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Prawit Wongsuwon’s Luxury Watch Scandal: Veera Somkwamkid’s Crusade for Transparency Against Thai Corruption

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Imagine a sunny day at Government House in December 2017, where Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon, possibly more famous for his choice of accessories than his political maneuvers, finds himself squinting against the glare, not just from the sun but perhaps also from the flash of cameras. The reason? The man doesn’t just flaunt any timepiece; we’re talking luxury watches that could easily fund a small island vacation.

This tale of timepieces takes a more intriguing turn with the involvement of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) and activist Veera Somkwamkid, a man on a mission with the Anti-Corruption People’s Network. His quest: uncover the truth behind the glitter of Gen Prawit’s unreported wrist bling, leading us to a showdown that would rival any cinematic thriller, minus the popcorn.

The NACC, perhaps in an attempt to keep the suspense alive, handed over a report to Mr. Veera, as ordered by the Administrative Court. However, the details were shrouded in mystery, thanks to an overzealous use of black ink. Mr. Veera, undeterred, shared that despite the court’s order for a full disclosure within 15 days—a timeline that screams urgency—the NACC’s response was akin to a poorly written cliffhanger, filled with more gaps than answers.

Let’s backtrack to May 2, when the court, possibly channeling their inner superhero, imposed a 10,000-baht fine on the NACC for embodying the phrase “ignorance is bliss.” This wasn’t their first rodeo, though. An earlier order from the Official Information Commission, sparked by Mr. Veera’s relentless pursuit for transparency, seemed to have been lost in the bureaucratic ether.

Mr. Veera’s patience, much like our collective attention span, wears thin as he highlights the NACC’s affinity for suspense, evident in the missing pages and the mysterious absence of an official verification signature across the 1,000 pages he received. It’s like receiving a puzzle with missing pieces, except no one’s having fun.

The protagonist of our story, Mr. Veera, faces a paradox. Share the redacted documents and risk becoming a guest of the state for a year, or keep pushing for transparency in the hopes of a better tomorrow. His determination is the kind that inspires hashtags and social media movements. “But I don’t mind if I have to be in prison for releasing the paper. I will do so for the public benefit,” he declares, possibly pondering whether his activism could be the plot of a future Netflix documentary.

As we stand by, watching this drama unfold, one can’t help but wonder about the tales those luxury watches could tell—if only they could speak. Would they talk of power plays, secret deals, or simply a penchant for the finer things in life? Regardless, this tale of timepieces, transparency, and tenacity is far from over. Stay tuned, for the truth, much like time itself, will always find a way.


  1. TruthSeeker99 May 24, 2024

    Honestly, how is anyone surprised by this scandal? High-level politicians and corruption go hand in hand, not just in Thailand but globally. It’s the system that’s faulty!

    • OptimistPrime May 24, 2024

      I think that’s a bit of an oversimplification. Not every politician is corrupt, and there are plenty of countries with effective anti-corruption measures. Thailand is trying, as this case shows.

      • RealistRay May 24, 2024

        Trying, sure, but are they succeeding? The mere fact that those documents were redacted to oblivion tells us all we need to know about the ‘efforts’ being put in.

    • PatriotPong May 24, 2024

      This is why people are losing faith in the system. When those at the top aren’t held accountable, why should the average Joe follow the rules?

  2. BangkokBarry May 24, 2024

    Watches? Really? With all the issues we’re facing, we’re focusing on watches? I think our priorities are skewed.

    • JusticeJane May 24, 2024

      It’s not about the watches, Barry. It’s about transparency, accountability, and the message it sends to society. Ignoring such issues is how larger systemic problems fester and grow.

      • BangkokBarry May 24, 2024

        Fair point, Jane. I guess it’s the principle of the matter that counts. Just seems like such a petty thing to become a national scandal over.

  3. DaringDave May 24, 2024

    Hats off to Veera Somkwamkid for not backing down. We need more people like him who are willing to stand up for what’s right, even at personal risk. #Hero

    • CynicalSam May 24, 2024

      A hero? Or just another person looking for his 15 minutes of fame? It’s easy to stand against the government when you’re seeking attention.

      • DaringDave May 24, 2024

        It’s not about fame, Sam. It’s about fighting a corrupt system. His actions have consequences. Not many would dare to risk prison for the sake of public benefit.

  4. JennyJ May 24, 2024

    I’m all for rooting out corruption, but the focus on luxury watches seems petty. There are bigger fish to fry!

    • ActivistAnnie May 24, 2024

      It starts with watches and escalates from there. Today’s luxury watch could be tomorrow’s illicit deal. It’s all interconnected.

  5. WatcherOnTheWall May 24, 2024

    Does anyone else feel like the NACC is just putting on a show? Releasing heavily redacted documents is their way of saying, ‘Look, we did something!’ without revealing anything at all.

    • TruthSeeker99 May 24, 2024

      Absolutely! It’s all for show. They’re protecting their own. Transparency in this case is just a buzzword, not an actual practice.

  6. HistorianHank May 24, 2024

    This is a critical moment in Thai politics. How this scandal is handled could set a precedent for future cases of corruption. Watching closely.

    • SkepticSara May 25, 2024

      Or it could just be forgotten and swept under the rug like so many before it. I hope you’re right, but history tells us otherwise.

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