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Huawei’s Digital Bus Initiative: Bridging Digital Gaps in Thailand’s Remote Schools

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Huawei Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd., in partnership with the Collaborative Project on Children and Youth Development under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, has hit yet another successful landmark with its ‘Digital Bus’ initiative. This endeavor rolled into action in the Cognis Thai Border Patrol Police School in Sakon Nakhon province on June 10, 2024, as part of its continuous mission to bridge the digital skills gap in Thailand. Aiming high, the program targets to train 2,000 personnel across six provinces within the year.

The Digital Bus project represents a strategic collaboration between Huawei Thailand and the Cognis Thai Border Patrol Police School in Sakon Nakhon, which serves students from nine remote villages, totaling 262 young learners from kindergarten to grade 6. Through this partnership, the Digital Bus curriculum has been tailored to focus on economic philosophy, leveraging technology to bolster social development knowledge, and promoting environmental conservation. This initiative underscores Huawei’s unwavering commitment to bridging the digital divide in Thailand while empowering young digital natives, especially in less accessible areas.

Since its inception in 2022, Huawei has consistently partnered with various schools throughout Thailand to advance the Digital Bus initiative, ensuring that burgeoning talents in remote areas are well-versed in innovation and technology. Subjects culled include sciences, cutting-edge innovations, and cultural studies, with a view to their practical application in everyday life. The stark reality is that digital inequality persists in many parts of the world, including Thailand’s remote regions, where technology adoption lags behind urban centers. This disparity in digital technology access and knowledge utilization continues to create significant gaps.

For 2024, Huawei is on a mission to extend the Digital Bus’s reach, training 2,000 students and personnel across six provinces, including Nakhon Phanom, Krabi, Kanchanaburi, Chaiyaphum, Nakhon Nayok, and Rayong. Efforts in Nakhon Nayok and Rayong build upon Huawei’s ongoing collaboration with UNESCO since 2023. This year, an enhanced Digital Bus curriculum places a strong emphasis on technological applications in agriculture, boosting household agricultural productivity, and educating the youth on the importance of cybersecurity to arm them against online threats.

Dr. Apisit Phuengphorn, Principal of Cognis Thai Border Patrol Police School, shared his thoughts: “On behalf of our organization, I express profound gratitude to Huawei for their steadfast support of Thai youth. The Digital Bus project graciously imparts critical digital knowledge, while also engaging kindergarteners in recreational activities, providing nourishing meals, enhancing our school scenery, and paving the way for numerous enriching activities. Ultimately, the Digital Bus project not only inspires but also paves the way for children in Thailand’s remote areas to nurture their dreams.”

Over the past two years, the Digital Bus initiative has disseminated invaluable digital knowledge to students from upper elementary to junior high levels, and extended its reach to over 4,500 provincial commercial officers, volunteer doctors, and local laborers across 14 provinces. These include Sing Buri, Songkhla, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Chiang Mai, Nakhon Ratchasima, Phichit, Phayao, Bangkok, Chonburi, Chiang Rai, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Samut Sakhon, Nakhon Si Thammarat, and Nakhon Nayok.

Committed to enhancing education and the quality of life for youths in Thailand’s remote areas, Huawei has generously delivered 24 ‘Ideahub’ Interactive Displays to Border Patrol Police Schools and local healthcare centers nationwide. Additionally, Huawei facilitated electricity and digital classrooms at the Border Patrol Police School in Ban Mong Kua, Tak province, by installing solar panels and Huawei Smart PV Solutions. The Digital Bus initiative is intricately woven into Huawei’s overarching mission, ‘Grow in Thailand, Contribute to Thailand,’ driving Thailand towards becoming a digital hub of ASEAN. Through the ‘Lead Everyone Forward, Leave No One Behind’ initiative, Huawei continually advocates for digital equality.


  1. John Doe June 10, 2024

    I think this initiative by Huawei is incredible. It’s great to see big companies making a difference in remote areas.

    • Techie123 June 10, 2024

      Sure, it’s a nice gesture, but let’s not forget that Huawei is getting a lot of PR from this. It’s not purely altruistic.

