlds collided.

Armed with resolve and a newfound purpose, Beam homed in on the Arabica coffee variety grown in the serene village of Pang Khon in Chiang Rai. The choicest beans of this strain were to be the cornerstone of his novel soap creation.

To turn this dream into reality, Beam sought the expertise and mentorship of Mahidol University’s distinguished Dr. Dakrong Pissuwan. At the helm of the university’s research spearheading nanoparticles and nanomaterials, Dr. Pissuwan’s lab became a sanctuary for Beam’s experiments. Here, Beam dabbled with an innovative addition to his soaps: gold nanoparticles sheathed in Sericin, a silk cocoon protein, renowned for its silk-like smooth effects on the skin.

When the academic calendars gave way to holidays, Beam meticulously toiled over his soap, refining every aspect. His brand, fittingly named ‘NewLeaf’, blossomed under his careful stewardship. From concocting a unique recipe that earned the seal of approval from the Thai FDA, to the hands-on management of production and artistic design of packaging—Beam oversaw it all. And in a nod to environmental conservatism, he insisted on FSC-certified paper for his soap wrappings, supporting sustainable forestry.

Beam’s grand vision didn’t merely stop at soap. In a heartfelt gesture of philanthropy, every penny earned through ‘NewLeaf’s sales so far has been meticulously channeled into the compassionate mission of the Redemptorist Foundation for People with Disabilities in Pattaya. This benevolent contribution facilitated the purchase of new mattresses for student dormitories—a small comfort that made a world of difference.

And there’s more brewing in Beam’s plan. The first batch of 100 soap bars, modestly valued at 49 baht each, is slated to be donated to the foundation to aid in their fundraising endeavors. On October 11, 2023, with the official handover of funds, the foundation and its beneficiaries couldn’t help but radiate gratitude and joy, a testament to Beam’s impact.

In small, earnest steps, Beam’s ‘NewLeaf’ ventures forward, nurturing the seeds of broader societal support. Through his journey, he shows us that it’s possible to harmonise business acumen with social consciousness, and that even the smallest change, like a well-crafted bar of soap, can become a catalyst for greater good across communities.

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