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Marijuana is officially decriminalized in Thailand today

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The delisting of cannabis as a narcotic substance on Thursday opened the door to the release of more than 4,200 convicts serving sentences for cannabis offenses throughout the country.

People condemned to prison for other crimes were not released, however.

More than 3,000 inmates serving sentences for single marijuana offenses around the country will be freed on Thursday.

The Ministry of Public Health has stated that cannabis would be removed off the list of category 5 drugs as of Thursday, June 9.

A total of 4,200 inmates incarcerated in cannabis cases will be eligible for release, according to the Narcotics Suppression Bureau. Arrest warrants for cannabis usage would be withdrawn and cases still under investigation would be dismissed.

On Thursday, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board will formally remove cannabis off the Category 5 narcotics list, meaning that police will no longer be able to arrest anybody in possession of the drug (ONCB).

Until Thursday, when a Ministry of Public Health notification published in the Royal Gazette on February 9 comes into effect, the ONCB explained to police around the country how cannabis would no longer be regarded an illegal narcotic.

To put it another way, this implies that it will be legal to cultivate, grow, import, export, distribute, use, and own cannabis. As a result, cannabis oil extracts that include higher concentrations of the principal psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), will still be classified as a category 5 substance and be subjected to the same restrictions as other drugs.

‘Police officers may confiscate any items that contain cannabis oil without authorisation or that are not authorized by the Food and Drug Administration before filing charges against wrongdoers,’ an ONCB source said.

Those who possess or produce cannabis for personal use are exempt from arrest by the police.

[wpdiscuz-feedback id=”fo0huww3dx” question=”Please leave a feedback on this” opened=”1″]Despite being allowed to cultivate cannabis in one’s own house, it is illegal to cook with dried cannabis buds, what do you think?[/wpdiscuz-feedback]


  1. Jimmm June 9, 2022

    You can smoke it but you cant eat it?!!? What a weird rule.

  2. Robbio June 9, 2022

    What’s the point if you can’t get high?

    • Editorial Team Post author | June 10, 2022

      If you are using it for medicinal reasons you can for example stress, or pain.

      As long as you are not medicating yourself in public around many people it is currently acceptable.

      There is a lot to be done related to this topic, and we expect regular changes in the upcoming months.

  3. Andrew Turner June 10, 2022

    The fact that the law has changed does not alter the fact that those being released have knowingly broken the law. Surely they are being punished for breaking the law?

  4. hansa June 10, 2022

    It would be very wise, and economically efficacious, if the Thai government would make it easy for businesses to offer cannibis products. Without a doubt, the number of tourists coming to the Thai Kingdom, would sky rocket!

  5. Terry June 10, 2022

    No clarity between personal and recreational use with the latter being discouraged and not allowed. What criteria is in place for such (enforceablel?)regulation.

    • Editorial Team Post author | June 10, 2022

      It is yet to be known.

      For now it is advisable not to use/smoke cannabis in public as it could be considered a public nuisance.

      We are paying close attention to these upcoming months, as it will shed light on all of the edge cases which are bound to arise when changes this large happen.

  6. Terry June 10, 2022

    How will recreational use be enforced. Being in possession is legal is what they say. It’s definitely not clear how they will differentiate between legal possession and the personal use vs recreational use. What constitutional law will be applied if recreational use is found. Clarification is necessary. Are protocols in place such as prescriptions or registration? A Doctors documented recommendation? How will possession and personal use be clarified while recreational use is some type of offense punishable in what way. Tourists already shying away from Thailand due to “no recreational use’ being promoted. Unfortunately tourists as a majority will be looking for recreational use but when they see “consequences” the kingdom could be shooting itself in the foot while they look for tourists dollars. Not a good time to drop the ball thailand!!!!

  7. Zoumbini June 10, 2022

    Will it be possible to drive after smoking one, or two, joint??

    • Samantha June 11, 2022

      Probably not the best idea, but everyones tolerances are not the same.

      This is the same when taking any type of impairing medication.

  8. John Burr June 11, 2022

    It seems silly and unnecessary to prevent cooking with the dried buds as not only have Thais traditionally used it for cooking but this is by far the healthiest way to use it.

  9. Daniel June 11, 2022

    I have been a Respiratory care practitioner for 35 years and I have taken care of every disease of the lungs, and right now the worst things for the lungs is the air pollution in Bangkok and the air pollution in Chang Rai and Chiang Mai, this year has been very good with very little burning thank Buddha because we have a terrible lung disease called COVID-19 that is among us. Marijuana is best taken by cooking it in cakes and cookies. Cooking with it is the very best way to take it and my prescription is one marijuana bud from the female plant per cookie . Eat one cookie after One hour if the pain doesn’t go away cookie number two. Be sure not to drink and drive. Smoking marijuana is not healthy for the lungs that’s why I suggest eating marijuana. All substances whether it’s alcohol or marijuana can be abused it can be used in a very beneficial way or it can keep you poor from making you very lazy to go to work. I love the fact that marijuana has become decriminalized. I am a lung specialist and if you have any questions feel free to ask me. If you want to be super healthy you can make keto cookies which will not make you fat and they will lessen the pain from your arthritis or your stress from your stupid boss who is a complete A$$ Hole! Cheers from North Thailand the land of magnificent waterfalls and cool weather!

    • Samantha June 11, 2022

      Thank you for this comment, I will try this out.

      My lungs are a bit sensitive.

  10. Sombat June 11, 2022

    I don’t trust any government in principal. Now it is legal ….but not legal. The government in Thailand changes every month and if I be honest I’d still would be very careful in Thailand. The reason might be that the police will try to make money from you when they find something on you……

    • Daniel June 11, 2022

      Party all you want just not in Thailand!!! Watch the Back Pack dreadlock hostile sleeping wanna be cool people all end up in jail……… The Thai People make Fun of them!

  11. terry hawkins June 12, 2022

    Thai rules and laws are so weird…weed should be for any adult who wants OR needs it !!! Anywhere !!! Please let those people out of jail. I lived in Thailand for 20 years. I smoked weed most months…never had a problem with police. Once at the BKK main Eastern bus station on the way back from Pattaya police found a roach on my friend…cost what money we had on us and we went on our way…but I do not trust Thai laws and they change with the wind…be careful…be respectful, and be smart about smoking.

  12. Mark Stanich June 12, 2022

    Thats very good news for Thailand all the tourist will go there too relax .Vietnam , Laos , Phillipines will lose the tourist dollars until they follow suit .

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