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Is Gaza Conflict Spiraling out of Control? Shocking Revelations of Hidden Bombs, Evacuations, and Unveiled Secret Command Center!

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An unforgettable symbol of solidarity: Arrays of shoes are being displayed in Seoul, South Korea, each pair representing a life lost in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The poignant exhibit drew the eyes of many at the supportive rally for Palestine held last Friday, a testament to the global concern over the crisis in Gaza.

In tandem with this event, The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT) released a powerful statement on the same day, voicing deep concern over the current turmoil in Gaza. The NHRCT’s report divulges an alarming tally of over 10,000 innocent civilians, a large portion being women and children, whose lives have been abruptly taken by the conflict. Furthermore, the situation has forcibly uprooted over a million individuals, causing a substantial disruption in the delivery of critical humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people.

With a sense of urgency, the NHRCT has made a public plea to all parties involved, urging them to squarely address the critical state of human rights in Gaza. They are demanding immediate ceasefires and the clear passage of humanitarian aid to help safeguard civilians and provide much-needed resources to the affected population.

The NHRCT strongly emphasizes the importance of adhering to international humanitarian law during this turbulent period, insisting that humane treatment of civilians, an impartial investigation into alleged abuses, and holding accountable those committing acts that breach the provisions of the applicable Geneva Conventions is vital. In conclusion, the NHRCT reiterated that the human rights of civilians must always be upheld, imploring for a swift yet peaceful solution to halt the continuous cycle of violence engulfing the people of Gaza.

Last Friday revealed a startling revelation. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed that the Israeli forces discovered under Al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip, a clandestine command center, along with unnerving findings of bombs and weapons. This claim has drawn scrutiny from the global community, including the United Nations (UN) and several Middle Eastern leaders, sparking debates surrounding the validity of their alleged discovery.

Simultaneously, Israel announced its control over Gaza’s harbor after battling and neutralizing ten militants, clearing the surrounding buildings, and abolishing ten tunnel shafts, according to a military statement. This domination has elicited distress in the southern Gaza Strip, as residents have reported sightings of Israel dropping leaflets near Khan Younis, indicating an impending evacuation. This move has heightened apprehensions about a potential expansion of Israel’s battle against Hamas, a group labeled a terrorist organization by both the United States and Europe.

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