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Thanakit Jitareerat Investigates Scandal: Nonthaburi Hospital Director’s Affair Rocks Public Health Sector

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Standing amidst a circle of agitated reporters, Thanakit Jitareerat, the vice-minister for public health, addressed a complaint that had just made waves in the serene town of Nonthaburi. The complaint involved alleged adultery between a public hospital director and a nurse. This particular scandal had more than a few eyebrows raised and left much to be investigated. The incident first came to light when social media advocate Gun Jompalang posted a video, fueling curiosity and concern.

The unnamed hospital director, accused of having a scandalous affair with the nurse, fervently proclaimed his innocence on one point: he did not know that his paramour was still cohabitating with her husband. Nevertheless, he did admit to indulging in rough sex, which he claims, was with the full encouragement and consent of the nurse. As the wheels of bureaucracy turn, he has been reassigned from his original post at a tambon health promotion hospital to the Nonthaburi public health office, pending a thorough investigation.

On a fateful Friday, at the summoning of Vice-Minister Thanakit, the accused civil servant arrived to share his version of events. He maintained that he was under the impression that the nurse had ended her relationship with her husband, a notion she had allegedly affirmed. Now 40 years old and single, the director presented documents aiming to illuminate his side of the story. These would then journey up the administrative ladder to the permanent secretary for public health, as confirmed by the vice-minister.

The plot unraveled further when social media activist Guntouch “Gun” Jompalang escorted a 30-year-old man to the Ministry of Public Health to reveal his tale of woe. Using the social media spotlight, Mr. Guntouch pressed the ministry to determine if the affair fell short of the ethical standards expected from a public servant.

The distressed complainant narrated a tale that seemed straight out of a steamy thriller. He alleged that his 28-year-old wife and her lover engaged in sado-masochistic activities. Traces of their exploits were found in the form of candle wax stains, not just on her skin but on her nursing uniform as well. According to the husband, his wife had been subjected to being chained and handcuffed, indicative of the raunchy nature of their rendezvous.

Vice-Minister Thanakit delved into the timeline of the affair as recounted by the hospital director. The two entangled individuals had initially met at a seminar on September 4th of the previous year. Their relationship had started innocently enough with chats and photo exchanges on Line, a popular messaging app. Over time, their conversations escalated into an illicit relationship characterized by their first sexual encounter in May.

The hospital director added that their physical relationship had blossomed fleetingly, culminating in only four sexual encounters before the affair was exposed. He also clarified that the kinky elements, such as the chains and handcuffs, were introduced at the nurse’s behest and featured in only two of their encounters.

He reiterated his belief that the nurse had presented herself as separated from her husband, albeit still mindful of her married status and her responsibility as a mother. To eliminate ambiguity, Vice-Minister Thanakit announced plans to contact the nurse for a clarification of the director’s statement.

As it stands, it is too soon for any final conclusions about the alleged adultery. A detailed fact-finding investigation is anticipated to unfold over approximately two weeks. Authorities will subsequently decide any disciplinary measures if the hospital director is found guilty of contravening civil servant conduct codes or laws.

Responding to concerns about public confidence in the health promotion hospitals, Vice-Minister Thanakit emphasized that the director in question was not a doctor. Meanwhile, the town of Nonthaburi waits with bated breath, the shadow of scandal casting an uncertain pallor on the bustling routine of its public health services.


  1. Anna M. June 21, 2024

    This is absolutely scandalous! How can someone in a position of public trust behave like this?

    • Tony B June 21, 2024

      I agree, Anna. It’s disappointing to see someone in such a reputable position engaged in such behavior.

      • Dr. Smith June 21, 2024

        While it is scandalous, we need to remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Let the investigation run its course.

    • Sandra.K June 21, 2024

      We don’t know all the facts yet. Maybe there’s more to this story.

      • Anna M. June 21, 2024

        I understand, Sandra, but the allegations themselves are pretty severe. Even if some of it is true, that’s already problematic.

  2. grower134 June 21, 2024

    This whole situation sounds exaggerated for drama. Like, who still uses candle wax?!

    • Leo June 21, 2024

      People have different preferences, grower134. The issue isn’t the specifics of their activities but the breach of ethical standards.

  3. Marcus W. June 21, 2024

    I feel bad for the husband involved. He must be going through a tough time.

  4. Jessica H. June 21, 2024

    This must be heartbreaking for all families involved. Public scandals like this often tear communities apart.

  5. science_wiz June 21, 2024

    Is this really about adultery or about power abuse in the workplace? That’s what should be investigated!

    • Alex J. June 21, 2024

      Good point! If there’s evidence of coercion or abuse of power, that’s a whole other level of misconduct.

    • Jimmy June 21, 2024

      True, the power dynamics can’t be ignored here. It might be more complicated than just an affair.

  6. David June 21, 2024

    This affair should be a private matter, why make it public?

    • Rose June 21, 2024

      When you hold a public office, your private actions can affect public trust. That’s why this is a big deal.

    • Sam H. June 21, 2024

      Exactly, Rose. Public servants have to be held to higher standards.

    • David June 21, 2024

      Fair point, but dragging it out in public like this just feels so messy.

  7. booklover22 June 21, 2024

    Imagine being a patient at that hospital, how can you trust the management after this?

  8. Linda June 21, 2024

    I’m shocked by how detailed these allegations are. It’s almost like a soap opera.

  9. Mike June 21, 2024

    Why did the nurse’s husband go to social media instead of resolving this privately?

    • Tom R. June 21, 2024

      It seems like he wanted public accountability. Sometimes social media ensures things don’t get swept under the rug.

    • Linda June 21, 2024

      Public exposure can sometimes prompt more thorough investigations, whether right or wrong.

  10. Skeptic70 June 21, 2024

    I bet this will turn into a he-said-she-said mess with no clear resolution. Typical.

  11. Becky June 21, 2024

    I hope this doesn’t overshadow the good work that other public health officials are doing.

    • Anna M. June 21, 2024

      That’s a valid concern, Becky. One person’s actions shouldn’t tarnish the whole system.

  12. CuriousCat June 21, 2024

    Can they not just fire the guy already if he admitted to the affair?

    • Francis June 21, 2024

      There are due processes that need to be followed. It’s not about immediate firing, it’s about a thorough investigation.

    • CuriousCat June 21, 2024

      I get that, but it’s hard to see justice being served when things drag on.

  13. Linda June 21, 2024

    I hope that whatever the outcome, the families involved can find some peace soon.

  14. Tom H June 21, 2024

    Nonthaburi sure knows how to keep things interesting!

  15. Jason L. June 21, 2024

    It’s sad to see private lives being torn apart like this for public spectacle.

  16. Natasha R. June 21, 2024

    I wonder how this will affect the nurse’s career. She has a child to think about too.

  17. Alex J. June 21, 2024

    Did the hospital director really think no one would find out? Such recklessness!

    • Ryan June 21, 2024

      People often think they’re untouchable in high positions, then it all comes crashing down.

  18. Eliza M. June 21, 2024

    Makes you wonder what else happens behind the scenes in these institutions.

  19. Henry June 21, 2024

    The public deserves the full truth. No cover-ups.

  20. Kira June 21, 2024

    I really hope the investigation uncovers everything, whatever the truth is.

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