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The Public Health Ministry of Thailand advises a 10-day quarantine

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Who knows if Thailand will pay attention to government warnings regarding Covid-19. Yesterday, the director of epidemiology at the Department of Disease Control reported that over the previous two weeks, there had been about 400 patients in Bangkok and the nearby provinces who were on ventilators. Most are in the high-risk “608” group, according to the director. The elderly, those with underlying diseases, and expectant women are all included in this. Dr. Rungrueng Kitphati, a spokeswoman for the Public Health Ministry, stated that anyone leaving their home, such as for a trip to the hospital, must wear a mask. Bangkok in particular is seeing a “mini-wave” of Covid-19 infections in Thailand. Even while there have been reports of about 2,000 cases each day, other experts contend that there are actually more like 20,000 to 30,000 illnesses occurring each day. The World Health Organization (WHO) is cautioning that the Covid-19 outbreak is far from over even though things seem to be returning to normal. Rungrueng said that during their self-quarantine, outpatients should also stay in well-ventilated rooms alone. He also suggested they use separate bathrooms. If this is not possible, he stated that once Covid-19 patients use the restroom, all surfaces must be cleaned and disinfected. We discovered that a number of infected patients disregarded the 10-day quarantine requirement and left the facility, which is likely to spread the illness to others, according to Rungrueng. The 10-day quarantine period must be adhered to, according to Thailand’s public health authorities, if a person tests positive for Covid-19. But people are tired of safety precautions in Thailand and most of the rest of the world. The governor emphasized that there are still open hospital beds in Bangkok and that only 20% of the beds in Bangkok’s field hospitals are occupied. Bangkok Governor Chadchart Sittipunt announced that additional field hospitals and isolation facilities would be reopened if necessary to address the recent increase in Omicron sub-variants BA.4 and BA.5.

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