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Government’s Shocking Retort to Backlash: Stubborn Stand on Controversial 10,000 Baht Digital Handout Scheme Unrocked Despite Thunderous Criticism!

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On Sunday, the reigning Pheu Thai Party reaffirmed its commitment to the much-debated 10,000 baht digital money handout initiative. Despite widespread criticism, it stands steadfast, asserting that the endeavour will not be suspended. The party promises that by this month end, they will reveal all final details of the project.

“The core concept of the project will remain the same. However, certain particulars and conditions might warrant necessary modifications”, stated Treechada Srithada, a veep appointee and Pheu Thai spokeswoman.

With a spirit to heed the voices of the people assiduously, Prime Minister and Finance Minister Srettha Thavisin, in unison with his deputy Julapun Amornvivat, previously pledged that the outlooks from both advocates and adversaries of the schema will be duly weighed while the government gears up for its inauguration.

She dropped a hint that an explanation to the perennial question concerning the source of a hefty 560-billion-baht fund to execute this plan will be forthcoming from the committee entrusted with its realization. “Pheu Thai has always been rigorous in maintaining financial and budgetary discipline”, she underscored, harking back to its longstanding track record that dates back to its original incarnation as Thai Rak Thai.

She rebuffed the critique accusing the administration of intractability concerning the grand handout, arguing that an expert panel had rigorously assessed its feasibility in advance of presenting it as a central strategy for driving economic invigoration.

“The 10,000-baht digital money project is tantamount to an ‘economic revivification’. It will literally whip up a ‘cyclone’ of economic stimulation”, she opined. “The downstream effects will imbue consumers with augmented purchasing power, facilitate liquidity for businesses, and open up more employment opportunities. The tranquillity of economic stability can be regained after a prolonged standstill.”

However, Democrat Party spokesman Ramet Rattanachaweng implored the government to genuinely heed the dissenting views on the digital money project. He alluded to Prime Minister Srettha’s conspicuous absence of lucidity about the project’s practical implementation plan. Specifically, he cited the lack of clarity regarding the funding source and an evaluation of the actual economic propulsion vis-à-vis the probable inflationary repercussions.

“While there are myriad perspectives on this project, don’t simply dismiss their views offhand as unreasonable – especially insights from those economists and specialists who command authoritative expertise in this domain”, Ramet opined. “These pedagogues harbour genuine goodwill and profound concern for the nation’s broader picture.”

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