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Daring Train Stunt Gone Wrong: 19-Year-Old Injured Near Phatthalung

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In an astonishing series of events captured on video, a young passenger was seen clinging to the door rail of a moving train, only to be struck by a pole beside the track. The incident unfolded on August 5th, somewhere between Ban Ton Don and Phatthalung stations. The dramatic footage, a screenshot of which has been circulated widely, was posted on the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) Facebook page, sparking widespread discussion and concern.

The sequence of events began at precisely 3:15 PM, with the passenger onboard train No. 452, traveling a long route from Sungai Kolok in Narathiwat to Nakhon Si Thammarat. The 19-year-old thrill-seeker decided to lean out of the train door, one arm precariously gripping the rail while the other captured the moment on his phone for social media fame.

As the train rattled past, his unguarded moment turned perilous when he collided with a pole standing alarmingly close to the tracks. Despite the impact, which resulted in injury, the determined young man managed to maintain his grip for a harrowing stretch of time. His ordeal went unnoticed by fellow passengers and staff until the train finally pulled into Phatthalung station, approximately ten minutes later. It was only then, as he fell onto the platform, that the full extent of his situation became apparent.

Paramedics responded swiftly, transporting him to Phatthalung Hospital. The diagnosis revealed a swollen head and several bruises but, to the collective relief of everyone involved, an x-ray showed no serious internal injuries. This narrow escape served as a stark reminder of the tragic potential of such risky behavior.

The SRT, in response to the incident, issued a stern warning to passengers about the perils of such stunts. They emphasized the importance of adhering to safety regulations while aboard the train, urging staff to enforce these rules more rigorously to prevent future occurrences.

This incident underscores a broader trend of individuals risking their lives for fleeting moments of social media attention. While the appeal of capturing an adrenaline-pumping video may be strong, the possible consequences may well be life-altering, if not fatal.

As the digital age continues to push the boundaries of what people will do for likes and shares, it’s imperative to remember that some risks are simply not worth taking. Safety and common sense must remain paramount, especially in environments as inherently dangerous as a moving train.


  1. Liam H August 14, 2024

    Honestly, what did he expect would happen? This kind of stupidity is just Darwinism at work.

    • Sophia R August 14, 2024

      That’s a bit harsh. He’s only 19. We’ve all done foolish things at that age.

      • Liam H August 14, 2024

        Sure, we’ve done dumb stuff, but putting your life at risk for social media clout is a different level altogether.

      • mainstream94 August 14, 2024

        It’s extreme, but it shows a bigger problem with how social media messes with young minds.

  2. Kate L August 14, 2024

    The railway should be held accountable for having poles so close to the tracks. That’s dangerous.

    • Sam August 14, 2024

      Blaming the railway is ridiculous. It’s common sense not to hang out of a moving train.

      • Elena M August 14, 2024

        Agreed. If he followed safety guidelines, he wouldn’t have been hurt at all.

  3. Markus75 August 14, 2024

    Social media is ruining lives. These trends keep getting dumber and more dangerous.

  4. Nina August 14, 2024

    What’s wrong with people these days? Why risk your life like this?

    • Kevin D August 14, 2024

      It’s the dopamine hit from getting likes and shares. People are addicted.

  5. EmD August 14, 2024

    When will people learn that likes and shares aren’t worth dying for?

  6. Jack August 14, 2024

    Glad he’s okay and hope he learned his lesson.

  7. KellyGreen August 14, 2024

    SRT should definitely enforce stricter rules and safety measures to prevent these stunts.

    • Jimbo August 14, 2024

      How are more rules going to solve this? People need to use their brains!

      • Riley P. August 14, 2024

        Rules won’t help if people don’t respect them. Education is key.

  8. Emma W August 14, 2024

    It’s sad that young people feel this pressured by social media. Society needs to address this.

    • trolltastic August 14, 2024

      LOL, cry me a river. If people are dumb enough to do this, it’s their problem.

      • Emma W August 14, 2024

        It’s easy to mock, but there’s a deeper issue here. We need compassion.

  9. Zoe August 14, 2024

    What a terrifying experience! I hope he and his family are doing alright.

  10. Floyd August 14, 2024

    The bravery these kids try to show on social media will always amaze me…and not in a good way.

    • Beth August 14, 2024

      It’s not bravery; it’s desperation for validation.

  11. Lucas M. August 14, 2024

    This is a perfect case for stricter social media regulations. They’re endangering lives.

    • XRK20 August 14, 2024

      Good luck with that! Regulation is almost impossible given the way the internet works.

      • Lucas M. August 14, 2024

        Nothing’s impossible if the stakes are high enough. Lives are at risk.

  12. Anthony August 14, 2024

    Wow, I can’t believe he survived that! Hope he recovers quickly and stays off social media for a while.

  13. Frank H August 14, 2024

    Just another example of natural selection at work.

    • Maya August 14, 2024

      That’s a very cynical way to look at it. He’s a kid who made a mistake.

    • Gloria P August 14, 2024

      Exactly, Frank. Actions have consequences.

  14. Olivia S August 14, 2024

    This should be a wake-up call for everyone chasing likes on social media.

  15. Nicholas August 14, 2024

    Social media platforms should hold some responsibility for encouraging this behavior.

  16. Becca August 14, 2024

    I’m just relieved he’s okay. That had to be horrifying.

    • Tad August 14, 2024

      No one would have noticed if he wasn’t stupid enough to hang out of a moving train.

      • Becca August 14, 2024

        It’s still someone’s life. Compassion costs nothing.

  17. Andrew B August 14, 2024

    Hope this story goes viral so more teenagers realize these stunts are dangerous.

  18. Samantha G August 14, 2024

    The allure of social media fame is becoming incredibly toxic.

    • Phil J August 14, 2024

      Indeed. Even adults are falling victim to it, let alone impressionable teens.

  19. JJ222 August 14, 2024

    Actions like this should be on a social media blacklist. No likes for dangerous stunts!

  20. Tina M August 14, 2024

    When did we stop teaching basic self-preservation instincts?

    • Brent August 14, 2024

      Parenting needs to evolve with the times. Many parents don’t even grasp the risks themselves.

  21. Jake L August 14, 2024

    Just shows how much society has degenerated thanks to the obsession with internet fame.

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