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Thai Customs and Narcotics Bureau Foil 97 Million Baht Heroin Smuggling Operations

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Senior customs officials and police display seized heroin, worth about 97 million baht, during a media conference on Saturday. The drugs were destined for Taiwan and Australia.(Photo: Customs Department)

In a groundbreaking operation, the Customs Department has teamed up with the Narcotics Suppression Bureau to seize heroin worth about 97 million baht, aimed for overseas markets in Taiwan and Australia. Director-General Theeraj Athanavanich proudly announced on Saturday, shedding light on the intricacies of the authorities’ meticulous efforts that successfully thwarted the audacious smuggling plans on three separate occasions.

The drama began on August 7th at Bangkok Port, when customs officials noticed suspicious cargo labeled as meat grinders and meatball making machines, destined for Taiwan. Upon closer inspection, the vigilant authorities discovered a cleverly concealed stash of heroin, ingeniously hidden within the motors of two meat grinders. Weighing in at 11.8 kilograms, the haul was valued at an eye-popping 35.2 million baht.

Just a day later, on August 8th, the detectives struck gold again at Bangkok Port. This time, the illicit substance was hidden amidst 600 pieces of hill tribe clothing bound for Australia. The intricately camouflaged shipment contained a staggering 20.25 kilograms of heroin, boasting an estimated worth of 60.75 million baht.

Adding another thrilling chapter to this saga, authorities targeted smuggling attempts via air. During an inspection at the Suvarnabhumi Post Office’s international outgoing parcel section, they unearthed heroin masterfully tucked away within the side wall of a postal parcel box. The cunningly disguised package, bound for Australia, surprisingly carried 320 grams of heroin, valued at about 960,000 baht.

These successful interceptions have sent a clear and resounding message to drug traffickers daring enough to challenge the expertise of these vigilant law enforcement agencies. The collaborative efforts between the Customs Department and the Narcotics Suppression Bureau have not only safeguarded public health and safety but have also underscored their unwavering commitment to ending the scourge of drug trafficking.


  1. Chris J August 10, 2024

    Great job by Thai authorities! This is a massive win in the fight against drug trafficking.

    • Sam50 August 10, 2024

      Sure, but let’s not forget this isn’t the first time they’ve had a big bust. It feels like a drop in the ocean.

      • Chris J August 10, 2024

        I get your point, but every seizure is a step towards a drug-free society. We need to acknowledge these efforts.

      • Luna K August 10, 2024

        You’re both right. It’s about keeping the pressure on drug traffickers so that they know they’re always being watched.

  2. ProfessorL August 10, 2024

    The ingenuity of these smugglers never ceases to amaze me. Meat grinders and hill tribe clothing? Innovative, if nefarious.

    • Mai Thani August 10, 2024

      Indeed. It’s kinda scary how inventive they can be. Makes you wonder what else might be slipping through undetected.

      • ProfessorL August 10, 2024

        Exactly. For every successful interception, there are likely many more that go unnoticed. It’s a continuous cat-and-mouse game.

  3. Jackie August 10, 2024

    I’m just glad those drugs didn’t reach the streets. Imagine the lives that could have been ruined.

    • Debbie L August 10, 2024

      Absolutely, Jackie. The impact of heroin on families and communities is devastating.

      • Alex J August 10, 2024

        True, but we also need more support for rehabilitation. Interception is only part of the solution.

      • Jackie August 10, 2024

        Good point, Alex. Rehabilitation and prevention are crucial, too. It’s a complex issue.

  4. Teera August 10, 2024

    How about fixing the root causes of drug trafficking, like poverty and lack of education?

    • youthactivist123 August 10, 2024

      I agree, Teera! Addressing these issues can make a huge difference in reducing the supply chain.

    • Sam50 August 10, 2024

      That’s easier said than done. Governments need to have the will and resources to tackle these deeply embedded problems.

  5. Skeptic101 August 10, 2024

    Remember, these big busts are highly publicized. What about the ones we never hear about?

    • Mai Thani August 10, 2024

      That’s true. Transparency is crucial if we want public trust in these operations.

  6. Grower134 August 10, 2024

    I can’t believe how much money is tied up in this! 97 million baht could transform communities if allocated wisely.

  7. TechGuy August 10, 2024

    What about using better technology and AI to catch more of these smugglers?

    • Debbie L August 10, 2024

      That’s a great idea, TechGuy! Though it might be expensive, it could improve detection rates significantly.

    • TechGuy August 10, 2024

      Investment in tech is definitely worth it. Better than filling our streets with drugs.

  8. Sarah G August 10, 2024

    It’s also about improving international cooperation. Drug trafficking is a global issue.

  9. OldTimer August 10, 2024

    Still remember a time when drugs weren’t this rampant. Times have changed, not sure for the better.

  10. Jay M August 10, 2024

    Can you imagine what the traffickers will come up with next? They seem to be a step ahead every time.

  11. EcoWarrior August 10, 2024

    But let’s not forget about the environmental impact of drug production and trafficking. It’s harming the earth too.

  12. Larry Davis August 10, 2024

    The combined efforts of different agencies are crucial. This operation shows what can be done when they work together.

    • Sarah G August 10, 2024

      Exactly. We need more of such collaborations worldwide to make a real difference.

  13. Henry August 10, 2024

    Incredible to see such a high-value operation thwarted. Kudos to the officers involved.

    • OldTimer August 10, 2024

      Absolutely, these officers are the real heroes. Facing immense risks to protect us.

  14. Kiddo123 August 10, 2024

    Wow, 97 million baht is a lot! How many dollars is that?

  15. Juan P August 10, 2024

    Props to the customs and police officials for their vigilance. These operations save lives.

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