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**Phuket Selected to Represent Thailand in Bid for 2025 InterPride World Conference**

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Phuket has just been handpicked to represent the breathtaking land of Thailand in its bid to snag the illustrious honor of hosting the 2025 InterPride World Conference. This idyllic island triumphed over the charming Chiang Mai and vibrant Khon Kaen after a fiercely competitive showdown at the “Town Hall: Nationwide Pride Episode 2” meeting.

This significant gathering, meticulously organized by the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) and the Foundation for SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) Rights and Justice, brought together an impressive assembly of Pride organizers from every corner of Thailand. With sheer determination and buoyant spirits, they all congregated to support their cities.

Phuket, with its serene beaches and rich cultural heritage, will be put forth as Thailand’s dazzling representative at this year’s InterPride World Conference in Columbia come October. Here’s where the magic happens: the annual InterPride World Conference descends over five spectacular days, uniting around 600 Pride organizations from 70 diverse countries. Attendees dive deep into discussing the pulse of LGBTQ+ movements globally, sharing invaluable insights and experiences in the grand quest for gender equality.

Since its inception in 1982, the conference has largely set camp in Europe and North America. However, should Thailand seize the opportunity, it would mark the first time that Asia gets to play host, an exhilarating milestone highlighted by TCEB president Chiruit Isarangkun Na Ayuthaya. “Asia is ready,” one might chant, as Phuket eagerly angles for this monumental occasion!

Adding to the jubilations, Phuket’s governor, Sophon Suwannarat, previously noted that June’s Pride Month festivities did wonders for the island’s economy, injecting it with a healthy influx of revenue. He also mentioned that LGBTQ+ tourists are respected as high-quality visitors, known for their generous spending habits that benefit local businesses.

The aspirations don’t stop there! The ambitious Thai government is also keen on vying for WorldPride 2030. According to Mr. Chiruit, this event stands tall as one of the most significant global LGBTQ+ celebrations. With its expected tide of joyous attendees swarming to Thailand, it promises to pour even more substantial financial gains into the economy.

For perspective, last year’s WorldPride in Australia was nothing short of a colossal success. The event managed to lure in about 1 million passionate participants, transforming their expenditures into a veritable goldmine for the local economy.

So, here’s to Phuket, basking in the limelight and dreaming big. The vibrant island is all set to roll out the rainbow carpet, opening its arms wide to embrace one of the most spectacular celebrations of love, equality, and unity the world has ever seen!


  1. Leah Davis July 11, 2024

    Phuket sounds like a great choice for this event! The beaches, nightlife, and cultural events will be perfect for InterPride.

    • Adam Smith July 11, 2024

      I agree! But I hope the local government can handle such a large international event without any issues.

      • Sam July 11, 2024

        Definitely, infrastructure is key. The recent upswing in hosting events should give them good experience, though.

      • Leah Davis July 11, 2024

        True, but let’s not forget the revenue this will bring and the boost for tourism. Phuket prepared well for Pride Month, so that’s a good sign.

  2. Tanisha July 11, 2024

    This is a terrible idea! Why should we prioritize LGBTQ+ events over pressing everyday issues our country faces?

    • Jacob T. July 11, 2024

      Because events like this can shine a light on our culture and boost the economy. It’s strategic for long-term gains.

    • Ravi S. July 11, 2024

      I see your point, Tanisha. But such events promote inclusivity and can help combat societal discrimination.

    • Tanisha July 11, 2024

      Inclusivity is important, but what about better healthcare and education? Priorities seem misplaced.

    • Gina July 12, 2024

      Balancing priorities is tough, but globally engaging events benefit the country by broadening perspectives.

  3. oliver87 July 11, 2024

    Finally, Asia gets a shot! It’s high time the world recognizes our readiness to host such significant events.

    • Ruth July 11, 2024

      Absolutely! I’m just worried about how the local community will react to such large-scale LGBTQ+ events.

    • Jeff Newman July 12, 2024

      From what I’ve seen, Thailand is fairly open and accepting compared to many other Asian countries.

    • oliver87 July 12, 2024

      True, Jeff. Besides, exposure to diverse groups might also help foster acceptance.

  4. Maxine July 11, 2024

    This is a dream come true for the LGBTQ+ community in Asia. Can’t wait to see what Phuket will offer!

    • Nicole B. July 12, 2024

      Totally! Phuket’s resorts and natural scenery will make it an unforgettable experience.

    • Maxine July 12, 2024

      Yes, and the thought of being part of making history is just thrilling.

  5. Kim L. July 12, 2024

    I hope this event doesn’t lead to negative backlash. Not everyone here is supportive of LGBTQ+ rights.

    • Paulo July 12, 2024

      Well, let’s hope it becomes an opportunity for education and change.

    • Jessie July 12, 2024

      There will always be critics, but history shows us progress often comes through confronting biases.

  6. travelguru98 July 12, 2024

    As someone who’s traveled to Phuket, I can vouch for its suitability to host the InterPride Conference. It has everything!

  7. Sammy July 12, 2024

    Great news! This could set a precedent for more major international events happening in Asia.

  8. Ivan July 12, 2024

    I’m just worried about the traffic and environmental impact. Phuket is beautiful, let’s keep it that way!

    • Aaron R. July 12, 2024

      I share your concern, Ivan. Hopefully, they’ll plan sustainably.

    • Maya July 12, 2024

      Proper planning can indeed mitigate most of these issues. They should look at past events for lessons.

  9. Aquarius July 12, 2024

    Phuket will rise to the occasion, no doubt. This recognition is well deserved!

    • Milo July 12, 2024

      Phuket has always been a gem. It’s time the world sees it shine even brighter.

  10. Vivian Resse July 12, 2024

    Hosting the InterPride World Conference and then aiming for WorldPride 2030? Thailand really is aiming high!

    • Patrick July 12, 2024

      Ambition drives progress. It’s inspiring to see such bold aspirations.

    • Vivian Resse July 12, 2024

      Absolutely, but it’s crucial they maintain focus and prioritize properly.

  11. Liam J. July 12, 2024

    I’m skeptical. Thailand is seen as an LGBTQ+ friendly destination, but there are still significant challenges we need to address here.

  12. Ruby July 12, 2024

    Events like this can change perceptions and push for more profound societal changes.

  13. Sunny July 12, 2024

    Phuket’s natural beauty will definitely add a unique charm to the InterPride conference.

  14. Kev July 12, 2024

    I just hope this brings more permanent acceptance and not just a temporary economic boost.

  15. Zara July 12, 2024

    This is a critical accomplishment for the LGBTQ+ community in Asia. Let’s make the most of it!

  16. Tom S. July 12, 2024

    Let’s see if Phuket can live up to the expectations. Hosting a global event is no small feat.

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