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Thailand’s Civil Aviation Authority has issued an advisory to airlines about new entrance rules that go into effect immediately

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Returning Thai citizens do not need to register for the Thailand Pass, but must show proof of immunization or a negative test result. According to Suttipong, fully vaccinated travelers do not need to submit a negative test result in order to enter Thailand. According to Suttipong, foreigners who do not have a Thailand Pass QR code may be denied boarding, albeit the airlines are responsible for checking this. Suttipong says that the Thailand Pass registration process is now easier and more convenient, according to a Bangkok Post piece. Foreign tourists to Thailand who buy a $10,000 Covid-19 insurance policy can register for the Thailand Pass and get a QR code without waiting for their application to be accepted.

Thailand’s Civil Aviation Authority has alerted international airlines of new entrance criteria that will take effect today. The first group consists of fully vaccinated travelers who should use an antigen test to self-screen for Covid-19 symptoms. Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated people in Group 2 must obtain an antigen or PCR test 72 hours before travel. Foreign visitors who have not acquired a Thailand Pass QR code make up the third group. All international airlines operating in Thailand, according to CAAT president Suttipong Kongpool, are obligated to screen and categorize passengers into three classes.


  1. joe sampson June 2, 2022

    the covid jab is designed to kill people and lower world population.

    • Stjepan Patrik June 4, 2022

      Grow up!
      If we had non of the vaccines, the human race would not exist by now. TB, small pox,Polio and others would have a better of us.

      • Klaus June 4, 2022

        People like you are dangerous! No education and believe all MSM BS. Without vaccines human would be stronger… better immunity!

        • Pap99 June 4, 2022

          May have better immunity, but a much lower population.

          • Dave June 6, 2022

            There is zero immunity given: the Pfizer results now prove those jabbed are much h more likely to become re-infected/infected. Why? Because those of us that did not take this experimental jab but recovered now have long-lasting natural immunity those jabbed will never regain. Never, they are being altered by gene therapies with unknown long-term consequences.

        • Tony June 4, 2022

          maybe but in the mean time millions more would have died,,

          • Dave June 6, 2022

            Bwahahahaha…you have a crystal ball to know this…how? The msm even admitted a 99.5% recovery rate for those infected by this flu. No…there were zero benefits to taking this experimental jab designed in a lab to “fight” a “virus” designed in a lab with “gain-of-function” added to infect humans. Well…the Gates Foundation made billions…so there is that “benefit” for him.

      • Dave June 6, 2022

        Only children blindly trust the garbage spewed by msm.

      • Nando June 10, 2022

        These experimental gene sera have nothing to do with the vaccines you mentioned. Furthermore, studies in British Medical Jurnal, Lancet, Nature, PubMed indicate DNA modification by sera. It has been demonstrated in the liver and in the laboratory. You are uninformed or misinformed.

    • Tony June 4, 2022

      At last, rules changed, however i wish there were more insurance companies covering those over 74/75 to get accident and covid cover, those few that do rip you off, latest 30 days covid/accident only,, ÂŁ11.500 baht wont mention names!!,

    • Dave June 6, 2022

      In the US, the pharmaceutical companies admit the “vaccine” does not immunize against infection. you can still catch and give this virus, whatever it is. So what is the real reason “vaccinated tourists” can enter without a PCR test? It doesn’t matter if one is jabbed or not: you can still give and catch this cold…and I for one will not accept taking a still experimental gene therapy that Pfizer wanted to hide the results of for 75 years, but fILED. PEOPLE are being harmed and killed by the jab.

      • Dave June 6, 2022

        Sorry, Pfizer failed to keep the results from the public for 75 years. And from the releases of results, it is obvious why.

  2. Mike June 3, 2022

    Thailand is killing their economy to prevent a flu like illness. Poor leadership at best and arguably nefarious.

  3. George June 3, 2022

    Pathetic, stupid thai government, THE VACCINES DO NOT WORK, idiots

    • Dave June 6, 2022

      They “work” just as planned by the Gates Foundation….once labeled the “population control” foundation…

  4. DULAURIER June 3, 2022

    Thank you for your information.

    • Editorial Team June 3, 2022

      Happy we could help.

  5. Maria Dolores Grundstrom June 3, 2022

    How about the transit in Bangkok what is our requirement.

    • Editorial Team June 3, 2022

      For international transit: If you are not passing immigration then a Thailand Pass is not currently required, but you will still need a valid Insurance policy.

      For domestic travel there are no restrictions in place.

  6. Paul Hastilow June 3, 2022

    As a NewRetiree who has been here 6 months now, and have been through the Mill to get, Blue Book, yellow book,and Pink ID card, for my House, Blue book for Car, Green Book For Bike and the relevant Drivers licenses, All at a cost, I am wary of All these constantly changing rules and regulations about travel, to and From Thailand.
    I need to visit UK to visit my ailing Mother, who is 91 yrs young.
    My concern is, if I leave, for 3 weeks, what are the requirements for Re Entry seeing as I am unvaccinated, and refuse to be, with Clot Shot, and Death jabs.
    Due to Deep Vein Thrombosis. I ascribe to Ivermectin, and have done for the past 2 yrs.
    It’s amazing to me, it’s not , readily available, as the proof it works is irrefutable.
    Ask any “Free Thinking Uncorrupted Doctor”.

    • Pap99 June 3, 2022

      This is normal for Thailand.

      Anyways everything is getting easier.

