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Nonthaburi’s Teen Gang Violence: 13-Year-Old Victimized by Sai Thong’s Wrath Spurs Police Action

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Welcome to Nonthaburi, a place not usually making headlines, but today we find ourselves fixated on a story that hits right in the gut – the tale of a 13-year-old boy, minding his own business, who endured a harrowing ordeal at the ruthless hands of the notorious Sai Thong gang. This isn’t your everyday schoolyard scuffle; this is the kind of shocking brutality that has the whole town talking.

Let’s rewind to January 10th, when the serene atmosphere of a local public park was shattered by violence. Here we see a young boy, tangled in teenage love gone sour, beaten to a pulp over an ex-girlfriend who, believe it or not, rolls with the gang. That’s right, the leader of this feared pack, known as Tee Tha Sai, decided fists and fury were the answer, leaving the boy with a litany of injuries that sound more like a boxer’s tale than a schoolkid’s. From a broken nose to a ruptured eardrum, and even a pulmonary hemorrhage – doctors say he’s staring down the barrel of surgery to piece him back together.

The boy’s mom, Ms. Chatmongkot, a lady who’s probably seen more than her fair share of scraped knees and childhood tumbles, was kept in the dark about the beating, because, you know, the gang warned him to zip it. But, the truth won out, as it often does, and now we learn there’s even a death threat in the mix! They’re talking about burning down his family home? No wonder she’s seeking the help of Ekapop Luengprasert, the voice behind Sai Mai District Must Survive.

But hang on, who is this Ekapop guy? Picture the kind of adviser to the interior minister who doesn’t sit behind a desk all day. No, sir! After hearing about the boy’s plight, Ekapop rolls up his sleeves, rounds up his posse, and heads straight into the lion’s den. We’re talking about a visit to Sai Thong village, where even the sidewalks whisper the gang’s name. He’s out there surveying the turf, eyeballing the spots where Tee Tha Sai and his cronies torment innocent locals.

Meet Poom, a local who speaks of the gang with a shudder – more than a hundred strong, he says, gripping your attention with tales of random beatings, guns, grenades, and brawls that are less about the fight and more about the fame. Then there’s Wanchai, 80 years young and a dictionary of local lore, who’ll tell you this gang’s been a thorn in the side for more than 30 years while the cops played a blind game of ignorance.

But there’s hope in the air, as Police Superintendent Pisut Chantharasuwan steps into the scene. He’s not just blowing hot air, he’s assembling a special team, a kind of avengers, tasked with one goal – to round up these thugs and finally bring some peace to the troubled streets of Nonthaburi.

So, grab the popcorn folks, because this is where the plot thickens, and the good guys gear up to take the fight to the bad ones. Stay tuned as we faithfully follow this wrenching story, cheering on the brave souls who dare to stand up to the bullies and fight for justice in Nonthaburi.

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