      • Sophia H June 10, 2024

        PR or not, at least the kids are benefiting. Sometimes it’s not about the intentions but the outcomes.

      • John Doe June 10, 2024

        I agree with Sophia. The results speak for themselves. These kids are getting access to something they otherwise wouldn’t have.

  2. grower134 June 10, 2024

    This sounds like another attempt by Huawei to soften its image after all the controversies. Just saying.

    • Anna June 10, 2024

      But isn’t it better that they’re using their resources to contribute positively, regardless of their motivations?

    • grower134 June 10, 2024

      True, but we should always be critical of tech giants and their motives.

  3. Emily C June 10, 2024

    I love the focus on not just digital skills but also environmental conservation. It’s a holistic approach to education.

    • Paul S June 10, 2024

      Agreed. Technology and environment need to go hand in hand, especially for the younger generation.

  4. Steve J June 10, 2024

    Digital inequality is a massive issue everywhere, not just in Thailand. Kudos to Huawei for this.

    • tech_guru June 10, 2024

      Exactly. Digital literacy is key in today’s world. More companies should follow suit.

      • Steve J June 10, 2024

        Definitely. Let’s hope other companies are inspired to start similar initiatives.

  5. Larry Davis June 10, 2024

    Why rely on companies like Huawei? Shouldn’t this be the government’s responsibility?

    • Megan T June 10, 2024

      In an ideal world, yes. But governments can be slow to act. Sometimes private initiatives can fill the gap.

  6. rekijah June 10, 2024

    Awesome! Kids in remote areas need opportunities like this to catch up with urban centers.

    • Tommy L June 10, 2024

      Absolutely. The world is becoming so tech-driven; leaving anyone behind isn’t an option.

    • rekijah June 10, 2024

      Exactly my point. Equality in education is crucial for future generations.

  7. Patricia M June 10, 2024

    The collaboration with UNESCO adds another layer of credibility. This is a big deal.

    • James R June 10, 2024

      Right? It’s not just a corporate stunt when UNESCO is involved.

  8. Michael June 10, 2024

    I wonder how sustainable this project is? Will it continue after the initial hype dies down?

  9. Lisa Sch June 10, 2024

    This makes me hopeful for digital education worldwide. More power to initiatives like this.

  10. Olivia June 10, 2024

    Innovation in education is always a good thing. These kids are the future, after all.

  11. Bob K June 10, 2024

    I’m curious about the cybersecurity aspect. How comprehensive is the training?

    • cyberexpert88 June 10, 2024

      Good point. Cybersecurity basics are crucial, especially for young, impressionable minds.

    • Susan W June 10, 2024

      Yes, teaching kids about online threats is incredibly important. It should be a part of every curriculum.

  12. Chris P June 10, 2024

    Is it just me, or does this feel like a way for Huawei to market their products in these areas?

    • Rebecca June 10, 2024

      Well, even if it is marketing, it’s beneficial for the kids and communities involved.

  13. Jamie June 10, 2024

    I hope they expand this initiative to more countries in need. It’s a noble cause.

  14. grower134 June 10, 2024

    Do we really know the long-term impact of such initiatives? Are there any follow-ups?

    • Ella June 10, 2024

      Good question. Long-term effectiveness and sustainability are crucial.

  15. Mary T June 10, 2024

    The fact that they installed solar panels is impressive. It’s a win-win for education and green energy.

  16. Zack June 10, 2024

    Only time will tell if this truly bridges the digital gap or just scratches the surface in these remote areas.

  17. Ethan N June 10, 2024

    2,000 personnel across six provinces is a huge task. Let’s hope they can pull it off smoothly.

  18. Grace June 10, 2024

    I’m really impressed by Huawei’s commitment to the ‘Leave No One Behind’ mission. It’s inspiring.

  19. Jake June 10, 2024

    Does anyone know how these ‘Ideahub’ Interactive Displays work? They sound futuristic.

    • tech_guru June 10, 2024

      They’re basically digital whiteboards with interactive capabilities. Great for modern classrooms.

  20. Linda June 10, 2024

    This project is a prime example of how private and public entities can collaborate effectively.

    • Liam June 10, 2024

      Indeed. Partnerships like these can bring about significant changes quickly.

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