      • BobbyThai June 4, 2022

        I just landed, and I agree… Was 1000% easier now than 4 months ago!

  7. John June 4, 2022

    To be honest; The Thai government is rapidly killing the economy.
    They are not interested in tourists.

    Thai Pass for tourists, but not for Thai citizen.Its very weird and discriminating,

    And one day a Phuket offical announced "not to wear a mask".Reversed it the day after ? Wearing a mask in a tropical area- or airplanes.No way.

    Paying for insurance despite you are supporting the economy buying food,drinks etc..

    Lack af transparent VISA rules.You have to hire a company to do the paperwork, to be sure.

    Risk of being hospitalised without being sick.

    Double prizing system.

    I think most europeans will find another destinations.Its too RISKY.

  8. Zama747 June 4, 2022


  9. David Porter June 4, 2022

    does this mean that Residents, i.e. Retirement Visa holders with an exit re-entry will not have to have Thailand Pass or Insurance as they have to have substantively more on deposit anyway.

    • Editorial Team June 4, 2022

      If you have a Thai social security card you may use that in place of the insurance.

      Otherwise you will still need the insurance policy to obtain your Thailand Pass to enter Thailand.

      • David Porter June 5, 2022

        but by buying and being granted a reentry visa isn’t that being given permission

        • Editorial Team June 5, 2022

          That is permission on your visa to come back on the existing visa which is a general immigration requirement.

          The Thailand Pass is a requirement by the Department of Disease Control (DDC) which is separate.

  10. Mark June 4, 2022

    Ah double Thailand what a shock. Haha

  11. David Mastroanni June 4, 2022

    Old news. The pass needs to be scrapped, if there is any hope of reviving the highly decimated tourism industry. Level heads need to prevail. And masks need to be scrapped too.

    • Editorial Team June 4, 2022

      The Thailand Pass has already been greatly improved compared the last few months.

      Approval times have been shorted to only a few hours, and all you need is proof of insurance, and passport photo as well as a few trip details.

      We personally think they may convert it into a digitized version of the TM6 arrival card.

  12. tracy goodsell June 4, 2022

    The land of smiles is amounting to becoming the land of hypocrisy,cruelty corruption and a Non smiling Thai population.having to wear masks outside in a 30 degree heat is hypocrisy taken to another level.these unnecessary restrictions cause more harm than good.I visited Thailand in January 2022 to witness these ludicrous rules.Even the homeless street people were wearing masks.I sadly witnessed the shut down of many restaurants,bars and the complete shutdown of the once famous walking street in Pattaya.England restrictions were lifted in January and science told the world that the disease was a less serious threat.So why Thailand are still imposing restrictions of any kind can only be seen as maybe a deliberate attempt to cause further damage to there economy or to cause more misery towards there own people.The corruption and hypocrisy in this country is so obvious and so sad to see.Don’t think I will be traveling to Thailand any time soon.

  13. Luigi June 4, 2022

    I vaccinate with 3 shots, still need antigen test covid 19? Already got Thai pass.

    • Editorial Team June 4, 2022

      You do NOT need any test as you already are vaccinated, and have your Thailand Pass already.

      If you were unvaccinated, and obtained a Thailand Pass with unvaccinated status then you would need a test.

      • Luigi June 5, 2022

        Many thanks

  14. Matthew StPierre June 4, 2022

    If Thai Nationals don’t have to register for a Thai pass then why do foreigners have to? If they would just open up the country like every other place in the world, the economy would grow and get back to normal. Tourists want to visit, enjoy a holiday, but don’t want to go through the hassle of applying for a Thailand pass. And why are the flights so expensive now??? trying to make up for the loss of revenue from covid????

    • Editorial Team June 4, 2022

      Thailand Pass is connected to an insurance requirement at the moment, and because of that we think that Thai do not need a Thailand Pass because they do not need Insurance.

      Flights have increased as demand has increased.

  15. HJK June 4, 2022

    Thailand passport exclusively for non-Thai persons. There is no clearer way to show visitors that they are not wanted. But explain to the Thai population that they don’t know why no one comes either.

  16. Marc Wilaby June 4, 2022

    And what about Xpats who visit their home country and now wish to return. Do we need a QR code, advanced registration, and an approval bar code tattoo on our forehead or will our return be easy just showing our vaccination card and Visa?

    • Editorial Team June 6, 2022

      If you are not Thai you will still need a Thailand Pass.

      You would also need insurance if you do not hold a Thai Social Security Card.

      The process has been greatly improved, and insurance policies are as low as $20 USD.

      Approval is within 24 hours.

  17. Tomi June 5, 2022

    The Thai Immigration rules are totally confusing the want to be tourists.
    On the other hand the prices jumped up so much that if you calculate the high flight, food and accommodation costs, the earlier benefit of the lower Thai prices does not apply anymore.
    It is impossible to follow the daily changing rules.
    Furthermore Thailand wants super rich tourists to come, high visa costs, insurances, etc.
    It’s so much stressing, that it’s better to visit other easy countries with ocean and sunshine!

  18. Nando June 10, 2022

    I lived several months in this wonderful country, with wonderful people. I will not return to Thailand, sadly, until all restrictions are lifted. Vietnam was wiser, I will go there or in those Asian countries that will accept me without discrimination. I’ll spend my money there.
    Everything is emerging about vaccines. The truth can no longer be hidden. These restrictions have damaged strong economies such as the American and European ones, I dare not imagine the economic damage to the Thai people who live on tourism.

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